Writer: Maidintheshadows
Subject: Death and the Dark Lord
Link: Tumblr / 04.11.2021
Death and the Dark Lord
Voice from the Shadows — The question — “Why should I want to follow the Dark Lord? All I see on many of the tumblrs I have found is about death and destruction. What about life and living? I want to live not die? It doesn’t appeal to me at all.”
My response:
You have an honest concern and it needs to be addressed. First and foremost you need to understand that following the Dark Lord is not an endorsement of the macabre or death itself. Following the Dark Lord, as you have seen in my tumblrs, speaks to and about life and living your life to fullest. Sadly, the xian attitude concerning all things “Satan” tend to turn in the direction of all manner of evils which have nothing to do with the Dark Lord. It is that we, even those of us who follow him have fallen into the trap of endorsing the age old horror aspects which have been applied to Satan and the Dark Lord. We see this in how Satan is portrayed with horns and a tail and mists and evil sounds, screams, etc.
Death will come soon enough for all of us. Why is it that we glorify it? I believe its because we both fear death and want to know what happens afterward, the latter we have to take by faith because we can’t travel back and forth between this life and eternity. But the macabre and the horror, that is not the Dark Lord, and if you think about it you will see that those who endorse it usually profit from it in some way and not necessarily financially. For the most part, horror and the macabre are products of our imagination and “shown” to us through the work of artists and writers who are adept as painting portraits which cause us, over time, to say “This is how he really must be.” We too often fail to see that how Satan is portrayed is often based on historical art and cultural understandings which avoid his true nature.
If you enjoy the horror genre, that is fine. But don’t in your heart of hearts, see the real Dark Lord in that light. if you do, you are deceiving yourself and loading yourself down with lies which will, as we often say, come back to bite you. Don’t buy into the horror aspects attached today to the satanic.
Throughout history His Wickedness has been portrayed like the Emperor in Star Wars … If that were true why do so many seek him? For many reasons, yes. But not because of all the negatives one sees when looking at how believers in the Dark Lord are portrayed. Death isn’t the focus for following the Dark Lord, nor is a willingness to be able to endure horrible things
Darkness isn’t bad or evil. It’s a reality in life. There is night and day. I’m not going to attempt to “wax wise” on this topic of light versus darkness, but i will say it is easy for someone to be afraid in the dark because they can’t see. This natural fear which we may or may not overcome is the basis for the fearful thoughts that can and do emerge from our minds. Xians use this fear, as do others, as a way to describe the Dark Lord as a predator, because initially that was a primal fear humans had so long ago and we still do. Go to Yellowstone where bears roam … and when you stay overnight in a tent, what do you do with your food? Do you see?
Don’t let someone or something have you believing that following the Dark Lord is all death and horror and involvement in the macabre. That simply isn’t so. Read my articles about what it means to follow the Dark Lord. I think you will be pleasantly surprised … or have you already read them and are seeking reassurance you are making the decision you want to make.
The Dark Lord isn’t “dark” for the reasons stated by those that damn him. He is “dark” because he comes to us from way before time, out of the darkness of the past where not much is known of him or history itself. If you want to live your life to the fullest with confidence and a sense of true freedom, then continue to read my tumblrs on the topic and you will find that following him is the logical choice for you. Ave Obscurum Dominum.