Feature Writer: Darkness Coven
Feature Title: Darkness Coven Satan Prayers 1
Link: TUMBLR / 16.10.2020 / Reposted by kalykaly83
Prayer for guidance
Teach me, Lord Satan, the knowledge of the ages
Guide me in thy wisdom
Let me feel thy presence and experience what you have for me
Don’t let me be bound by irrefutable doctrines
But lead me to true freedom
Give me the strength to leave my comfort zone
To explore that which is forbidden by those who believe they are wise
Take away the fear that binds me
Set me on my true path
But if you don’t think I am ready, let it be as a sunrise
Allow me to see your light as well as your darkness
The fullness of who you are
Satan, Melek Taus, Lucifer, Azazel
If I could have anything, it would be to know your truth
To believe in what is real
Not in someone else’s insanity
So as I walk down this narrow road
Don’t let me be discouraged
As it is you who have placed me upon it
Prayer of thanks
For all the things you mean to me, I thank you
For the joy in my heart, the life in my spirit, I give you thanks
Satan, Father, you give me a reason to live
You give my life meaning
Every day is a treasure in which you encourage me to grow
You nudge me to enjoy every minute
The signs you give me, I treasure
The dreams you send, they guide me
Your presence reassures me I am not alone, for that there are no words
Energy you give when I am weak
Strength you pour into my being when I must walk the difficult walk
When I am sad, you comfort me
When people hurt me, you let me know you are on my side
You are everything I will ever need
You’re my Father, who I go to with everything
My Teacher, who guides me in all knowledge
My Protector, when I am in danger
My Creator, who made me who I am
And above all, Satan, you are my God with whom I will spend eternity
Thank you, with all my heart
Thank you, from the depths of my spirit
Thank you, with all that I am
Thank you for these. I will pray to Him everyday with these as a guide. Hail Satan