Dark Destiny by Destiny1961

Writer: Destiny1961

Subject: Dark Destiny

Link: Email LS666 / 08.08.2023

Dark Destiny

I have been trying to find myself and purpose for a while. I was diagnosed with what was called a dual personality as was told my shadow side is becoming real. I live the life of a married Christian man to a devout Christian woman while my shadow is a feminine demoness slut, or wanna-be for daddy Satan. I have gone from calling and worshipping Satan in a hidden way.

Recently though it has been like the teenage girl who while her parents are in bed brings in her bf and fools around. Even with the wife and her mom, her shadow has taken us deeper as we have used stronger means to grow small tits and even used toys and poppers while they were not too far away. We are confused as to how to live this double life as she must try and fill the lust.

After having a stroke my world was even more confused but now as we try to figure out our destiny or place another thing has brought confusion. We live in a sort of void as the miss now has cancer and we are unsure of the future. I have found my shadow many times asking to be removed from this situation so she could live for Satan and explore her lust, but as I sat a few nights ago wondering the future I found myself calling out to Jesus to make the wife whole.

I asked forgiveness for shadow as well as was uncertain of what would become of us. We have made contact many times with different demons and have used poppers and wondered about harder stuff as well. We both serve two different gods and it came to a strange head after I asked for help. We lay in bed as I called upon my God then it was her turn.

Satan was about to talk. We have a breast enlargement pump and even though it was midnight and we have work coming she grabbed them and we pumped til it hurt. As we lay there is now complete darkness and serenity we grab our poppers. Just a small hit or two as we should I say feminize. It is time to call about the future as we feel the lust.

We have turned off any lights including night lights as we now need clarity. We go into the bathroom we used as our sanctuary and ritual room and are surrounded by mirrors. We turn on the wax melt candle we use a lot during rituals and hit the poppers. As my shadow calls I remind her we have work and cannot stay up as she calls for her demon spirits. She holds our arms out and we feel someone hold them and then in our peripheral we see shadows.

A little more poppers and what looks like something growing from me in the mirror. More shadows as we now face another mirror and feel them touch us. There seem to be communicating with each other and touching us. More and more poppers and touching and she takes over. We bend over and through the mirror looks like a shadow mounting us and then another.

We have removed the pump cups and rubbed our tits. We hit more poppers until we wobble then turn off the candle and lay in bed as we see the shadows in the room. They seem to be calling to be in bed with us as shadow calls for a succubus. I feel the bed move as if someone entered and then a shadow covers me. She tells it to take and give. After a few minutes, my erection goes down as if after sex and we hear the wife cough. We wobble in and talk for a few minutes as I am lost.

Where is my place I wonder as she seems to be calling me back to our room. As if not enough already she has decided no work as she offers and takes a few more hits of the poppers. She has had me wonder about things like LSD and meth during a satanic sexual ritual. I feel it is time to fall out though they have more for me. Destiny keeps coming to mind as we fall out and then.

I awaken to what seems to be a fog. I am kind of floating into it as it gets thicker. In my mind is my small boobs and small round butt. As I float deeper it is like laughing gas. The fog becomes kind of moist and then something attaches to my butt. It reminds me of the alien as it wraps around the cheeks and has little stingers that go into my butt. Then it wraps around my dick like a penis pump and starts to suck on it.

Finally, something protrudes and goes up my ass and starts to get thicker and deeper. Another then attaches to my chest and the same needle-type stingers. It is like both are filling me as they suck on me to pump my ass and breasts. A third then on my face like the movie as it wraps and a tail goes in my mouth and down my throat. I float there in some sort of suspended animation. I feel my face being pulled and massaged as my gag reflex subsides and my lips feel strange like an allergic reaction as they plump.

I feel a change and then they all drop from me. I see my reflection in the fog like a mirror. My face is feminine with pouty lips and female breasts and a large butt. But my penis is still intact and while not really larger is pumped.

I am confused when I hear a voice simply say, “Destiny.”

Then another says they must finish it. I now see this shadow in the fog as it comes near. It looks strange as it cuts through the fog. I look from bottom to top as it has hooves and hairy goat legs, of course.

I just know it will have tits and a dick but as I look up it has what seems to be a strange-looking vagina. Almost like what I would call a sucker fish as it puckers. The creature has a tail that has an end that looks like a cross between a rattlesnake rattle and cock head. I keep going and where its breasts are there are two small demon-like heads and its face is a cross between male and female. Between the heads of the breasts is something small I cannot make out as It gets close.

Then I feel it say we have created the vessel and now must fill it. It begins to lick my breasts when the tongue turns into a penis and it goes between the breasts and then it grabs my head and shoves it down my throat. As it does I start to feel horny and the two heads grab my tits and suck on them. I start to feel lust as the vagina sucks in my dick. I almost feel a sort of dark passion as it wraps its arms around me and spreads my cheeks.

I start to taste that taste of semen in my throat as I feel its tail slide between my cheeks and into me. It is a weird feeling as it vibrates inside me causing me to explode as its vagina seems to suck the cum out of me. I can feel it tell me to absorb and accept the gifts and then that thing between the heads. It grows like a snake and when it touches between my breasts it sinks into my chest where my heart and soul are. It feels like it connects to my heart and starts a transfusion as it gives me its lust through its blood.

I taste more in my throat as it warms and it goes in the inner doorway of my ass and begins to fill my womb. Then as I start to feel the lust that snake that is attached to my heart seems to connect with my soul. I feel it give me its darkness as I now am sucking on its cock tongue and shoving into its vagina while riding the tail like a whore. Then it fills me one last time and as it unattached itself from us it says it is time to take that next step into destiny. I find myself kneeling in the dark reborn and as horny as a sex demon but who will be my first?


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