Cultural Persecution by Hoku Lani – Non-Fiction

Writer: Hoku Lani

Subject: Cultural Persecution

Link: MEWE / 28.10.2022

Cultural Persecution

Recently many generations of Native American Nations, Hawaiians, Māoris, Tahitians and other First Nation groups have begun to return to their ancient animalistic spirituality. A return to a time before Abrahamic religious polluted these great peoples.

Hawaiian Heritage

Thankfully, the current wave of Hawaiian restoration, approved that the local board of education begin to teach at the elementary school level. Hawaiians were a Nobel race with kind and protective Gods and Goddesses. Thankfully our children are finally being taught how to worship the Hawaiian Gods and Goddesses and a rejection of the false Abrahamic religions Hula festivals and contests create a sense of pride in our culture and hula halaus are flourishing today. These hulas originated from honoring the the Gods and Goddesses and an integral part of ancient Hawaiian religious rites.

4 thoughts on “Cultural Persecution by Hoku Lani – Non-Fiction”

  1. Glad that originaliteit religions return. One of the many things xtians Almost destroyed. Respect for eachother, that is the key. Respect xtians did not and still do not have. The hypocrates if i may express myself like that.

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