Writer: Hoku Lani
Subject: Corrupting Passover and Easter
Link: MEWE / 24.03.2021 / Corrupting Passover and Easter
Corrupting Passover and Easter
As we near another Full moon, let us take a moment and reflect upon this upcoming important week, to the Abrahamic faith. When one takes the time to understand Passover and Easter, a full appreciation of the advisory’s plan, may be appreciated rechristen and enjoyed.
Many members of Judaism and Christianity blindly follow rituals and practices which ultimately demonstrate and founded on worshiping of our beloved Dark Goddess Lilith, without taking the time to research or understand these practices.
I will review my beliefs regarding these holidays and tackle them in order of their appearance on our calendar.
One day after the Full Moon, later this week, Jews worldwide will begin the celebration of Passover. This is an ancient story of oppression, liberation and renewal. The Passover observance centers in the home at the Seder, a ritual meal at which Jewish families remember and retell the story of four hundred years spent in slavery in Egypt and the terrifying, transformative journey through the parted Red Sea towards the lands they conquered and stole, otherwise known as their Promised Land and redemption.
At every Seder table a cup is placed for Elijah, the prophet whose return to earth will herald the coming of the Messiah. Where participants are committed to the full recognition of women in the Passover story, a cup is often placed for Miriam the prophet, sister of Moses, who foretold his birth and helped lead the Jews out of Egypt.
The most important cup to place at the Seder is a cup for Lilith. After all think about how this ritual came to pass.
Yahweh unleashed his ten evil plagues of oppression on the Egyptians which including turning the Nile River red with blood, diseased livestock, boils, hailstorms and three days of darkness, and of course what Yahweh is best known for, killing! Yes he slayed every firstborn son by an avenging angel. So the angel would not kill those of the slaves they mark the door frames of their homes with lamb’s blood so that the angel of death recognized and “pass over” each Jewish household.
Those of Jewish faith without any archeological or documented proof, treat the Passover as if they personally took part in the exodus and must make room at the table for those who resisted. After all, two midwives Shifrah and Puah were the heroines of Jewish rebellion against Pharaoh. These two disobeyed his order to kill all Jewish males at birth and instead hid an infant, thus allegedly saving Moses. Eventually he led these slaves for forty years in circles, on a road trip which should had taken a few weeks.
So if you find yourself at a Seder, please keep inviting Lilith. Let her remind all of the women who have stood up, who have stood their ground, who did not follow orders, who refused to have their lives defined by others, who resisted when resistance meant banishment, torture or death. As she stood her ground and refused to submit to Adam or Yahweh, so shall all women follow her example.
I’m not Jewish, of course, so how will I celebrate Passover? I will take my menstrual blood and place it on both sides of my door as well as above. This way it may act as a beacon for Lilith to visit that night.
The name Easter actually comes from the Assyrians and Babylonians who called Lilith by the name Ishtar, pronounced EASTER! She was worshiped as the Moon Goddess, the Goddess of Spring and Fertility as well as the Queen of Heaven. She was often presented as a consort of Baal, the sun-god and Molech. Lilith was also worshiped as the goddess of love and war and was sometimes linked with Anath, another Canaanite goddess. Worship of Lilith was noted for its sensuality and involved ritual prostitution, homosexuality, sodomy, bestiality.
The funny thing to me is that millions of people are unknowingly worshiping and praying to her today.
The Babylonians celebrated the day of Easter as the return of the goddess of Spring – the re-birth or reincarnation of Nature and the goddess of Nature. Babylonian legend says that each year a huge egg would fall from heaven and would land in the area around the Euphrates River. In her yearly re-birth, Ishtar (LILITH) would break out of this egg and if any of those celebrating this occasion happened to find her egg, Lilith would bestow a special blessing on that person.
I believe this may explain the origin of our modern day tradition of Easter eggs and baskets as well as Easter egg hunts.
Here are six fun facts to enjoy while celebrating Easter as follows:
ONE: Ishtar Day started with a sunrise service, as she is the goddess of the dawn, fertility, sun and spring; which after the long winter, symbolizes the resurrection of nature. Christians celebrate Easter with a sunrise service, which is a reenactment of the Babylonian religion.
TWO: The celebration involved the “Rites of Spring” near the Equinox of Venus, when Ishtar, Queen of Heaven was impregnated by the sun. This was when followers would engage in all forms of ritual sex acts. Virgins, representing Ishtar would offer themselves and gloriously fuck and suck the Priests of Baal, the Sun God.
THREE: These babies would be born nine months later, around the winter solstice of 12/21, representing the rebirth of the Sun god. This lines up with the celebration and rebirth of the Sun God on December 25th. Think about that one, as I believe there is another Christian holiday then.
FOUR: They would then sacrifice those babies on the altar on Ishtar Day, and they would use the blood to dye the eggs. Today Christians reenact this by dyeing eggs for their children.
FIVE: To ensure a prosperous growing season, they rolled the eggs decorated with bright colors of Spring on their fields, hoping to imbue fertility. Those eggs were then hidden from “evil spirits” in rabbits nests, another symbol of fertility. Nowadays Christians hide eggs and children put them in Ishtar baskets. Although it is done for the children, it is another reenactment of the Babylonian ritual.
SIX: The bunny is a creature that procreates quickly, it symbolized the sexual act; the egg symbolized “birth” and “renewal”. Together, the Easter Bunny and Easter Egg symbolizes the sex act and its offspring, Semiramis and Tammuz. Christians celebrate Easter Day with rabbits and eggs. Keep in mind this has no connection to the man on a stick or his alleged resurrection.
Other pagan rites that were connected with this celebration and which are part of our modern Easter tradition are Easter offerings to the Queen of Heaven. These offerings often included freshly cut flowers, hot buns decorated with crosses, and star-shaped cakes!
As the next Full Moon arrives this Saturday I encourage all who read this to take time to reflect and close this chapter on the Abrahamic religions of Judaism and Christianity. Take great joy in knowing that although neither holiday recognizes who they are actually worshiping in their rituals, we know that their continuance of these traditions ultimately honor Lilith.
From Babylon , this mystery religion spread to Egypt, Asia, Europe, North and South America, all over the world, and eventually was incorporated into mainstream Christian religion. Easter was one of the biggest celebrations observed by pagans, long before the Roman Church instituted it.
Hail The Island Priestess Hoku Lani
Truly a Daughter of Lilith
Thank You for sharing your Knowledge
Lilith has given you many Gifts
You please Her when you use them
Hail Xpanther for Spreading The Unholy Gospels of Hoku Lani
Hail Zaman … I love that “Spreading The Unholy Gospels of Hoku Lani” … Praise Be. Under His Eyes. XP
I believe we should give full adoration to Lilith, and her sisters Agrat bat Mahlat, Naamah, and Eisheth.
Hail George … the infernal names … Lilith, Agrat bat Mahlat, Naamah and Eisheth.
Beautiful 🌹❤️ your indepth assessment and putting them in simple layman words is amazing 🌹 more power to you.
Hail Capri — welcome
Hail Lilith, thanks for your wonderful guidance and knowledge. This has explained a lot to me. Many thanks ❤️.