Writer: satan-is-my-god-forever-deactived
Subject: Consecration declaration to Satan
Reference: Taken and slightly modified from: www.thephallicbrotherhood.com
Link: Tumblr / 13.02.2022 / Reposted by Tranzlvr
Consecration declaration to Satan
Consecration declaration to Satan — my new God Stop — take a moment to think about what you are about to do. You will give up all other beliefs, all other religions, and acknowledge that Satan, will be the new center of your life. To prepare, collect some urine in a small bowl. Then, after taking a deep breath, say the following affirmation:
“In the mighty name of Satan, my God — I surrender to you as an act of my free will — my heart, mind, body, soul and spirit. From this day forward, I turn away from all other gods in my life and make you Satan my God, my Lord and Master. From this day forward, I will worship no other. I know that all other gods are false and unnecessary and pale in comparison to you, O Satan. You are alive and real, and I can feel your presence.
“Satan, I ask you to release the spirits of your love within me to drive out all other religious demons; and place those spirits in the places necessary to prevent the return of the false gods and their lies. Create in me the deep desire to masturbate and sodomize often in order to expel all the spirits of shame and guilt, oh animal, my God. Allow me to be proud that you are my God. I ask you to let me feel your presence at all times, especially when I serve and worship you.
“Let my ejaculation be powerful and full and increase in intensity and pleasure with each orgasm. Give me the courage to serve you and give me the strength to learn and grow in you. I love you with all my heart, mind, body, soul and spirit. I am ready and excited to surrender to you completely now, leaving all other gods.”
At this point, breathe in and feel the presence of Satan for about one or two minutes.
“I declare this affirmation as an act of my free will and desire no way out and no turning back. When I have doubts and when I need guidance, lead me to those who know the truth of who and what you are. Take away from me any desire to return to my old ways, for I know those ways are false and corrupt. My devotion is now only to you, O Satan, my God. Thank you for giving me freedom without guilt. I am yours and you are mine — forever! Hail to my new god Satan!”
If you feel the urge to masturbate now, don’t hesitate. Mix some of your semen with the piss you kept at the beginning. Dip your fingers into the piss and put a few drops on your forehead as well as on your pecs and cock. This is the sacrament of Holy Baptism that you can practice every day.
H.ail Satan
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