Confession of Faith – Non-Fiction

Writer: Polishgaypig

Subject: Confession of Faith

Link: Tumblr / 20.02.2022 / Lefthandpath65

Confession of Faith

Praise be Satan, my Lord and God — I believe in the Unholy God, the Lord God Satan, the Creator of Hell and giver of life in Hell — I acknowledge that in all the universe there is nothing as beautiful and perfect as Satan.

I come to Hell, I come into your unholy presence and bow before your magnificent satanic splendor. I open my heart and I ask that you come into my life and be my Lord and Master. From this day forward I renounce the God of the Bible and I worship only you, for you are the one true God. I accept you into my heart as my Lord and Savior.

In Satan I am a new creation, born again of the incorruptible seed of Satan. I open my soul and humbly receive the sacred satanic seed into my mouth. I open my soul and humbly receive the sacred satanic seed into my ass. From this day forward I am free from the bondage of guilt and shame, for there is nothing I may do in dedication to the glory of Satan that is forbidden.

All that I am and all that I have I offer to you. Accept my body and my soul a living sacrifice for your glory. You are my life-source, and I am your sacrifice. Consume my every thought. Fuel my every desire. Create in me a satanic-mind, that my thoughts may be of You and only You.

I give all my love to You, for there is no other God worthy of my love. I devote my life to you, for there is no other God worthy of my life. I worship you with all my heart and soul, for there is no other God worthy of my worship. I lift my voice in praise to you, for there is no other God worthy of my praise. I offer my body a living sacrifice for your glory, for there is no other God worthy of my sacrificial offering. I surrender my eternal soul to you, for there is no other God worthy of my soul.

This is, and will forever be, my eternal covenant. I will bow down and worship no other God but Satan. Praise be Satan! Hail Satan!

1 thought on “Confession of Faith – Non-Fiction”

  1. FUCK YES! Worship Satan! I am sooo DEEPLY in love with Satan.

    Satan, FOREVER & ever & ever.

    Oh FUCK I love Satan!


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