Writer: Black Priestess Ψ Demona Alexis Ψ Temple Ov Satan
Subject: Complete Yogic Breath
Link: Tumblr / 15.10.2021 / © Copyright 2009, Joy of Satan Ministries; Library of Congress Number: 12-16457 http://www.joyofsatan.org/
Complete Yogic Breath
This breathing exercise is the foundation and one of the first taught to beginning yoga students.
- Sit with your spine straight, you may also stand if you wish
- Breathe in through your nose: A. Pushing out your lower abdominal muscles, fill the bottom part of your lungs, then B. the middle part of your lungs, then C. Your upper lungs
- Hold for 5, 8 or 10 counts [whichever is most comfortable, without straining]. NEVER push this!
- Exhale with contracting your lower abdominal muscles, then your mid-section [lower lungs], then your upper lungs, until completely empty of breath Steps 1-4 constitute one round. Perform 5 rounds.