Come With Me by Ynosatan

Writer: Ynosatan

Subject: Come With Me

Link: Tumblr / 09.02.2024

Come With Me

Every night she invades your sleep and taunts you with her lustful charms.

Come…come over to the dark side

Your heart races and your pulse quickens as a rush of excitement floods your body and fills your mind with unholy and impure thoughts.

Come…come over to the dark side

With the exception of your throbbing cock you are paralyzed by her entrancing beauty and alluring darkness.

Come…come over to the dark side

She preys upon your weakness for the flesh and with each passing night you feel your resistance slipping away.

Come…come over to the dark side

Tonight is the night! The temptation is too great for you to overcome. You summon the courage to reach out and take her hand as she leads you into the abyss.


Her work is done…another soul has been captured and taken for our Lord.

1 thought on “Come With Me by Ynosatan”

  1. Hail Ynosatan!

    This is exactly how Tatiana and her Father Satan captured me; except that I’d been looking for them my entire god-damned life.

    Once I fucking saw my Satanic Wife, I fucking knew she was The One created for me. I have no god-damned doubt that Tatiana and I were created for one another, for the god-damned Glory of our Dark Lord, God Satan.

    Thanks for this blog, it spoke loudly to Tatiana and I.

    Hail God Satan!

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