Writer: Destiny1961
Subject: Cliches
Link: LS666 Email / 15.08.2023
It’s funny my dear, as I sit here and go through all the cliches and “Size matters” and “It’s what is inside that counts” are the biggest two that come to mind. Then there is that which is demonic from a “Sissy” to a “Transvestite” to simply being a “Faggot”.
It is not merely words — as I think back to how the word “Christian” was meant as a put-down and I think about how some of us have gone from that simple “Faggot” and instead of it being bad, we embrace it — It is hard for me, as I am what I call a “Tweener”.
I am going to write about a dream that is so mixed up as it had many different goddesses and demons from different cultures and religions but with a single purpose. But when it “Cums” to us dear — and yes said “Cum” as it is the key — again “It’s what is inside” as you and I are both not the most beautiful of God’s creatures, yet so beautiful inside to our Father Satan.
You are smaller and if I remember would consider yourself “Gay” or a “Faggot”. While you are not blessed with size, you’re blessed with a special seed. But not just yours — as you take others whether orally or anally — it is transformed. While we are both considered bottoms, we also have that seed at times we must share from the top. And not so much in a normal way, not even a normal gay way — but satanically.
Here is a strange visual.
There is a tub. We’re dirty. It is filled with water but we cannot get clean if we do not get in. The female of our species was meant as a partner and to procreate and yet if a man does not put his cock inside her and fill her she is useless. Ones like me are meant to procreate on a different level, as will be explained in my new dream. You can also be used for that and while taking his seed is part of the equation giving is as well, just in a new way. Through His magick we can be used to help create or recreate by His will and with that said this next one is for us to read and send me your thoughts.
So neither of us are hung and it is said it is unholy to expel our seed for Satan and the more we masturbate or fill another the more he loves us. If you do it in a ceremonial way by masturbating or a sex ritual does not matter if it is dedicated to Him. We meet in a room set up in some sort of ritual way for a special ceremony to be joined by each other and our Daddy.
Both with hopes we will swallow our lover’s semen and possibly be sodomized by them. An altar is set up ritually and I am dressed in lingerie as I am taking the feminine or wife role. We have written vows to each other and our Daddy. We have heard about meth as it is said to make you not only have big loads but multiples and it is also what we feel is the breath of Satan.
We stand and hold hands at the satanic altar. We begin our enn chants to those we need. We call on Satan first, as we play some sort of dark music. As the hubby, you then call on feminine deities to help bring the feminine spirit into me. I open myself up to possession of such, as we take hits from poppers. Not sure about it — but instead of a glass pipe — we have a bong with meth. We both take a hit and as expected choke at first.
Then we do a sort of wedding-type act that I will admit is strange. Instead of exchanging rings, we slide butt plugs into each other. We feel the demons there as we then say the vows. We take two shots, one of a fireball to represent the fire of home and then an absinthe. We feel it burn all the way down and then we both hit the poppers. We stand in front of a mirror and watch as our reflections distort to what he wants us to see.
We then call on his demons of lust and we both hit the meth and kiss as we share the smoke through the kiss and embrace. We both are horny and you feel the demon seductress inside me pulling at your spirit.
We pause as we stare into each other’s eyes right into our souls. We call for the union, as you take my hand and guide me to the bed and half-lift me in. You slide in and kiss me then work your way down to my tiny tits. You nibble ad suck and work your way down. It is time as you take my dick in your mouth and slide across my body in a sixty-nine.
You suck me as you start to fuck my mouth as if you own it. Slow at first and then I reach round your ass to pull you in so you go down my throat. Our bodies quiver as it is time and you go down my throat. You take me in your throat and we both explode like we never have before. You slide off and I sit up slightly and we remove our butt plugs.
We dedicate, hitting poppers, and close our eyes and you sit on my dick. We ask Satan to give us his seed to share. We both feel something strange as well as feel him make our seed dark. You ride me and I fill you with His seed. We feel the demons around us as you feel it. You slide off. You ask Him to give me to you and to Him — as I lay and roll on my belly as an offering.
You get on my back and dedicate me to Him, saying you offer me and my masculinity as a sacrifice and go into me. This is not about making love. You shove your cock into me and pound me as you ask Him to take me and for the divine feminine to change me — you lay full on my back
“I love you,” you say, “And I accept Satan’s gifts through you.”
You stand again. You blow out the candles.
“We must enter His darkness.”
You get back on top and say simply make it so, and so mote it be, as you shove hard and explode inside of me. You lay on top. We’re both spent and feel him inside us and then as we come back we are like a married couple as we drink and do the drugs and make love and eat each other’s sticky holes.