Circle Of Lust by Destiny1961

Writer: Destiny1961

Subject: Circle Of Lust

Link: LS666 Email / 01.04.2024

Circle Of Lust

So have found an all-inclusive church and there are a couple of transsexuals there. I was trying to connect my spirit again and spirituality. My male side, one way, and my female side went the other. It is so strange to be split as I lay in bed calling out as “Mike,” for my wife who passed and the Lord above to guide me; and then find myself as Seri, calling out to the Dark Lord, for the same but to take control more of the vessel we share.

I used to think those people who say they are split were nuts and that they would have both sides talk to each other, or switch and do things through a different side. But I have found myself doing things I would not normally do and like the bible quote where Paul says, ”Why do I do the things I do not want to, and not do the things I want to?”

So, now “I” have become “we” — and we have gone to an adult store — and Seri bought a few toys.

Seri has bought underwear, wigs, and even a chalice with the pentagram on it. There is a pentagram cross for Seri’s altar with an open pentagram blanket. Then, we’re looking for poppers, my gawd so many different ones — there is one called “Hell Fire.”

Then I heard Seri tell me that if I breathe in “Hell Fire” I’ll be able to feel the power and that I will want her to be more of me. I felt like a psycho, arguing with myself. I noticed a message that said, “Thank you for your order.” The next day was church and so began the “Holy Week”.

I sat and felt a spirit. I kept looking over at the one transsexual female. I was in awe, as she was not this wig-wearing fake. She was bigger, thicker, and even had short hair and a bald spot. True to her body and spirit. After the service, it was raining. We all looked for our moment to dash to our cars. That was when she spoke to me. It was not a conversation, more of a joke about the rain. I felt this tingle as if her spirit reached out to me. She knew her sister was inside me and I told her, she needed to come out.

The “Hell Fire” came in the mail. I was curious. It was getting dark but there was still enough light in my ritual room. I needed a shower but was too tired. I decided to go and just wash in certain areas. I got naked. My ritual room is also a bathroom with a mirror as my doorway.

I cleaned my genitalia and rubbed my Estriol and breast serum on our little tits. I then opened the envelope without the “Hell Fire” inside. We walked over to the mirror. I looked into it.

“Try it,” she offered.

“Just one hit and that’s it, okay?” I added.

“Turn off the lights,” she said.

The ritual room was illuminated using g just the black light.

“You must breathe in the darkness,” she ordered.

I did as she wanted and we became one.

“You need to prove yourself and show me,” she said as she called to her demons.

We took a hit and though small it was pretty strong. I looked in the mirror and it was like “Alice through the looking glass” — as if there were another room inside it — it was almost as if I could reach out and touch it in my reflection.

“We need another hit,” Seri said.

I did it, even though I didn’t want to.

“Show yourselves,” I called out to her demons, “Show yourselves if you are real. Let me feel you … I’ve been breathing Hell Fire for an hour … so let it be your fire that I breathe in! Show me who I am and my place,” we both said as we took a third hit.

I was now kind of taking a back seat to her. We looked in the mirror. As we stared it was like I could see my heartbeat through my skin. I stared at my breasts. They were bouncing, and then from between them, it looked like something was crawling beneath my skin as if there were a snake inside me making my skin move.

I heard her talking but it was faint but she wasn’t talking to me. I felt strange. I watched my body doing bizarre things — my dick was pressed between my thighs — I moved as if screwing someone, using my legs to masturbate.

“Show me what you want from us,” I asked the mirror.

I remembered that some rituals are solidified by ejaculation.

“Here is my offering,” I said stroking myself off.

At this point, I went back to the mirror. It wanted us to take more poppers.

“Turn the light on. Put on your shorts, and tank top, and lay down,” she said, “It’s time that you breathe it in and we will show you the Holy Truth.

Usually, I have to get my breathing back in control but it was fine as I closed my eyes my body felt weird. I cannot even begin to describe it but then I opened my eyes to be inside what looked like some sort of ceremonial chamber with a woman standing there. The room was very dim but could barely see her and we were both naked.

“You are going to learn and become part of the Holy Truth,” she explained, “We are going to become one.”

Behind her on the floor was a circle.

“It’s not evil,” she said pointing to it, “It’s just a star with a cross inside it.”

On the other side of it was an altar with candles burning. There were also various things she could use to open my mind. I swear there was something in the shadows but too faint to make out.

“We are now in the Holy Land. This is where life began. And this is where ours will start over,” she said, as she guided me to the altar.

She said a prayer in an unfamiliar language. We drank from a cup that she said represented our new blood. Then, we ate bread, that she said was our new body. We lit more candles.

“Follow me,” she tells me taking my hand and leading me into her blessed circle.

We walked around the circle and came back to the altar.

“Now,” she said, “We must open our minds.”

We smoked some weed and I felt my body start to get weak. She hands me something else. We both take a hit and blow out this big heavenly-like cloud. I notice the room getting smokey but do not understand or notice exactly why. Silhouettes appear around the outer circle.

“Don’t be afraid,” she tells me, turning to face me, “Carpe noctum! Our Lord awaits you. Egredi sorror!”

I don’t understand or comprehend the meaning but I start to feel like a zombie. She takes my hand and it’s like my body is moving with a feminine feeling.

“All within the circle must now be anointed,” she says.

I’m very erect.

She has me lean back. She pours oil over my little breasts. Then she has me bend and pours it on my butt cheeks as it runs down between them. She hands me the bottle and has me do the same to her as well.

I see the clouds getting thicker.

“Veni ad me,” she calls out to what’s inside me yet again and we go to her.

She holds me close, kisses me, and guides my head to her breasts, rubbing my face between them.

She then rubs my breasts and kisses them as she guides us to our knees. She kisses me more as she starts to speak in a language that I do not understand. She gets me into a position as if we are to meditate together.

She looks down at my erection, gets in my lap, and leans back in what is called, appropriately “Sweet sin.” I feel myself go inside her. She leans back. She puts her legs over my shoulders. She then moves slightly but then uses her vaginal muscles to milk me.

I feel the pressure build like never before. It must be the drugs. I seem to be feeling it but from the inside of myself. She speaks more in her strange language. I explode inside her as she squirts up, over my body. I do not know what is going on but I am enjoying it. She slides from me and gets me to my knees. She stands and lifts a leg over my shoulder. I see her cunt. My semen has started to ooze from it.

“Eat,” she says, “Eat from the dark.”

She grabs my head as it is between her legs and I begin to lick her clean.

I am still hard. She has me stand and holds me as our slick bodies rub together. I feel her slide me back into her. There is someone else in the shadows who stands immediately behind her. I feel something behind me too. I see the shadow of a man behind her. He holds her close and realizes by her body movement and her expression that he must be pushing his cock up into her ass.

“Join me,” she moans.

I can feel the man behind me as he rubs against me. I feel his big cock between my oiled cheeks. The two men blew clouds into our faces. He pushed the tip of his cock up inside me.

“Aaghhhh …” I moaned.

I feel myself stretch. There is a strange feeling of perverted lust. She looks me in the eyes as they begin to fuck us standing there, pushing us both together, as I am fucking her too.

“Yesssss …” she calls out and then kisses me as they shove deep.

We all explode at the same time and my entire body quivers as if an electric shock just hit me.

They depart from us, back into the shadows.

“Can you feel it?” She asked, “That insatiable lust!”

She turns on a black light and we both kneel. We ceremonially blow out the candles around the circle to reveal the face of the Goat. I realize it’s not a star but a pentagram.

I can barely see in the low light but it seems to glow. Though I do not want to go further, my inner demon has taken over. She has us get on all fours and as we face each other, the shadow men come back and encircle us.

I hear the voice of one who remains hidden as I look into her eyes deep. I watch, as a man with a huge cock, gets behind her. He mounts her. Then I feel one behind me. His cock is bigger and I am sure it won’t fit as he pushes into me.

We are now being pounded as the clouds build. I look down at the Goat’s face. Its eyes look back as if it’s pleased with us. She begins to squirt her cunt juices all over it. I gasp as I begin to sissygasm and shoot my load over the Goat’s face as well.

A few more mean take us. Each leaves his seed in us. The circle is soaked with our combined juices. She has been filled in both ends. We’re both oozing as she stands and calls for her priest.

In my mind, her priest represents the Dark Lord. She goes to him and hugs him as I watch. Then he puts a finger inside her and tastes it. He then enters the circle. She drops to her knees and starts to suck him to bring on his enormous erection.

“Lungere eius,” he called to me and I joined her.

Once the priest of the Dark Lord is fully erect, she gets up and leaves the circle. He is huge. He then holds my head and says a Latin prayer over me. I find myself lying down in all the mess. My body forms a human pentagram — my head at its tip, and my arms and legs form the other points.

He pushed his giant cock between my legs. I know it will be painful. The priest leans over my prone body as his cock-head penetrates my hole.

“Don’t worry,” the Dark Lord’s priest says, “Aperi mihi!”

My hole goes loose as he slides deep inside of me.

“I take you for the Dark Lord,” he says.

My body starts to spasm as he goes deeper and deeper inside of my anus. But this is not sex. It is neither making love. It has but one purpose and that is to seed me.

The priest slides in and out. His cock hits that inner doorway to my sissy womb. The lights go out He hits my inner doorway a few times.

“Welcome to the darkness,” he groans.

I feel his massive cock start to spasm.

”Lanua aperta est,” he said as my doorway opened.

I feel him inside me and again my body spasms from pain and pleasure. He laid his body on mine as I squirmed in the sticky mess. I feel it as he unloads inside my body. The pentagram glows as if to say it’s pleased and to welcome me.

I feel this warmth coming from it as the priest pulls out and I am there alone. I start to regain some control of my body but in a dark feminine way that is filled with perverted lust. The candles are re-lit one by one again by the female who brought me here. She rolls me over.

“You are now my sister,” she says and cuddles me inside the gooey circle.


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