Christianity’s marketing scheme exposed By Lucy Az – Non-Fiction

Writer: Lucy Az

Subject: Christianity’s marketing scheme exposed

Link: MEWE / 23.05.2021 / Crucifix Pleasures by  / Lucy Az 

Christianity’s marketing scheme exposed

When you want to propagate a religion that is actually toxic and immoral, you use propaganda and marketing to brain wash and persuade the people otherwise.

First appealing the the human propensity of deferring responsibility and scapegoating (enter the Jesus factor), then you malign its competition as evil, demonic, and immoral (enter the Bible), then you use a narcacistic and oppressive monster to set a standard of morality (enter Yahweh).

Finally, you perpetuate faith as noble, so the people will never research to understand, but just accept blindly.
Counting on the laziness of humanity to not investigate nor pursue their own spirituality, you design a book (Bible), mass produce it and call it truth — affirming evidence not provided of course — this way, you’ve set humanity’s course for them in the direction you want them to go … downward and backwards.

6 thoughts on “Christianity’s marketing scheme exposed By Lucy Az – Non-Fiction”

  1. Hail Lucy Az

    The Wrds of The Az
    Are Wise
    And The Truth

    Thank You Xpanther for Sharing Her Words

  2. Cardinal Glick:
    Fill them pews, people, that’s the key. Grab the little ones as well. Hook ’em while they’re young.

    Kind of like the tobacco industry?

    Cardinal Glick:
    Christ, if only we had their numbers.

    ~Dogma, 1999

    1. Hail BG … excellent

      Cardinal Glick :
      A young follower is a loyal follower … fear, guilt, anxiety … such potent selling tools …

      Rufus: yeah, we have “eternity” to sell … fuck yer

  3. The burning question, what happens after death
    Peasant life was so bad that they would believe anything those in power tell them
    Their minds were ripe for it

    1. Hail John — “their minds were ripe for it” … manipulation, right?

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