Writer: Stingingadder
Subject: Change Is Possible — And Beautiful
Link: Tumblr / 29.02.2024
Change Is Possible — And Beautiful
Powerful inner change comes when you accept Satan into your heart. You might think that Satan can’t be for you — You’re too good, too used to putting others first, too scared of God, too grateful to Christ. But all of these things can change, like the direction of the wind.
It all starts with a choice. A personal choice you make to turn away from Christ and to accept Satan. Many feel this pull and struggle against it for years, desperately clinging to their old selves. And I do mean “clinging.”
But a lifetime of shame, guilt, and indebtedness to the Lamb can evaporate in an instant, in a twinkling of an eye, when you blaspheme his name and his spirit. Let the darkness in.
Even the Bible says that Satan is the Prince and God of this world. Enjoy the riches this life has to offer, why would you deny yourself that? You deserve it.
Hey! I made it on LS666!
I think I’m ready to make the change. I’ve been fighting it forever now but I never commit. I think I need someone to help me commit because on my own I always try to back away.