Catholic Monk by Ray

Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The story’s content is not representative of the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. The author does not condone or promote any unlawful activity as depicted in the story. By continuing to read this work you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character they are depicting but they remain at all times adults.

Writer: Ray

Subject: Catholic Monk

Link: LS666 Comments / 29.07.2024

Catholic Monk

I try so hard not to be around children, I do! I’m a Catholic monk. My name is Brother Damien. I live among other monks in a monastery in France. I spend all my time serving the Lord. I don’t want to mention my past. It was very dark and sexually driven. Let’s say I have been lucky. I found God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Now, my path is strong and I will never let Satan enter my life ever again!

I asked the Abbott if I could go to Paris, to our sister monastery, for a couple of days. They have a splendid winery, they grow their own vegetables, and they make their own bread. It’s just mouth-watering.

I asked the Abbott for permission to use one of the monastery cars for my journey but they were all being used by other monks. He suggested that travel on Sister Teresa’s excursion bus to Paris.

“They have plenty of room and could drop you off at the monastery,” suggested the Abbott, “The excursion bus would be filled with young orphan boys and girls, as Sister Teresa is taking them away for the weekend on a Catholic outing. Brother Damien, I’m sure she wouldn’t mind you joining them for the ride.”

I just stood there thinking. The Abbott sat there expecting my reply.

“You know, Your Highness,” I finally answered, “I’m thinking maybe I should wait for another time to visit our Paris monastery. Your Highness, there are many things to do here. On second thoughts, it’s not an ideal time.”

“Nonsense, Brother Damien! It’s a great time to go. In fact, I insist you go!”

“Okay, Your Highness,” I relented, “I’ll grab my bag. I’ll be downstairs waiting for Sister Teresa.”

“Splendid, my son. I’ll call her now and inform her that you’ll be joining them for the journey.”

Damn, I thought. Anyway, I grabbed my bag and my headphones. I waited for the excursion bus to arrive with all the children and Sister Teresa. I could see the bus turning in, at the gate. It pulled down and turned around in the parking lot. The bus pulled up next to me and the door opened. I grabbed my bag and stepped on the bus. Sister Teresa was driving and I looked in the rear. There sat a dozen or more boys and girls very quietly.

“Thanks, Sister Teresa,” I said, “I appreciate you giving me a ride to Paris. Thanks for taking the time to pick me up and drop me off at our Paris monastery. God bless you, Sister!”

I sat in the first seat by the exit door. Sister Teresa smiled at me and shut the door. We were off. The journey was quiet and unspectacular. I sat and watched the countryside go by. It was about forty miles from home when Sister Teresa turned off the main road. We traveled a short distance down a small unsealed road in the middle of nowhere. What was going on? Why’d we stopped?

Sister Teresa turned and spoke to me.

“Brother Damien,” she said, “Apologies for the detour. I’ve promised the orphans that we’d stop for a while at this place. It’s a little out of the way. But it’s run by some x-communicated Catholic priests and nuns.”

I thought this was rather strange. Why would she want to do that?

“Why have they been x-communicated?” I asked, “What did they do wrong?”

“Well, Brother Damien. We all make mistakes, do we?”

I immediately thought about all the wickedness that I have been involved with in the past. A dark and evil past.

“It seems, Brother Damien, that they were all sent here because they were doing perverted and unholy acts against our church.”

I immediately wondered what kind of perversions and unholy acts they’d committed. They couldn’t have been as wicked as my own. I silently prayed for forgiveness and mercy … forgiveness and grace.

“Sin is everywhere, Sister,” I suggested.

“Yes, it is. Exactly! Well, the church authorities decided to give all these priests and nuns a church of their own. My guess is that it was a way to get rid of them. You know all the scandals! That way, it would let them worship in the way they see fit. And much better they were here than be allowed to be set free with their dark and deranged perversions, right?”

“Dark and deranged perversion,” I said under my uneven and ragged breath.

“You see, Brother Damien, All the children on the bus are orphans. They’re from broken homes. They have all been sexually molested by their a parent, or by another family member, or by total strangers … even their babysitters. Some of them have been molested from birth. They’ve had hours and hours of therapy about what they have been through.”

“That’s so sad,” I lied.

I began to feel aroused by this. My thoughts began to imagine all kinds of perverted thoughts.

“There is a group of special therapists among us. Let’s just say, an underworld group that understands these little angels has spent months with their parents … working to open their souls up … to satanic pleasures. Take a look, Brother Damien. What you see sitting back there … are truly the ‘Children of Satan’ …”

“Dear God Almighty,” I exclaimed, as I subconsciously licked my lips.

“I know. It’s a lot to take in. It seems that their young minds can only worship Satan and Lilith. They even fuck, for Satan. They corrupt, for Satan. They’re here for the weekend … to serve Satan … and his nuns and priests … that also worship the Dark Lord …”

I was shaking with dark excitement. Sister Teresa could see my sexual arousal.

“I myself, Brother Damien, love and worship Satan!” she confessed, “You see, I heard from the Abbott all about you. We know all about your past. We know everything about you. We know you’re like us. And we understand that you’ve had lots of experience with little angels like these …”

“Well, I … I …I …” I was cotton-mouthed.

“We know you too have worshiped the Dark Lord,” Sister Teresa cried, “That you have given praise to both Satan and Lilith … haven’t you?”

How did they know? I wasn’t sure, but I wasn’t going to ask.

“Brother Damien … These wicked, unholy, perverted children will fuck, suck, and eat cunt. They will take bestiality. They will be worshiping Satan all weekend. Brother, you must taste the unholy forbidden fruits of the Lord God. Do you remember the sensation of having your cock sucked? Sucked by a young boy. Sucked until you blow a huge load down his small throat. Do you remember how it felt to fuck his boy-pussy deep and hard? Do you want to give in to those delicious sinful pleasures, again, while these unholy children beg for more?”

I couldn’t believe it. It was torturous, you know, having all those children around when I was a recovering pervert that had been molested as a child too. Molested by both men and women. And as I had grown up, in turn, I had molested others. I had been almost caught by a parent, so I stopped and joined the Catholic Church as a monk

As I looked around this bus full of the unholy ‘Children of Satan’ my cock got rock hard. Sister Teresa could see my cock bulging out.

“Hail Satan,” she said as she pulled open her habit, showing off her bare legs.

She stuck her fingers between her legs and inserted them up her filthy, unholy cunt.

“We must strip down,” she instructed, “We both must be naked before Satan, my brother. All of us, now. Let us enjoy the pleasures of Hell. Can’t you feel the fire burning in your soul? God will never forgive you for what you’ve done — raping the innocence of so many girls and boys — so instead of your fruitless efforts for absolution … give in and join us! Join Satan! Let his filth fill your mind. Set your unholy-cock free, Brother!”

I was shaking all over, but followed Sister Teresa’s instructions as we got off the bus. With her habit open wide, my eyes feasted up her hairy cunt-cave that was already open, wet, and smelly.

“Lick me, Brother,” she groaned, “Get your filthy tongue in my cunt, suck my clit … let the young ones jack you off … while you eat my cunt … feel their little hands grabbing your balls, your cock, fingering your ass-pussy. Brother, let your heart ask Satan for all the wickedness of Hell!”

I lifted my shapeless habit over my head. Exposing my nakedness beneath. I got down on my hands and knees in front of Sister Teresa.

“That’s it! The first step to Satan! Suck my nasty cunt-hole. Suck all my cunt juices. Aragghhhhhh!” she moaned, “Get your tongue deeper in me! Taste the “Cum of Hell’. Brother, your cock must be at least nine inches of pure filth! Brother, these young ones will look so hot riding that huge Satanic shaft of yours, Brother, ball’s deep … Aaraghhhhh, YES!”

My hands gripped her thighs as her cunt juices soaked my face.

“Brother Damien, will you join us? Will you give yourself, heart, soul, and cock to enjoy all the pleasures of Hell?”

I lifted my face from her hairy crutch.

“Oh, yes! Oh, yes! I’ll do as you want, Sister,” I cried with joy, “Oh, yes. I truly need some young cock and pussy! It’s time I remembered who I am. I’m a satanic fucking pervert who loves the taste of naked children. My cock throbs for tight pussy and ass. My cock feeds on the ‘Filth of Hell. Oh, Father who art in Hell, bless me in the name of wickedness, perversity, and bestiality. Hail Satan and Lilith.”

“Then you shall receive!”

Sister Teresa calls over a young boy. One of the smallest. I looked at him with pure lust.

“Tell me, what you’d do with this one?”

“I want to take his helmet, lick it, suck it, make it rock hard. And pick him up and slide my huge filthy, unholy cock into his tight ass-cunt, stretching his ass-pussy out on my nine inches of pure filth, pleasuring myself as I pump him up and down. Grunting and praying to Satan! Thanking the Dark Lord for this bounty of his Children …”


6 thoughts on “Catholic Monk by Ray”

  1. As always the start of another Ray story. I love it so far and look forward to more of the story

  2. Satan be Praised…the darkness spreads and it feels so right….cannot wait to read more…

  3. A nasty 🔥🔥🔥 hotttxxx story

    Disclaimer in affect

    The eight-year-old girl in the bed next to me slept soundly. On my left side my somewhat older girlfriend Lisa snored gently. So how did I end up in bed with an eight-year-old? Well, let me explain. Children flock to me like I’m the Pied Piper of Hamlyn and little Zoe proved no exception. She was the daughter of our old friends Ross and Sue and often came over to watch TV or just hang out. She stood about four feet tall, a skinny little thing with stick-like legs and a protruding rib cage. Zoe had her blonde hair cut in a cute bob setting of a little button nose and the brightest blue eyes I’d ever seen. Her mother and father weren’t really very interested in the little girl or her younger sister so Lisa and I became like Zoe’s surrogate parents. Tonight was the first night the pre-teen had stayed over. Tomorrow was Saturday so the little girl wouldn’t need to go to school. As a result Zoe now slept next to me on the bed wearing only a pair of shabby white panties. It was a hot night and I wore only a pair of boxer shorts. Because of the heat the eight-year-old had kicked down the covers to expose her snow-white chest and tiny pink nipples. She slept peacefully without a care in the world, unaware that the man next to her was a raging pedophile with far from innocent intentions. My hand inched across the eight year old’s chest and gently caressed her baby nipples. It was a moonlit night and I could see her pre-teen body clearly; the bony ribs and cute little “innie” belly button made my mouth water.

    Zoe moaned, “Oh that feels good Auntie Lisa, push harder.” While my girlfriend fucked the little girl I let my hands roam all over her body, pinching her tiny nipples and drumming a tattoo on her little clit. She was one turned on little slut and pushed her ass back in time to Lisa’s thrusts. Zoes breathing gradually increased in tempo then she bucked backwards hard as an orgasm tore through her pre-teen body. My girlfriend pulled the dildo from the eight-year-olds sex. It glistened with immature love juices as it rested obscenely in the crease of the pre-pubescent girl’s bottom. “Are you going to fuck her in the ass?” I asked, unsure of Lisa’s intentions. She shook her head, “Not tonight, lets see how much of your cock we can get in this little pussy.” It was my turn to penetrate the little girl. She was wet and two inches of hard adult cock slipped into her with ease. I didn’t want to hurt her so I was careful not to push too hard. Lisa frigged herself gently as she watched me fuck the little girl. One hand squeezed her nipples whilst three fingers of the other plunged into her soaking pussy. I held Zoe by her small hips as I sawed my cock in and out of her pre-teen love box. All the while the little girl made mewing noises as a sign of her pleasure. It didn’t take me long to come. I knew it would turn Lisa on to see cum shooting into the eight-year-old and I told her to watch as I came. My girlfriend thrashed and moaned in the throes of her own orgasm whilst my cock squirted thick white jism into the pre-teens pussy.

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