Feature Writer: Haytam Rayan (Demonologist,spiritual master and body healer)
Feature Title: Can a demon follow a person and attach themselves to the people around them?
Link: QUORA / 26.11.2020 / Reposted by
Can a demon follow a person and attach themselves to the people around them?
Demons can indeed follow humans but i prefer to use the word attach, demons or Jinn can attach them selves to humans, depending on the place and the person status and spiritual weakness or actions they do.
You should all understand and bare in your mind that not all attachments are the same, not5 in the result neither the symptoms.demonic attachment symptoms are different from case to case according to the demon type and reasons.
If we want to talk about attachment we must know that demonic attachments have been misunderstood and undermined, i call it the clever possession because it is not always has clear demonic side effects and will be treated generally due to normal human pressure or problems.
You will see lots of funny answers here or there nearly all has nothing to do with the reality of demons but if you wish you can read my previous answer about demonic possession.