Feature Writer: DaBook

Feature Title: CALL OF THE INCUBUS 1

Published: 06.06.2024

Story Codes: Erotic Horror, Gay, Demons

Synopsis: A young college graduate gets in trouble investigating a cult.

Call Of The Incubus 1

Chapter 1: A Step Too Far

The large city of Valley Ring is centered around a river that forms a ring around the inner city. The poor sector of the city is centered around this “Ring”, as over time the poorer denizens were attracted to the jobs that were located in the city center. The outer ring was built as the city started expanding outwards, away from the marshy area. In fact, nearly a hundred years ago, the city attempted to drain the marshes around the center, and it ended in disaster.

The attempt was botched which led to the center being flooded. It was later drained properly, but the center is still known for being poor and bad infrastructure. The outskirts of Valley Ring became known for being a rich and vibrant area. It quickly became a highly populated city due to the many business and economic opportunities. It soon became a tradition for those who wanted to make it in Valley Ring to survive the center first.

In the city center, rumors started circulating of a portal to hell being located somewhere in the center. There were also rumors of cults popping up in the city center, many trying to summon demons or draw power from this mysterious portal. Eventually, these cultish activities drew more attention from people outside of the city center.

People like me …

I live on the outskirts of the outer ring, the richest section of the city. I spent most of my time inside studying, managing to graduate early at the age of twenty-two. I still looked like a high schooler. Most people didn’t know I was part of the Castille family since most of my family is two shades darker than me.

I didn’t exercise much either, so I looked way scrawnier than I should be. While I have spent most of my time inside, I slowly started to notice people going missing near the college I used to go to. A lot of strange people showed up around there too, but the strangest part was that no one was talking about it. When I brought it up to my parents or teachers they always brushed it off, saying these cults rise and fall too quickly to be a threat. However, I couldn’t keep ignoring this, I had to investigate these cults myself.

Following the cult to the inner ring, just outside of the city center. Even here, the strange cultists were careful not to disturb the public. They wore dark robes with red stripes outlining the sleeves. It hung down low, completely covering their feet, with pointy hoods obscuring their face. A typical cultist look, one many people have seen before.

If they were closer to the outer ring they would have been laughed out of the streets, but here everyone seems to scared to look at them. Due to my small size, I was able to follow them to the city center. I made sure to stay low and keep quiet. The cultists traveled into a forested area, I had to be even more careful. Stepping on a branch could completely outshine me, and I doubted I could outrun these guys.

Soon I found my way to an old warehouse and felt sick to my stomach. This warehouse is infamous for a lot of cult-related atrocities, getting caught around here could lead to my death. I was going to turn back until I heard screaming coming from the trees to my right. A young woman who was about as me was tied up and was being carried like livestock.

“Let me go, please!” she screamed.

She was struggling against the restraints, she wasn’t a small woman either. You’d think the two cultists would have some trouble handling her, but despite her struggle, they had no trouble at all. Their sleeves were rolled up, and I could see their large and powerful muscled arms, clearly straining from holding the woman.

Then I saw a larger figure come out of the darkness of the warehouse entrance, fixing a gag on the woman’s mouth. Once the goons got inside this figure dragged a long, heavy chain with an oversized lock and completely sealed the entrance. I was going to make a note to report this and come back for whatever is left behind, until I felt a rushing heat behind me, and a hellish wailing behind me.

My back was turned, until I felt the rushing heat behind me. Once I noticed It, I couldn’t tear my eyes away. It was a horrifying sight, a pinkish, fiery aura surrounded the warehouse. The heat from the warehouse made me sweat, almost burning my skin. I swore I could see heatwaves, I think I can hear screaming too. It’s a horrifying sight, one I should be running from.

But I couldn’t look away

It was like an Aurora Borealis, an extremely terrifying version of the natural phenomena. The faint screaming and unsettling noise emanated from the warehouse. I must have been staring for hours, only coming back to reality once I heard a loud thumping from the warehouse entrance. I only just noticed the figure guarding the entrance has disappeared. The door had a large bulge on it, the chain loosened.


Two more large bulges appeared in the door. Then, one last …


It rang out through the whole area, and from the darkness of the warehouse emerged a tall, dark figure. I could barely see what It looked like, but I could see Its eyes. Its violet eyes radiated pure violence, and its sharp teeth gleamed in the hellish haze. It locked eyes with me, a viciously gleeful expression crossed its face, and I realized I needed to run.

However, I could only take a few steps back before it caught up to me. It was huge, its head raised far above mine; when it pulled me close, I couldn’t see its face. I tried desperately to push it away and run for my life, I kept struggling until it started speaking.

“Stop struggling,” it said.

Its deep voice reached me to my core, to the pits of my being. My body seized up before relaxing. I was frozen, feeling oddly satisfied with whatever fate this creature wanted to dispose of me. It peeled me off its body to get a better look at me, I also used this opportunity to get a better look at it.

Now it was bending down to look at me, I could see its face. It had pale skin and a slim nose. It also had large plump lips that were painted black. It reminded me of the goth girl that used to hang around the back of school.

Long purple hair covered half of its face, it would normally cover its eyes, but its bright violet eyes shone too brightly to be ignored. My eyes started focusing on Its naked body. A large, masculine body, with bulky muscles covered its body, sculpted to near perfection and slick with sweat. My eyes traveled lower until it spoke again.

“What is your name, boy?” it asked me.

Its dark, husky voice stole my attention, my eyes snapped back to its face. I opened my mouth, but couldn’t speak, my mouth dry and eyes wide with fear. Its hands released my shoulders and traveled to gently grab my hands. Then it spoke again.

“I know my appearance scares you a little, so I ease you into this.”

It leaned in and kissed me on the lips. My fear melted away as its insanely soft lips pressed onto mine, my heart slowing with each passing second. It pulled away, eyes no longer glowing. It looked down at me expectantly, biting its lip impatiently. Soon I remembered how to speak.

“It’s Adrian Castile, and I’m not a boy.”

I look up to its face, wanting to stand my ground against this creature. It sneered at me, a viscous smirk cut across its face, sharp teeth fulling revealed, Its otherworldly nature clear to me.

“You’re bold speaking to me with such defiance, those cultists you followed tried to control me.”

It grasped my face with both hands and pulled me closer to Its face.

“I tore them apart, licked the blood of their corpse, and laughed as they screamed for mercy. Any kind of mercy.”

Its eyes lit up again, burning into the back of my skull.

“Submit to me, and I will make your last moments worthwhile.”

It licked its lips and then leaned in for another kiss, once again feeling its soft lips, but I did not want to die under its control. I bit its lip, biting hard enough to draw blood. It pulled back and wiped its lips. When it turned back to face me, it was smiling. It spoke up to clear my confusion.

“I didn’t expect you to bite so hard, I didn’t expect you to fight back.”

It walked closer to me, pressing me against a nearby tree.

“What does someone as small and weak as you could do to me?” it asked me.

My face was buried in its chest. I had to crane my neck to look it in the eye.

“What do you want?” it asked me.

I always wanted everyone to listen when I spoke. I always wanted a relationship where I was on top. I always wanted to caress the powerful wall of muscle in front of me. I always wanted to be the biggest, the strongest.

“I want to be,” I breathed in before continuing, “Like you …”

I was losing concentration as my hands felt the powerful muscles of this otherworldly creature. Its powerful arms rose up to my head, hand scratching its change, deep in thought as its sinister grin widened. Then it grabbed the back of my head and carefully pulled my head up to see my face.

“Interesting …” it whispered, “So you want the power of an incubus,” then it suddenly backed up, “Let’s see how long you last; I give you full permission to worship my body.”

I lost all self-control right then and there. My hands started exploring his body, reaching up to its arms, feeling its smooth skin and shredded biceps. My face was still stuck in its chest, so I started licking its huge pecs, once I found one of its nipples, I kissed it and then started suckling like a baby. I really couldn’t get enough of this monster!

I couldn’t hold myself anymore, I moaned, loudly. I moved down to its abs, licking and caressing each muscle I could find. I moaned again, lost in lust, I came as I tried my best to satisfy the creature the best I could.

The creature pulled me off its body, I could see it was speaking, but I couldn’t hear anything. I would’ve started worshiping its body again if I didn’t notice it pumping up its cock. It was massive, at least twelve inches long, and half as thick as my forearm. It was already hard, drooling precum all over my shirt. Once I saw it, I already knew what to do.

I got down on my knees, licking the underside of its cock, once I reached the massive, bulbous, head, I kissed it and started licking the slit. I lapped up the precum, noticing how sickly sweet it was. Wasn’t semen supposed to be salty? Whatever questions that I had stayed in the back of my head.

I couldn’t pull myself away from its cock, I couldn’t stop, I started sucking the head, struggling to make it fit in my mouth. I kept going, stretching my jaw as much as I could, even as it reached the base of my throat. Eventually, my gag reflex activated, and my body forced me back.

As I gasped and sputtered, I could hear it giggling.

“You almost convinced me you knew what you were doing,” a snarky grin curled up its face, “You probably spent a lot of time watching others provide pleasure, but you don’t have the experience to do it properly.”

Its large hand caressed my face.

“Little dog, you don’t know what you’re doing don’t you.”

My cheeks flushed with embarrassment, this creature had seen more action than me in a week than I ever had in my entire life. But still, I didn’t want to just give up.

My hand grabbed its cock, I took a deep breath and tried to fit as much of it down my throat as possible. I gagged, my jaw muscles ached, and tears streamed down my face, but I kept going. I must have reached halfway until it grabbed the back of my head.

“Since you’re so determined,” it said, “Let me give you a helping hand.”

It forced me to down its entire cock, I could feel it in my throat. I was completely lost, it started thrusting, fucking my mouth as hard as it could, but I was already numb to it all, all I could feel was pure euphoria as it continued to ravage my mouth. I completely lost track of time, only regaining focus when It finally came, sweet semen blasting down my throat, even coming out of my nose. I came too, completely letting loose on the forest floor.

I leaned against the tree and looked up, noticing dawn breaking from behind the trees. I felt so tired, barely able to move. I could still hear it giggling, as it reached down to scoop me up, cradling me as wiped the semen drooling from my mouth. Its smile looked a little warmer now, and it pulled me close and opened its mouth.

“Where do you live, dog?”

It asked me with such a tender sweetness, I almost let my guard down and answered. Then I felt my jaw slack, realizing how damaged it must be now. It noticed I couldn’t speak, instead putting its hand on my head, large black, bat-like wings unfurled from its body. As it started flying, I started licking and suckling its nipple, hearing it giggle as we started flying away from the forest, away from the bloody warehouse, as the dawn shined behind us.


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