Brother Myrmydon’s 9 Laws of Demonic Spirit Contact by Solomanta

Writer: solomanta

Subject: brother-myrmydons-9-laws-of-demonic-spirit

Link: Tumblr / 15.05.2024 / The Devil’s Bible

Brother Myrmydon’s 9 Laws of Demonic Spirit Contact

1. Always use respectful conjurations when attempting to contact Demons.

2. Always have the proper offerings/accouterments prepared for any Demon you attempt to contact.

3. Never attempt to contact a Demon that you know nothing about.

4. Always have a specific question/request for any Demon you attempt to contact.

5. Do not attempt to “banish” a Demon at the end of your ritual.

6. Do not form a “protective” circle when attempting to contact Demons.

7. If you attempt to contact a Demon do not show any fear of whatever might manifest itself.

8. Always name a specific Demon when attempting to make contact.

9. Not all Demonic manifestations are immediately apparent.



Have you ever attempted this? Interested to know about your experiences with preternatural encounters. A few years ago, I had it in my head, to make this happen, but when I tried, I failed miserably. What have you experienced? How did you make it happen? What happened in consequence?


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