Feature Writer: The Goddess of Death
Feature Title: Bloody Mary’s Diary
Copyright: (c) 2012, The Goddess of Death. All rights Reserved.



I am Bloody Mary, or that is what the wiki apparently calls me. I am supposedly a folklore, a superstition. My reputation is a bit underestimated in that all I do is scare. But they did not banish me to the mirror world just because I look scary. You are going to get the uncensored tale of my life and then you can tell me whether you will want to summon me ever again.

I was banished to the mirror world because I was known as the most filthy, evil woman ever to walk this planet. They said that I would have an eternity to think about my lewd self, and how I should feel sorry for what I did. But what they don’t know about me is, I thrive on the feeling of remorse, I get off on the feeling of being as bad as I can be without inhibitions. I have had a lot of time to masturbate. Best part of it is, I am immortal now and I honestly do not think I will ever get tired of the disgusting stuff I am able to think up.

Even though I am confined to the mirror world, I am able to live out my dreams, once someone summons me. The more fearful of me they are, the longer I get to stay after I have been summoned. So as you could imagine, I have new methods of terror every time. Of course, once I get to the beautiful climax of delightfully murdering the last victim, I am zapped back into the first mirror that has my reflection. And after something has been your home for so long, you always want to happily come back.

Naturally, you would assume the nasty Bloody Mary to be ugly, but you would be dead wrong. As I stated, I only get to stay if they are afraid. If I climbed out of the mirror looking like the super model that I am, nude, with my boobs flapping around, all you get is boners, and I get zapped back into mirror world. So I take the appearance of hideousness. But while I am talking about it, damn, wish you could see me right now. I have long black hair, and long legs that seem to tower into my black short tight leather miniskirt forever, and my hips wide and butt slightly over proportionate to my body and heartshaped. Moving on up my delicious sizzling body are my forty-eight inch double D breasts that only real men can grip with their teeth. Yeah, I said teeth, I love blood, as you can tell, I’m called bloody Mary. But honestly, that name is only for the fear factor, my real name is Samantha. Not so scary is it?

Being in this mirror can be a bit irritating, though. Any reflection that is made, by water, glass, or even the sunglasses with the reflective lenses, is where I can peer into the real world. As long as they are not afraid, I cannot appear, but I can see and hear anytime. I do have a choice if I want to crawl out of the mirror or not if someone has summoned me. But some mirrors are too small, and all I can do is reach out with my hand. Some mirrors are too high, the way some people put it on their ceiling; sorry, Samantha cannot fly. I can climb walls ok, but ceilings I have a problem with. Cameras contain mirrors, but too small for me. OH! Almost forgot a really nifty thing I can do – I can visit the Hubble telescope. It has mirrors so I can peer out into space without having to pay bandwidth. But I am getting away from the point of the story here.

Before I get into the meat of my exciting adventures, I want to tell you what I did to get into the mirrors world. Most would consider me the worst most lewd woman ever to walk the face of this planet. But I would like to say I am the most curious of the unknown. I would be the type to take any level of dare and do it, as long as it didn’t risk my quality of life.

Back in 1700s, not sure exact year, but it was after the constitution of the United States was signed. I was a farm girl living with my very large family, including five brothers and seven sisters. We had plenty of livestock like cattle, and we had a stable of horses for us, mainly the men to ride on.

We went to church up the hill every Sunday, the pastor talked for hours about really stupid stuff. I typically snuck to the outhouse with some of my brothers to play a little. I would be modest if I were to say that I had nothing to do with teaching my siblings all the naughty things that came to mind. I think my brothers could only think of what to do with their little wieners. Yeah, real naughty if you ask me.

Sneaking off with my brothers was fun, but if we didn’t get back in time, we got our butts done up real toasty. Maybe that was a secret motivator for me. After daddy got done licking me with a twig, I could almost beg to stay and listen to my brothers turn into little wusses and cry like babies. Oh, the lovely reaction I see in their faces when they get whacked. All because I wanted to have some naughty fun in the outhouse.

By the way, I need to tell you one particular incident at the outhouse. The outhouse was basically a shed with a couple of holes in the ground for you to crouch over and do your business. But this one time I told my brother that he should climb down into the hole with me and I will let him feel my large breasts, yes even at that age! So we got down there and I brought his hand to my covered breast. The door opened to the outhouse and a large woman puts her nasty cooch right over the hole. As my brother was clueless, I grabbed a hold of his face and pulled him into a kiss right underneath the hole in the ground without him realizing it. I stabbed my tongue right into that dirty boy’s mouth and held him there until the woman started peeing all over us. I held my brother firmly as he tried desperately to move from my grip. He tried making sound but I muffled him well and the pee splashing all over us canceled a lot of the sounds out.

Then, what I was hoping for, a large fart made my brother’s eyes dilate, the smell was intoxicating to me but my brother made very interesting reactions with his eyes as I held my lips and tongue firmly onto his. The sound of crackling and then finally a loud plop as a piece of turd slapped my brother on the forehead. He became more frantic, trying hard to push me away, and then finally he was successful and yelled for help.

I never knew what to say when I get caught in the act. My brother was not about to tell my overly religious parents about our incestuous kissing and groping. They would disown both of us for it. I won’t bore you with the terrible chores we had to do. I personally enjoyed the negative attention I got, once word got around of being pissed and shit on. I shook with excitement when I though about kneeling down and taking a load of feces into my mouth from any of these haters. It wasn’t really for the taste, and it wasn’t even the humiliation factor. It was the shock and awe reaction I got from people. As you can see, how bloody Mary began her shaping. I crave to see that intense emotion in others, and fear seems to be the best aphrodisiac for my cunt.

I loved butchering the chickens on the farm, chopping their heads off and letting them run around until they bleed to death. I would lick the blood off my fingers if I got any on them. Especially if my siblings were watching. They would squirm away, crying “Samantha licked the blood!” When it was time to “do” a cow in, I was to happy to help out. I always enjoyed scooping the organs out of the new cavity made by dad; he was worried that I would cut myself if I did it. The enjoyment I had cleaning the cow out probably made my dad uncomfortable; probably thought I was a psycho. I really don’t think I am psycho, I am more like evolutions rare little blood nymphos.

Now, you might be wondering, what terribleness have I done to deserve being locked away, alone in the mirror world? I will sum it all up in a paragraph. I ate my fathers eye ball in front of everyone in church, while raping the torso of my baby brother, wearing my oldest sister’s cunt lips as a bracelet, my feces sticking out of the pool of holy water, all while beheading the preacher with a sharp crucifix. I will definitely get more detailed some other time. But for now, someone is summoning me. I must go play. Ill tell you about it later.



I have already told you a little about my awesome body. I love to take care of it. I keep my toes painted in some variation of black, since it is my favorite color. Keeping my legs shaved, hair conditioned, and my body moisturized is a twice a day effort. Since I get summoned to bathrooms most frequently, it is easy to get my hands on some bathroom products. After I am summoned back to the mirror world, a lot of times I will continue to watch through the mirror. When the forensics finally get there, I don’t think they ever realize the shaving cream missing. I have not had much luck finding wax to do my bikini line, though.

Nonetheless, I really don’t keep watching to see whether they notice if bathroom products are missing. A lot of times, I am summoned by kids at a sleepover. I guess it supposed to show how cool and brave they are. So, once I am done with the massacre, I like to watch the mom walk in to see the blood bath- literally. I could just see and almost feel the intense emotion of this parent, who was supposed to be the kids guardian, walk in to the little gift I left her. She eventually saw her daughter’s ovaries hanging down from the curtain rod of the shower, like a noose, wrapped around her best friend’s neck. Oh what a lovely blue her face turned. I also ripped out her shins from her knees, but left them still attached to thin strings of tendons. I remember when she was struggling to breathe and even though it caused tremendous pain, she would try to use those defected legs to stand on the side of the bathtub. I simultaneously laughed and came. It was more of a demented laughter then anything else. There was blood everywhere. I brought some back to my world to use as lubrication to fist myself to orgasm while watching the horror on that mother’s face. Anyway, back to my body.

My favorite body part is my clit. It is the most sensitive part on my body. The next would have to be my inner labia, then my chocolate kisses sized nipples with areolae double the size of a dollar coin. However, I have to say, my next favorite part of me is my asshole. Oh, how I love to take my red tipped fingernail and gently run it over the rough dirty little hole – amazing feeling! I also love to dip my finger inside while I slip two fingers inside of my cunt, rubbing my g-spot as I rub from the other side within my asshole. That will give me a mind blowing orgasm while squirting all over the place. But, that’s really nothing compared to the kind of orgasm I get from the awesome visuals of blood; the blood curdling sounds, the mental emotional shock of complete disgust and terror. Oh, I want to rub my cunt raw when I think of such depravity.

I guess you want to know why I am focusing on my body. Well, there are certain things that I can do, but that no human can. I can do disgusting and gruesome things without worrying about diseases. Weird how I have to shave my legs, but when it comes to diseases, I am fine. I can also turn my head 360 degrees, just like an owl. I can go to any mirror in the world just by thinking about it, but I can only exit if someone summons me, and if they are afraid. There is a slight trick to that though… If someone summons me, and the room is too dark for both me and the victim to see, then I can stay even after the victim loses fear or when I kill them. Reflections must have adequate light, and if there is no light, there is no reflection. So, if I am careful, like on a new moon, I can avoid reflections and walk freely in the real world. I will have stories to tell for those incidences.

I will summarize one particular night where I used that trick. I was caught sucking on the cock of a pig laying in a pile of vile liquid and compost. I must of looked very sexy, laying on my side, half my body under the disgusting liquid and the curves of the other half of my body rising out of the pig sty like mountains, but perfect and round, slimy with muck. I looked straight at the farmer and cleaned the shit right off of the pig cock. Several minutes had passed and still, the man stood there awe struck. Jets of sweet pig cum dribbled out my mouth and down my chin, I opened my mouth to show him the load. The farmer pulled his cell phone out and rattled on to the police about what he witnessed.

Moments later, the sheriff arrived and walked right up and stared at me. He rambled to the farmer about how he thought it was a joke. By then, I was licking the pig’s mouth with my tongue and playing with its anus with my fingers. The pig was not sure what was going on but I loved the raw attention I was getting. I looked up to the sheriff with my best gsatisfied sluth face. He stooped over me and asked what the hell I was doing. I looked into his eyes, and realized it was all over. I saw my reflection in his baby blue eyes, with the blue and red cop lights being the blame for it. I sat in the muck, but on the mirror side of the world. The pig, nor the farmer or the cops were there anymore. I bet I blew their minds away.

Back to the abilities of my body. My breasts are nice, firm, but moisturized enough to be soft and delicate to my fingers. My nipples are big, but when they are extremely excited, they start opening up where I can finger my nipples with two fingers. I have even used a small blood lubed dildo and fucked my nipple. I used my opposite hand to cup my breast firmly and the other to pound away at my breast. It hurt, but felt good at the same time. It will leak milky fluid to further help lubricate the invasion.

But I suppose after all of that, my next favorite part of my body is my mouth. Especially my tongue – I love to taste things. Since I cannot get sick, I get to experiment with everything. I have to say, shit is the most delicious thing ever. I can’t stop eating it. Better then eating a baby’s brains, and I love baby brains, especially while they are still alive and the brains are still warm. After doing it so often, I kind of have learned where the functions of the body are in correspondence with the brain. If I stay away from cognitive functions, I can keep the baby conscious almost until I get to the brain stem. The only thing they feel is the skull being sliced open and after that they have no idea they are losing their fatty brains to my stomach – yum. What a high too.

Feces makes my mouth go wild. The earthy flavor, the way that every bite will yield different flavors. It is vile and disgusting and I can just eat it straight from a butt. I have even sliced open intestines after or during a kill to lick and suck the fecal matter from the hot insides. Taking a strip of intestines, and a small portion of shit into the mouth has a good combination. The intestine is almost as chewy as gum, but contains the raw flavor of amazingness.

My lips love sucking cock though. I am woman at heart, and honestly, it is not easy to do when you try to scare people to stay longer. Cum is also one of my favorite delicacies. I love the taste slightly more then blood. The idea of swallowing millions of possible babies, my womanly desires for accepting a mans seed, both a submission of power to the man, but also seemingly having such control over his cock, all are reasons to love cum. Also, cum on my face makes me feel beautiful. But that doesn’t happen much anymore and majority of that happened before I got stuck here. I do miss it. Guess you long for what you can’t have.

Maybe some of you guys can cum on your mirrors so I can at least see it. There are tons more special things my body can do, and so many devious things I have done, and will do. But until my next diary post, I will be watching you through your mirrors. Maybe you will get the balls to summon me, but wussing out might save your life. Think about it real hard before you attempt it.



For the past ten minutes, I have been watching this fat naked guy stare at himself in the mirror at a Days Inn motel room. He must have been in his late forties and did not look at all happy. He walked up real close to the mirror, and then started to openly sob.

Sometimes you watch and see the side of people that you would never see if you didn’t have my ability. There had been many times where I have seen people do unspeakable things to themselves. Many times, I wish they could just summon me so they could have this beautiful goddess that I am slaughter them like an animal. But usually, when they are so depressed to do those things to themselves, they are not going to be afraid of me. That could very well be an uneducated guess though.

One thing that just irritates me to no end, is that electronics simply do not work in the mirror world, unless I bring them over from the real world, and only if they are self powered, like with a battery, or a crank. In the past, I have pulled over a backup power for computers, and used that to charge my vibrator. But I guess that’s the price I have to pay for the awesome life I live.

I sat on the bed of the mirror world side of the hotel room and pulled out a remote control that I stole from the same room. I pointed the remote control to the tv through the mirror and turned it on. The guy quickly jumped at the phenomenon and looked over to the TV like an idiot. I watched him walk over to the appliance and hit the power button to turn it off. I simply turned it back on. I couldn’t help but burst out laughing. Hey, I don’t get too much comedy in the mirror world.

The man turned the TV off again. The man slowly sat on the edge of the bed, next to the nightstand and put his face in his hands. I looked in the TV guide real quick, powered the TV back on and changed it to Pay-per-view. I billed “Paranormal 3” to his room account and fast forwarded it to a particular part. The man watched the TV do all of these seemingly intelligent things, it was hilarious. On the screen a little girl and a man stood in front of a mirror, she closed her eyes and began chanting “Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary.” The man is adequately afraid, and although the summoning happened on TV, it still works for me. That is what I like to call ‘fishing’. Cheap, eh?

Once the man blinked his eyes, I had my nails against his neck, my tongue in his ear, and my naked breasts on his bare back. In my most evil, deep, wicked voice I began to speak to him: “I am going to rip your throat out with my nails if you scream.” I squeezed my nails into his neck, puncturing his skin a little to illustrate my point.

“What do you want? I have money!” The man was quivering with fear. “Please don’t hurt me.” I didn’t reply. I just ran my tongue down his neck. I love the smell of fear, but when a grown man like this breaks down this easy, it’s almost not fun. So I came up with a better idea. I released my grip and I got off the bed and walked around him. I trailed my red tipped finger nail from his back to his left nipple in sync with my walk. I looked scary, with my dark hair, and I did up my makeup with dark colors. My eyes glowed an intense light blue and I was naked, but my hair covered my breasts.

“You are so pathetic.” Immediately, after that sentence, I felt something wet hitting my leg. I looked down and realized he was involuntarily pissing on me. Well, honestly, I would normally love such things, but to keep up the fear, I had to punish him. I lifted my hand up and smacked him hard enough to make him roll off the bed on the opposite side. “You miserable little worm! You fucking pissed on Bloody Mary! Do you have any fucking clue what is about to happen to you?” I walked over to where he landed on the floor and grabbed his hair and pulled his face up to my face. “Before I butcher you, and roast you like the fat pig you are, I want some goddamn answers!”

I dropped him back down to the floor and placed my bare foot to his neck and pressed down on it. The man mumbled incoherently. I was beginning to worry that this guy would have a heart attack from the amount of fear he was going through. I like to play with my catch a little before he meets his untimely demise. “I can see why you were crying before I decided to show up and snuff you.” I took my foot off his neck and ran my toe down his chest and over his large belly and to his small dick. “What happened? No body wants you with this pathetic thing?”

The guy cried, sobbing hard with his eyes glued shut. “Stop it!” I kicked him in the cock a few times, moderately hard.

“I will stop all of this, if you tell me why a man your age was crying?” I walked over to the TV and turned it off. I sat on the edge of the bed where he was on the floor and looked at the helpless man.

“Please, just leave me alone. Take my wallet.” I went into his pants and took his wallet. “Fine, I will take your wallet.” I threw it in his face. “Are you fucking retarded! Fuck! Tell me why your disgusting useless waste of space self was crying? Now!” I loved me some mind fucks from time to time, but the dumber they are, the less interesting it is.

The man opened his eyes and looked up at my spread legs on the bed above him. He had an excellent view of my pussy. “I… my wife.” he began hesitantly. After a lengthy pause, some tears, and a kick from me to spill it, he continued, “She’s been cheating on me.”

I smiled brightly. “Awesome!” I sat up quickly and pulled the lamp from the wall. “And did you get to see her fuck another man?” I ripped the cord from the base of the lamp and took the resulting wire.

The man cried more. “She… forced me to watch.”

“Awe, poor, poor boy. I’ll tell you what, I will help you.” I started to swing the cord and brought it down on the mans penis like a whip. I don’t think the man was expecting it, so he jumped up onto all fours and tried to crawl to the door. I kept whipping him, causing him to scream pathetically. “Doesn’t that just help you forget all your marital problems?”

“Somebody help me!” He yelled, beating his fists on the ground. The pain of the make shift whip must have been unbearable.

I kicked the guy’s face down and sat down on his shoulder blades. “Tell me, did you get a good look at your wife’s satisfied face? Damn, if I were your wife, I would have done you a lot worse.” I began rubbing my bare pussy on his back hair. “After all, you deserve it. Don’t you bitch?”

I turned him around and noticed that he had a hardon. I smirked. Guys like this will get turned on with the way I have been treating them, whether they want it or not. I took the power cord and wrapped it around the base of his cock very tight. I took one of my finger nails and began sawing into his cock. Yeah. I can do that. He would not feel it just yet since I cut the circulation off from his hard dick. It really wasn’t that small, he just had a bunch of fat covering the majority up. Hear that guys? Lose weight, get bigger. That should be enough to inspire you. I ripped the cock off the rest of the way. “I will be delivering this to your wife after you perish. I am sure she will be happy about it.” I put his cock in front of his eyes and he began screaming.

Yum! That’s the shit I like to see in a grown man’s eyes. Pure terror. It’s the kind where you can see that he knows there will be no tomorrow for him.

Then, a knock on the door interrupted the blissful moment. “Hotel management. Please open the door.” I quickly placed my hand over the man’s mouth to keep him quiet. I dragged the man with me to the door, dead-bolted it, and chained it up. “Open up! Neighboring guests reported screaming from this room and the police have been called.”

I drug my victim into the bathroom, tore the mirror from the wall, leaned it against the toilet, and shut the light off. I let the man scream more as I stuffed my fist into his dry ass hole, sunk my nails into some inner flesh and ripped out his intestines. Yelling became blood curdling. It sounded like the hotel manager tried desperately to break the door down, but no luck. I fully disemboweled the fat man, I ran my tongue over the exposed swollen intestine that was caked with traces of liquid shit. My razor sharp finger nails was sawing into his stomach from the inside. The door from the bathroom finally opened, and the police saw the terrible sight of my amazing body bathing in a man’s blood and pieces of entrails all over me.

Policeman froze at the horror. “Holy shit?!” The policeman reached for his gun, turned on the light. I grabbed a hold of the severed penis, winked at the policeman and before I knew it I was looking at the scene from the other side of the mirror.

The policeman started shooting randomly everywhere, thinking that I was invisible, I guess. The policeman ran out of the hotel room and the manager took a step in to the bathroom to look for himself. He shouted profanities and hastily walked out. Meanwhile, I fucked myself with the severed penis until I came.

Promises are promises, I always say. I watched as the wife of the man open a small package she just got from UPS. A decayed, pale penis was pinned to a note and the box was lined with reflective foil for me to watch through. The note said: “What a pathetic husband you had. He died like a bitch. – BM ” The wife sat where she stood and began to sob uncontrollably. I simply cannot understand human behavior. You don’t know what you got till its gone, so cherish it before I come and kill it. Ah fuck! She’s got fucking Brazilian wax kit on the table and I can’t get there! Whatever. All I got this time is two travel sized moisturizers labeled for Days Inn. Cum on that mirror for me!

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