Feature Writer:SoCaliComfort / Feature Title: The Wife of Satan / Story Codes: Erotic Horror / Synopsis: Tom finds a way…
Feature Writer: Autumn Rayyen / Feature Title: Incubus / Story Codes: Demonic / Synopsis: Fantasies Makayla kept from everyone are…
Feature Writer: Lilith Archivist / Feature Title: The Modern Prometheus / Story Codes: Demonic / Synopsis: Never steal a demon’s…
FROM: FUCKTOY TO XPANTHER ON BDSMLR LINK: BDSMLR / https://cumfunfactory.bdsmlr.com/ I love your site. I jerk to it constantly…
Feature Writer: Unknown / Feature Title: Sam / Story Codes: Satanic, Pedo, Incest, Demonic / Synopsis: A mother’s secret identity…
Feature Writer: Fantasy Writer / Feature Title: Sacrifice / Story Codes: Erotic Horror / Synopsis: A true sacrifice / Author’s…
Feature Writer: Nightscribe / Feature Title: Last Gasp / Chapter One / Story Codes: Fantasm, BDSM, Cruelty, Oral Sex, Rape,…
Feature Writer: Lost Boy / Feature Title: They Call Me Jack / Story Codes: Erotic Horror, Demons / Synopsis: Demons…
Feature Writer: Steven Black / Feature Title: Beltane / Story Codes: Erotic Horror / Synopsis: Pagan night on the town.…
Feature Writer: demonservant666 / Feature Title: Simple Rite To Become A Satanist / Uploaded: Tumblr / 12.03.2019 / Link: demonservant666.tumblr.com…