Feature Author: Unknown / Feature Title: Our Father Satanic / Posted: MeWe / Alexis Satanic / https://mewe.com/profile/5bbf48bb388f6f5324cb8f59 About Alexis: READ…
Feature Writer: Plastic Jane / Feature Title: Lilith of Fire and Brimstone – Chapter 11 / Story Codes: Erotic Horror…
Feature Writer: James Bondage / Feature Title: Bayonetta’s Abuse 1 / Uploaded: 23.11.2013 / https://storiesonline.net/s/69372/bayonettas-abuse Story Codes: Ma/Fa, Mult, Romantic,…
Feature Writer: Desiderium Tenebris / Feature Title: Tonight is the Night / Link: MEWE / https://mewe.com/profile/5cbbac363be99b2568601cb4 / About Author: Satanic…
Feature Writer: Gabrielle Prevot / Feature Title: Little Monster: Sometimes You Get What You Want / Uploaded: 20.08.2016 Link: https://storiesonline.net/s/14181/little-monster-sometimes-you-get-what-you-want…
Feature Writer: Plastic Jane / Feature Title: Lilith of Fire and Brimstone – Chapter 10 / Story Codes: Erotic Horror…
Feature Writer: Polaris / Feature Title: Deadly Doctor Mila / Story Codes: Snuff, Violence, Amputation, Abortion / Contact: [email protected] /…
Feature Writer: Plastic Jane / Feature Title: Lilith of Fire and Brimstone – Chapter 9 / Story Codes: Erotic Horror…
Feature Writer: Harry Lime / Feature Title: Unicorns, Ballcocks, and Nuns With No Shame / Copyright: © 2012 by harry lime…