Writer: XP Subject: Uploaded — Chariot 2 the 7th Tarot Link: Chariot 1 (Previous chapters) — https://littlesally666.com/vii-chariot/ Link: Chariot 2…
Writer: Various Subject: Short Prayers To Lucifer Link: Tumblr / 18.07.2024 Short Prayers To Lucifer BY OCCULTCRAFT O Lucifer, Prince…
Feature Writer: Libertysn Feature Title: SEEDS OF CORRUPTION 8 Published: 23.08.2024 Story Codes: Demonic Synopsis: Alice uses her first power…
Writer: Muscledemon666 / demondar666 Subject: Satan Rising Is Upon Us Link: Tumbler / 12.10.2024 Satan Rising Is Upon Us Behold…
Writer: Dark Fairy Subject: Lilith: The Dark Goddess Origins And Mythology Link: MeWe / 06.08.2024 Lilith: The Dark Goddess Origins…
Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The story’s content does not represent the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is…
Writer: Lucy Az Subject: The Divine Flame Link: MEWE / 18.11.2023 The Divine Flame What is it you might ask?…
Writer: Ophis Christos & Æshma Nachashomer Subject: Anima Satanae Author’s Note: From the “The Book of Traditional Satanism” Link: Tumblr…
Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The story’s content does not represent the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is…