Writer: Lucifetslust
Subject: Blasphemy
Link: Tumblr / 02.11.2023
Blasphemy is the act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence to a deity, to religious or holy persons or sacred things, or toward something considered sacred or inviolable.
“And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven.” — Matthew 12:31 (NIV)
Committing blasphemy to make a deeper connection with Satan and cutting the bonds of Christianity is very effective in getting rid of guilt. It can be very liberating but also very scary. The most direct way to commit blasphemy according to biblical scholars and most Satanists is to degrade, insult, or curse the Holy Spirit.
An example would be to say the power of the holy spirit is nothing, useless or meaningless. You could curse it by saying Fuck the holy spirit or insulting it in any other way you can think of. If used in a ritual or in prayer during masturbation as a Christian you are sure to have one of if not the strongest orgasm ever.
But it could be followed by guilt or fear of eternal damnation in the fires of Hell. I will warn anyone who is not sure of their decision to commit blasphemy to think long and hard. Your decision could cause you mental and spiritual depression. But once committed blasphemy can serve as a catharsis to the guilt and bondage of Christianity. Hail Satan
This text describes why blasphemy against the holy spirit is so popular between us. Taking this literally means that this is the sin God has chosen not to forgive. The actual meaning is that the holy spirit is always advising us to repent and it is a permanent rejection of his efforts that leads to our eternal damnation. Even though this explanation certainly lowers our expectations, this blasphemy is still the most powerful and evil since it expresses our will to keep rejecting God now and forever. Fuck the Holy Spirit, hail Satan.
We should be conscious and serious with our blasphemy. Of course, blaspheming the fucking Holy Ghost can be forgiven. But also, all of us in satanic blasphemy and profanation have the feeling that there is no way back. To those “innocent” souls that read our posts and want to pervert our advice is that blasphemy is very powerful to lead you to the Gates of Hell.
For many years I had feelings of guilt that progressed in blasphemy the feelings of guilt disappeared and the great enjoyment remains for Satan and for my blasphemous cock!
I remember the first time when I say out loud and write it down for a follow bother how I hate the Holy shit Spirit and how deny him … from that second I’m free. Hail Satan!
If you are in the process of leaving Christianity, be sure when you blaspheme the HS. But work with one of us to help you with your doubts. Guilt is the result that comes from disobedience. But if you cut the anchor that the bible is, if you call god a liar, deceitful, etc, the guilt goes with it. I rejoice in all of the lustful ideas that enter my thinking. Some of them, if expressed openly, could put me in legal trouble. So I don’t do that … but I can say that I don’t feel guilt about god, heaven, etc. After all, since I know that Christianity is full of lies and cover-ups, etc, why would I want to spend any more time, either now or after death, with that?
Fuck the Holy Spirit!
May He suck my cock eternally!