Writer: Soulinthemists
Subject: Discovering Me For Real
Link: Tumblr / 02.03.2022 / Soulinthemists
Author’s Notes: Pastor’s wife on the left hand path. 33. NSFW, No one under l8. The subject is like a well, very deep.
XP Notes: Check out “Soulinthemists” blog on Tumblr — here is a sample of a few of her articles — we have featured her blog on a few occasions and she she writes extensively and wisely.
Blasphemy … A Constant Topic
(An old article applicable today and re-posted by request)
Bubbling up from my cauldron was the photo above. I like it and the message is a positive one although I would have used different wording. I would have said “Hail the Dark Lord and Blaspheme Against the Christian God”. But that’s me and how I see things. There is certainly nothing wrong with the caption. Actually, it’s more direct and informative than what I would have said because in fewer words it hits home with those who haven’t fleshed out who Satan is (for me) and anyone believing in “God” (the revealed religions) would be better informed because the caption writer’s statement would be seen as the challenge it is meant to be.
But I have been asked again about me and blasphemy. A former follower no longer with us once spoke to blasphemy and shared that it was part and parcel of his daily life. He stated that he “felt better” when ,each day, he took time to simply state out loud to curse the Christian God. Reared as a Christian and planning to enter the ministry but not doing so because of his belief in the Dark Lord, he was aware of the “truths” taught by that faith and, each day he just felt the need to do it, I would compare it to one having a snack or having a cup of coffee or going to the local tavern for a drink.
Blasphemy in some way was “enjoyed” and that is perfectly fine. Blasphemy takes many forms and he felt he needed to share his disdain, if nothing else, for Christianity. How does the Dark Lord feel about it, he is pleased, of course. Not necessarily because of the act but because of the reason for doing so. For the act shows the mettle of the “man” (my friend is male) and also reveals that follower’s “real self”, the goal the Dark Lord has for every follower.
Plowing another furrow in discussions about blasphemy and its importance in the life of followers of His Wickedness, have you recognized this reality in your own life, your own experience as a follower of Satan (I will use that term). I have often said that being a follower of the Dark Lord is a form of blasphemy itself. No one need shout out blasphemous statements all the time but have you taken time to do it at all, especially on line where it is good to just get it out of your system and say it or do something that stands out but just for a moment. One of the ways one of my followers is doing so is discreetly sharing what he wants to happen to his Christian wife. Of course he isn’t revealing all and doesn’t want to do so, but he is showing her off for the whore he wants her to be. I admire his boldness. Hopefully we will see more of this. Always remember my posts may sometimes appear to be fiction but there is truth behind them all. Otherwise my Tumblr wouldn’t be the acquired taste that it is.
How does blasphemy occur with you? Blasphemy can happen in many ways. When you worship (as I do at time) personally or in some public yet not so blatant way … whatever, but it needs to happen. Some think its not necessary and I won’t criticize them. But then are you helping to advance the “cause” of the Dark Lord. True, following him, etc, is a personal choice. But may just being “blasphemy”, it might be good to say it, at least once in a while. It can be therapeutic.
The artwork is sooo fucking sexy!!!
I love this forum; because it does allow us the opportunity to share our experience being in love with Satan; as an encouragement & inspiration to others.
Satan is sooo fucking sexy!!!
I love Him sooo much,