Writer: Hoku Lani
Subject: Blasphemy 2
Link: MEWE / 29.02.2024
Blasphemy 2
To blaspheme is to challenge the norms and traditions set by organized religious institutions. It is to question the existence of their higher power and to challenge the teachings and doctrines that have been ingrained in many of us since childhood. By doing so, we open ourselves up to new ways of thinking and experiencing the world.
Hail Lilith’s Warrior Priestess
Hoku Lani!
Hello and Hail Satan and I been trying to get your attention to talk to you for a while and you are hard to find even on here Ms Hoku Lani and I Evy you and everyone that Loves Satan and His Demons to Use Us for his Pleasure and give Us Free Will to have Us to Have sex with anyone we Choose and I ask XP PANTHER about how to get in touch with you because I really love to get together with you and have Satan and His Demons in Us to have sex with each other and him to and can you and me get together and I would love to if you want to
Hail Hoku Lani!
Perfectly fucking said; Tatiana and I fucking agree totally.
Hail God Satan!
Hail Goddess Lilith!
Fuck the cock-sucking Abrahamic god!
Fuck the bastard Jesus fucking Christ!
Fuck the mother-fucking holy spirit!
Hello MARCUS and Tatiana Zuhike I been trying to get a hold of you two for a while now and can you and your wife get together with I am single man I am 47 and I am looking for people that loves Satan and His Demons and I want you MARCUS and your wife Tatiana Zuhike to get with me and I would love to learn more about and Satan and His Demons told me to ask you 2 to help me to become more like Satan and His Demons and I been on here since 2021
Thank you so much! You are so right, and it put so well. Blasphemy makes you strong. When I say the words, fuck God, it opens up my heart and my mind and my soul to my father Satan. I let go of the ridiculous guilt that I felt for so many years. It’s delicious. It makes me want to please myself rather than a false God that can never be pleased. It gives me freedom. Hail Satan. Hail Lilith.