Black Magic by HerHappiness966

Writer: HerHappiness966

Subject: Black Magic

Link: LS666 Email

Illustration: HerHappiness966

Black Magic

To know to will to keep silent. On this dark mid-summer night. I come forth, walking forward to receive. What I believe I will, and I will what I believe — Ka me Sbar ball … Widdershins — Banishing ritual to clear the space where I write.

“By the circle of the horned Moon; by the circle of the three-faced Moon; by the circle of the Baphomet, shall you be cast — once by the shadow filled in Lucifer’s hand; twice by the noon-tie fire of Satan’s glance; third by the midnight call of Hecates’s dance — be it complete and sacred in this work of time.”

From Below: By the oath spoken against the dawn, Black Sun Witch, initiator of the Bornless One. I call to witness my rites!

From Above: By the sound of the Sacred Trumpet. From the abode of the Bringer of Light, and initiator of the Black Fame: I call to witness my rites!

From the Four Princes of the Qlippoth: the South Prince of Fire: I call to witness my rites! The East Prince of the Air: I call to witness my rites! I call to witness my rites! The North Prince of the Earth: I call to witness my rites! I call to witness my rites! The West Prince of the Abyss: I call to witness my rites!

By way of the witch the Goddess Hecate from the motions and cycles of the Moon. Mother of Shadows and Sorcery. I call you to witness my rites!

“Blessed be this moon child born, Come forth Darkness and Light be married in the eye of Azoth,” divorcing the psyche from the natural orders … (for only having true desire within oneself to attain. Will then one can receive experience of the Devil and His bride’s venomous kiss). This is how you learn beyond just words alone.

I now cast down, and aside, ignorance and fear. Stepping ahead. Emerging as one. In the name of power, Lucifer. So this shall it be.

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