Writer: Hoku Lani
Subject: “Bible” Study with Hoku
Link: MEWE / 18.11.2022
“Bible” Study with Hoku
In appearance Naamah is like Lilith. Above her navel she is formed as a woman. Below her naval she is sometimes a woman and sometimes a consuming pillar of flame. Naamah put on her enticements and seduced her brother Tubal-cain to lie with her. Likewise she used her allurements to arouse the lust of Lamech, and she coupled with her father and received his seed upon the seed of her brother, she put on wings of darkness and flew away laughing in the wickedness of her heart.
She is Grandmother Lilith and Lilith the Ancient because she is older than mankind. All wickedness flows out of her womb. The offspring of unions between the fallen angels and mankind are brought to her and attach themselves to the endless hem of her skirt. She nourishes them on wormwood and rears them as one of her own children.
Because all fallen women who sell themselves for the price of a loaf or a jar serve her as handmaidens and worship her. She instructs their minds in perverse areas. They are made bold in sin by the courage she grants, and it is a kind of reckless madness that drives them onward to great madness.
Veteran whores bring them to each ball-sac, and ensure they pull a load from each. Seasoned whores ensure they either swallow each batch Or snowball it with a hungry mouth. This is the way of Az. And it is right and good.
Hail Lilith’s Supreme Queen of Harlots
Hoku Lani