Writer: Arthur Yi
Subject: Becoming A Satanist
Link: LS666 Email / 02.11.2023
Becoming A Satanist
As an ex-Christian who has become a Satanist for a year, I just want to say thank you for your website. I see that you were raised as a Christian and that you live in Asia. Well, I live in America and was born in an Asian country. All the stories you post are really good. So good that any “Struggling Christian,” who enters your website will eventually give their heart, mind, and soul to Satan.
My story of how I left Christianity to join Satanism is long, but I will assure you, in a future email, that you will enjoy it. Ever since I have accepted Satan as my one and only true Lord and Master, I realize that Satan had chosen me and was calling me to worship Him. Of course, being raised as a Christian, I would reject His calling. But, Satan was patient with me and knew that I would give in. It took until this time last year for me to know that Satan truly wanted me to belong to Him. I am living the “ultimate blasphemy”, as I am still a member of the church that I had been going to for a long time. Nobody at the church knows that I have made the decision to follow the left-hand path. Neither does any of my family know either. Only the Satanists on Tumblr that I follow know.
Now that I am a Satanist, I enjoy all the things that make Satanism better than Christianity. The freedom to indulge in all that Christianity deems as “Sins”. No need to feel guilty about what I have done or will do in the future. The control to become our own Gods, with our own morals and rules. Instead of being bound by a Christian God that tries to control its members through the “Ten Commandments” and other such morals in the “Holy Bible”. And the assurance of knowing that Satan has guaranteed for me a place in Hell.
Especially as it is easier for me to say, “Hail Satan! Fuck God! Fuck Jesus Christ! And Fuck the Holy Spirit!”
On the day after Halloween, it feels so good to have truly celebrated a day that I used to not when I was a Christian. Being a Satanist for more than a year has been an incredible experience that I know I will enjoy for years to come. The freedom and control Satan provides to me each day make me wonder why I ever was a Christian, to begin with.
As an older male, I definitely look back at all the missed opportunities to enjoy life when I was younger and bound to Christianity. How much time and money do I spend on trying to become a “Good Christian”? Every Friday night at church for Bible Study. Every Sunday morning for worship service. Now, I enjoy my days worshiping Satan doing whatever I so desire. With no guilt or shame, knowing that Satan has reserved a place for me is guaranteed in Hell. Heaven is such an overrated place anyway, especially how it is described in the book of Revelations from that so-called, “Holy Bible”.
You could say that if it wasn’t for Covid-19 I wouldn’t be where I am today. The sixteen months (March 2020 – July 2021) when there was no in-person worship service was just the start for me to become a Satanist. I am from a state in the USA that actually cared about Covid-19 enough to have precautions about social gatherings. Other states, like Texas and Florida, had only two months of federal mandatory lockdown and tried to operate life as normal afterward. So, if I was living in either of those states, I would have most likely still have been a Christian.
Anyways, Hail Satan and Fuck God!
Hail Arthur @
What a fucking inspirational story; Glory to God Satan!
I was lead away from the cock-sucking christian god, his fucking bastard son and the mother-fucking holy spirit by my totally fucking Satanic Whore-wife lead my to her god-damned Father Satan, and I’ve never been fucking happier!
Hail God Satan
Fuck the cock-sucking christian god!
Marcus and Tatiana I’m Jon, christian male, 50’s. Lord Satan have been calling me sexually for sometime now and I am ready to surender to His will for me. Please help and guide me into this. [email protected]
I want to forsake Jesus and become a Satanist. What are the best next steps?
Hey! Christian here, sliding down this path for a while. I’m pretty close to going all the way. Usually I’ll enjoy some blasphemy porn and then chastise myself the rest of the day. Today I’m at my third session of the day and feel little guilt.
To be honest, I’m just tired of trying to please Christ. More and more this path feels right, like I’m supposed to be here. It’s not even like a “guilty pleasure” anymore, I just feel happy and like I was created to be here. Maybe the Bible is true and God has just chosen me to be a vessel fitted for destruction. All the more reason to dwell on my hatred of the fucker.
I’m excited to finally turn my back completely on Christ, on the God I once cherished. Any advice on how to successfully make the transition? Thanks!
I started years ago with a single spit on a bible, after which I felt tremendously guilty.
But that opened Satan’s floodgates and here I am now, an all-in depraved disciple of the Dark Lord.
Start with a single simple act of blasphemy. Satan will take care of the rest.
Ignore those here who will tell you it has to be a long drawn out process with various prayers and texts and hymns etc.
Those aren’t necessary at all.
Satan doesn’t want it to be difficult to find Him.
Dark luck.