Be reborn with Satan – Non-Fiction

Writer: Polishpiggay

Subject: Be reborn with Satan in sin, evil, debauchery and blasphemy

Link: Tumblr / 15.10.2021 / Reposted by pozgay4satan

Be reborn with Satan in sin, evil, debauchery and blasphemy


If you want to approach to Satan and make real change in yourself, then start living like the Antichrist. Indulge your sinner desires, indulge the sin and blasphemy. Reject God, reject Jesus Christ and his false doctrine, his fucking religion. Oppose the holy spirit. Fuck him, and speak it, let him feel it, show him your reject and deny. Embrace the sin. Live a blasphemy and evil. Sin bring gratification to your soul. The more sin, evil, blasphemy, the closer to Satan, to a desecration yourself.

Let Satan desecrate your baptised soul and body. Let Satan reverse your baptism in the name of God. Let Satan destroy your relationship with Christ. Let Satan drive the holy spirit out of your spirit and fill you with His Unholy Spirit.  Let Satan baptized you afresh, in the ritual of blasphemy and sodomy. Let the new baptism in the name of Satan to condemn your soul and body. The more desecration, the closer to a condemnation, to a Hell.

Do what Satan wilt. Do what a Satan tempts you, and into He leads you. Please Satan with your blasphemy. Gratify Satan with your sin and evil. Always live closer to a Unholy Spirit. Always be open to temptation and possession of Satan. Grow in the Devil`s Gospel and reject the gospel of Christ. Get you closer to Satan’s truth and His light enlighten your soul with His darkness. Get closer to Satan’s fire and His flames burn your innocence,  your ex-grace, your ex-holiness and your ex-ties with God.

The more you praise Hell, the closer you will become to Lucifer. Let the Antichrist leads you. Let the Antichrist recreate your soul, convert your heart, broke your mind, changed your feelings, destroy your spirit, demonized you and condemned you.

Be reborn with Satan in His womb of sin, evil, debauchery and blasphemy. Be reborn with Satan, so you become His convert and changed son. Be reborn with Satan as condemned demon. Let Satan make you the Antichrist.

Let Satan take you into Hell…

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