Writer: our-lord-satanas
Subject: Baphomet
Link: Tumblr / 29.05.2024
Baphomet is a Pagan deity that represents duality and balance. Most people work with Baphomet in order to become more peaceful, understanding, and balanced. Baphomet is often referred to as ‘Satan’ or ‘The Devil’, which isn’t true. People mostly say that because Baphomet has a pentacle on their head and they have the head of a goat. A goat represents fertility and spirituality.
- Appearance: in some Pagan traditions, Baphomet is seen as a symbol of balance and unity between the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, represented by a human figure with the head of a goat. In other traditions, Baphomet is considered the personification of primordial chaos and oblivion. In some folklore and myths, Baphomet was a symbol of fertility and reproductive power and was often depicted as a hermaphrodite or a hybrid creature.
- Personality: Baphomet is often depicted as a fierce and formidable entity, representing the destructive and chaotic forces of nature. Although they can seem intimidating and unpredictable, they also have a nurturing and compassionate side. Their personality is often reflected in the dual nature of Baphomet, where they are both masculine and feminine, gentle and fierce, peaceful and intense. They are a symbol of balance and unity, the meeting point of opposites and contradictions.
- Symbols: pentagram, head of a goat, human body with an animal head, pentacle, sword, key, male and female, the words “As above so below”,
- God/Goddess of: sexuality, demonic forces, wisdom, nature, balance, darkness, and pride
- Culture: Pagan
- Plants and trees: rosemary, lilacs, irises, lavender, aconitum napellus, black walnut, and cacao
- Crystals: obsidian, amethyst, onyx, crystal quartz, garnet, black tourmaline, ruby, selenite, and brown quartz
- Animals: black goats, snakes, wolves, ravens, dogs, oxen, and black cats
- Incense: dragon’s blood, black musk, opium, frankincense, and mag champa
- Colors: black, white, yellow, red, green, purple, gold, and dark blue
- Tarot: The Chariot, The Hermit, The Empress, and The Devil
- Planets: Saturn and Mars
- Days: Saturday, Tuesday, Walpurgis Night, Halloween, Blavatsky Day, The Winter Solstice, and Yule
- Parents: Lucifer and Lilith
- Siblings: none
- Partner: none
- Children: Azazel and Astaroth (not official)
The Union of Male and Female: Baphomet is often depicted with both male and female characteristics, symbolizing the unity of the masculine and the feminine. The Balance of Good and Evil: Baphomet is an entity of balance, symbolizing the interplay between good and evil in nature and in life. The Sabbatic Goat or The Horned One: Baphomet is often portrayed as a goat-like creature with horns.
References: Harmony, Knowledge and wisdom, Power and strength, Spiritual knowledge and enlightenment, A balance scale, which represents balance and harmony, The word “Solve and Coagulo”, which translates to “divide and combine” and refers to the dualist nature of Baphomet, Rebellion and defiance, Freedom and individuality, Unity and togetherness, Chaos and disorder, Sexuality and sensuality, Nature and wildness, Protection and defense, Magic, and witchcraft
- Name: Baphomet is named after the Greek word “baphos,” which means “the virgin.”
- Symbol of the Satanist: the imagery of Baphomet has become a symbol of the Satanist church, with variations on the iconography being used by other Satanists.
- Relationships: Baphomet is a figure in the Gnoetics who often represents the synthesis of female and male principles.
- History: the figure of Baphomet is believed to have originated among Gnostics, a group who blended early Christian and Greek-Roman mythology.
- Role: they are believed to represent the balance of male and female and the union of good and evil, acting in many ways as a symbol of the Satanist.
- Associations: they are often associated with the concept of balance, as well as various other aspects of Gnosticism, such as the concept of the duality of existence, the synthesis of opposing forces, and the merging of opposites.
- Connection to the beast: it is said that Baphomet symbolized the balancing of the inner animal nature with spirituality and intelligence.
- Nature: Baphomet is considered to be a symbol of the balance of opposites, blending the masculine and feminine elements into a singular whole.
You must ask Baphomet if they want to work with you. Baphomet is a deity, so you shouldn’t be commanding them or telling them what to do. You must be patient with them. (Watch out for trickster spirits). Respectfully ask them to give you a sign, and if you’re respectful enough, you might as well get an answer. If they answer YES, you can create an altar to be more connected, but if you cannot then have something that reminds you of them. It can be small and simple. If they answer NO, respectfully apologize for disturbing them. If you connected through an object then you don’t have to throw it out, you can cleanse it and get rid of that intention. If it’s something from nature, you can bury it.
To begin, you can address them by name and say something like: “Great Lord Baphomet, keeper of balance and bringer of harmony, I come to you seeking your wisdom and protection. I offer myself to you, my heart and my spirit, and I ask for your blessing in this prayer. Thank you, great Lord Baphomet, for walking by my side and guiding me on this path. I depart from this space with balance and peace in my heart and with a sense of purpose and direction. Hail Lord Baphomet.”
A strong connection or attraction to Baphomet. Desire to explore or study Baphomet’s teachings. Wanting to explore your own masculinity or femininity and find balance in your own nature. Desire to challenge social norms and embrace your own unique identity. The feeling of being guided by a force outside yourself. The feeling of being called to a higher purpose or feeling like there’s more to your life than just everyday existence.
If your request to work with Baphomet has been accepted, you can look for these signs:
- Signs in nature: if you see animals or other natural phenomena that remind you of Baphomet, this could be a sign that they have accepted your request.
- Feelings and intuition: you may feel drawn to Baphomet, and the energy of their dark empowerment and enlightenment may also feel present in your life.
- Signs in your life: you may notice changes or events in your life that align with Baphomet’s teachings about empowerment and personal transformation.
If your requests to work with Baphomet have not been accepted, you may see the following signs:
- Your intuition may lead you in a different direction and away from their teachings.
- Signs in your life may not align with their teachings or you may feel unclear or uncertain regarding their energies.
- Dreams and meditations may involve different figures or energies, and you may feel a lack of connection with Satan or Baphomet’s energies.
- Overall you need to be respectful of deities denying your request.
Your time. Meditation. Communication. Carving Baphomet’s symbol or name into a candle. Any kind of art of them. Being respectful. Learning about them. Candles. Liquor. Ropes. Incense: dragon blood, black musk, frankincense, etc. Animal skulls, bones, horns, etc. Dark or red flowers
Reject traditional values and social norms. Embrace your masculinity and femininity. Live a chaotic, self-guided life. Reject authority and control. Seek freedom and autonomy. Balance your masculine and feminine energy. Practice self-love and self-acceptance. Live a hedonistic lifestyle of pleasure and indulgence. Be brave, adventurous, and open to new experiences. Live an unconventional life.
It is not recommended to eat or drink an offering that was given to Baphomet. Baphomet is a God of excess and self-indulgence and represents the darker sides of the human experience. Eating or drinking an offering made to Baphomet can carry risks of negative side effects, such as a lack of balance in one’s life, a sense of greediness or addiction, or other negative energetic effects. Instead, it’s recommended to dispose of an offering made to Baphomet in a respectful and safe way.
What a wonderful and complete discussion on the history and origins of Baphomet. As you said, an important symbol for many Satanists. Thanks for posting