Asmodeus by Guardianwolff-666

Writer: Guardianwolff-666

Subject: Asmodeus

Link: Tumblr / 07.09.2024


Although Asmodeus is my sponsor Demon, I acknowledge and meditate on all Demons during their Feast Days. A 62-year-old Satanist, I perform occult practices which by definition are hidden by the general public and therefore known by only a few. I am not a priest. Therefore I’m not looking to form a coven. I currently belong to a coven, but I do not chase others to join.

My knowledge of the power of Satan comes from Hermetic knowledge and understanding of Mentalism and the Alchemy of the soul. May you benefit from any wisdom, knowledge, or lust posts that I write stems from meditations with the Demons which come from the energy of the Earth passing through the Chakras of the body and the Third Eye, the opening of the intuitive centers of the brain and thus the Satanist creates his/her reality that goes beyond this outer shell of our physical realm and the afterlife.

My gifted abilities extend to the psychic abilities of Extra Sensory Perception to instilling Lust into readers of my Satanic Sex posts. My casting of spells is generally for the good of man, for healing, opening mental blockages, identifying Guardian Demons that may have been watching you for a long time and connecting with the deceased that may be trying to contact you.

I generally ask the Goddess Lilith for protection against any evil entities pretending to be Demons of Satan. A former Christian who has seen the hypocrisy of the evangelical leaders who only seek power. I have turned away from my Christianity because of them and only seek the guidance of Satan and his Demons. My Spirit animal is the Wolf since I am a free-spirited person, free to roam with the heart of a protector for my Brothers in Satan.

My writings are my own. Even my meditations with demons are mine. I don’t mind anybody reblogging them if you find them lustful or full of useful wisdom for satanic living. If you do reblog them, then you should credit me for those writings. To not do so is stealing and deceitful to which I will block you from my blog page and out you from the community so that others will know the type of person you are. Be responsible for other people’s creativity because it is a piece of ourselves that we are sharing with the world.

My blog page is a haven for all, black, white, native American, Hispanic Latino, South American, Middle Eastern, and Asian. All I ask is you respect each other. Not one nationality is better than any other. We are all Satan’s children. Leave the evil outside of my blog.

Sex is not evil. Porn is not evil. Worshipping the human body is not evil. Demons are not evil. There is no sin. We are responsible for our actions. There are only consequences for the choices we make. Be free from the Christian religion that wishes only to enslave you. If you live in peace, be prepared to die in peace. If you live by the gun, prepare to die by the gun — The Hermetic Principle — of the swing to the left has the swing to the right.

5 thoughts on “Asmodeus by Guardianwolff-666”

  1. If you left Christianity because of people, then why did you leave God for demons. I’m an open minded seeker of truth so I hope you don’t take offence in my comment.

    1. I’m not sure if Guardianwolff-666 will see this — so to address the question — many of us were Christians or had Christian upbringings, but for our reasons (declared or not), we chose to look elsewhere for supernatural inspiration. The Abrahamic god has caused much suffering to those who don’t fit their model of what is “righteous” — and frankly, I don’t … so there you go!

      1. Hello XP PANTHER and this is your friend Aaron Mccraine from Columbus Georgia and I don’t have Access to my Proton Mail anymore they said it is being sent to the Swiss something and I still want to follow up with you and I don’t have Access to my MEWE account either because of my Proton Mail but I have my Gmail and I would love for you to talk to me when you get some time thank you your friend Aaron Mccraine

  2. Hello XP PANTHER and this is your friend Aaron Mccraine from Columbus Georgia and I don’t have Access to my Proton Mail anymore they said it is being sent to the Swiss something and I still want to follow up with you and I don’t have Access to my MEWE account either because of my Proton Mail but I have my Gmail and I would love for you to talk to me when you get some time thank you your friend Aaron Mccraine

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