Ask Lilith by Stella Caelestis – Non-Fiction

Writer: / AKA Hoku Lani

Subject: Ask Lilith

Link: MEWE / 18.11.2023

Ask Lilith

Lilith is often associated with the astral realm, and I believe that she can open up the realm to those who seek her guidance. A petition to Lilith can be used to request her assistance in opening the astral realm for interaction and visitation.

The petition to Lilith should begin by expressing your reverence for her and your desire to connect with her. You should also express your respect for her power and your willingness to abide by her guidance as you journey into the astral realm.

You should then explain why you are seeking her aid and ask her to open the astral realm to you.

When crafting the petition, try to keep it as concise as possible. Acknowledge the power of Lilith and her ability to open the astral realm, and explain why you need her help. Finally, thank her for her assistance and express your gratitude for her guidance.

Once the petition is complete, meditation is a great way to further connect with Lilith and the astral realm. Sit in a comfortable position and clear your mind.

Lay before you the Sigil you crafted. Focus on your breathing and imagine yourself in the presence of Lilith. Visualize her granting you access to the astral realm and allow her energy to flow through you.

The power of Lilith may be used while seeking her guidance and access to the astral realm. By expressing your reverence for her and your willingness to abide by her guidance, you can open yourself up to the astral realm and gain insight.

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