Art of the “CHARIOT” the 7th Tarot 1

Writer: XP

Subject: Art of the “CHARIOT” the 7th Tarot

Link: LS666 / 02.09.2024 /

VII – Chariot


Artwork inspired by the banned novelist, J.K. Huysmans — his tetralogy that tracks the character Durtal and his spiritual journey. 


The Chariot is the seventh card of the major Arcana. It connotes excessive sexual power, welded in a deviant and controlling way. Just as the aggressive chariot rider whips his or her horses — the master or mistress whips their willing or unwilling partners into a complete sexual frenzy. The Chariot draws power and uses it over others in a way that defines their relationships. With the furtive crack of the horsewhip, it’s about unbridled orgies of sensual worship, praying to darker sexual gods or goddesses upon their knees — offering their mouth, vaginas, and anuses — in absolute homage.


It is the late nineteen century in England. Our protagonist, Durtal, is taken by his androgynous colleague, Hyacinthe, to a dingy chapel used by Ursuline nuns, who have supposedly become possessed by Satan. They now worship him as Satanists. Among the participants is a debauched nun, called Elixa. A choking incense of henbane, datura, dried nightshade, and myrrh is burned. After a mass of obscenities, blasphemies, and the desecration of the host — seemingly transformed by black magick, the place erupts in a monstrous pandemonium of shemale demons and sexual maniacs. The participants, high on the fumes, tear off their clothes, and writhe on the floor, changing sexually before Durtal and Hyacinthe. The couple are firstly shocked but are soon seduced, as they witness and are drawn into countless acts of depravity. Once inculcated into this den of iniquity, Elixa, a cock-welding, High Priestess of Satan, takes them both to the Hell-Fire Club, a fraternal group in the dingy side of London. It is said that they perform a Black Mass regularly in worship of Satan — though some may consider the rites as little more than drug-fueled, sexual perversity.

4 thoughts on “Art of the “CHARIOT” the 7th Tarot 1”

  1. I’m about to enter into a new chapter of my life. I’m engaged to be married before the year is out. I’ve met a beautiful transexual and I’m really excited about our future together. I know also that this pleases our Lord, and give thanks to him for continuing to show me the path to perversion.

    1. Hail Lucas — you are a very lucky guy — I would be lying, if I said that I wasn’t jealous … all the best for your married life, my the dark lord bless you with many orgasms in your sodomizing bliss … XP

    2. Lucas, congratulations on your up coming marriage. I’m J. I am a christian male, looking for someone to lead and guide me into Lord Satan’s service.

      Would you lead me?


  2. Congratulations on your marriage i hope you live a long and happy life with your wife and Satan to guide you

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