Writer: Hoku Lani
Subject: Archetypes
Link: MeWe / 12.04.2024
It matters not if you are a Theistic, Agnostic, Spiritual, Atheistic or believe that Lilith is or was a real entity, being, or force as Lilith’s Archetype exists in every woman and her offspring. This is a force of freedom to enjoy pleasure, Lust, and strength through passion and the joining of bodies, regardless of race, gender, or species.
Unfortunately, there exists a dark and evil counter archetype. It demands that children be sacrificed to his father, that rape is an example of procreation, and killing of humanity for embracing the aforementioned virtues of Lilith. Call out to Lilith, for protection from this force of evil, and may you never encounter the crucified one, for he is the source of suffering and evil.
Hail the Scribe of Lilith
Hoku Lani
He’ll me