Writer: XP
Subject: Appreciation
Link: LS666 Comments / 02.03.2024
So, I am writing about “appreciation” for our regular contributors like Regis, Amandablonde, Evil Dana, Ray, Hoku Lani, Guardianwolff-666, Lucy Az, Destiny, and GarySix — to name just a few. As a writer, it takes an enormous amount of time and commitment to write a great story.
They create such amazing visions of the things we desire, lust for, and excite us. They can be dramatic, sensuous, intelligent, imaginative. They build characters, some we love, some we love to hate. They can transport us to another place and time. Sometimes they reflect our fantasies, sometimes they ignite new passions, and sometimes they can even shock us.
And behind the scenes — these dedicated folks are checking the spelling, grammar, and syntax — so that we may read effortlessly (in my case, allow me to masturbate furiously).
However, when I see something like this … in the comment section …
“There are now 30 chapters of this story posted, just a bit under half, and nobody has found it worthy of a comment. If anyone has read the whole posting, I’m sorry not to stimulate you to a response. I have decided to post the rest on another website, where the readers are more interactive.“
It makes me sad.
Why? Because I know this writer is prolific. Maybe not everything he writes is everyone’s “cup of tea” — but that doesn’t mean we don’t appreciate his labor of love. So, on behalf of those who contribute regularly and consistently, I would like to express my sincerest gratitude and appreciation for all you do — and I hope you will continue to support LS666 (for all its faults and difficulties).
If you read something and you enjoy it. Please spend a moment and give the writer your thoughts, feedback, and positive energy … I know I joke a lot about myself being a “needy writer who is always seeking affirmation” — the truth is, we all need encouragement to grow and develop our skills and feel that we’re not just wasting our time.
Thanks for reading this, as it comes from the heart. XP
THANK YOU to everyone who contributes here, whether is a large capacity or small. I feel like you are all part of our lustful community… writers, readers, commentors… it doesn’t matter. I love reading ALL of it.
Hey MM … I will never forget what you wrote about LS666 on Wire. You’re a good writer. Thank you for being there and support me and LS666 through MEWE, and many other platforms. XP
Hi, I am looking for individuals that share this site that would lead me to surrendering to Satan. Please share my e-mail address with any and all that would guide me in this.
[email protected]
There are many that are willing to help — check out GarySix’s posts for a start. XP
I appreciate all the Writers!
Thanks Lycan Rex … as I know you comment frequently and contribute through MEWE, Tumblr, and LS666 — I see you brother. I see you! XP
Hi XP,
I know it took a lot of thought and caring for you to write this, and appreciate your commitment to the site and both it readers and contributors. Readers have no obligation to comment on anything, wh. eter they enjoyed it or not, but sending for posting into an apparent ortex is also not a requirement.
Readers who comment don’t have to be noce or say nice things, and some don’t, but they are not in a vacuum, and taking a moment (that’s all it takes) to comment is proof you are there, and that stories are being read.
LAmi Pi Productions is my largest work. Most run well under 100 pages, and this one exceedsd 650 pages. The only thin I can thik to say that will be meaningful to you is the Devil made me do it. The work contains something for every taste, and as such is certain to contain things some people will not like., The nice thing about literature is that eaders can skip what they dislike.
It took some searching to find another site that will carry this kind of material, and I was at last successful. I will send the remainer of Lami Pi to XP, as a courtesy of him taking the.time an dtroouble to make it available to his readers. I will not share the new site with those who refused to post a simple comment in the space provided after every posting.
Live long and prosper.
Your talent, time and devotion to darkness is felt, my brother. Like you say, there’s no obligation, but … and this is just my opinion … if a reader truly enjoys a story and wants more from the writer, why not encourage them?
One of the reasons I work hard at the upkeep of this site, day in and day out, is because of the friends I have made along the way. There is simply too many to mention and they do come and go … but their words to me, have been gold dust … and I just want that experience for those who support LS666 with their creativity.
I was warmed yesterday. As I had been axed from Tumblr, after four years. I had gained over a thousand followers in that time. So starting from zero, really made me upset — but thing that made me sit-up was, that within a single day, I had over 180 followers … some names I recognized, other names were new …
So, thank you for that. And thank you Regis for your inspiring response. XP
Hello MMICHAELS and can you and me talk on my email [email protected]
I’ll send you a message
Thank You all so much!
Gotta love you all!
I do appreciate you, XP, and others you bring to us on this platform. You’ve printed several items I’ve written. Thank you.
I bounce in and out, and I know that drives some who are confirmed in the darkness nuts. I’m not looking for sympathy, not even close. Just to say, I live in two worlds. And, honestly, I’m a hypocrite to light and darkness alike.
Will I ever go all the way? I have no idea. I know I’m more perverted and consumed with lust, dark and depraved lust, than I ever imagined possible. And masturbation has become so much more than an “nngghh” and a spurt. It’s become almost an act of worship. I can’t explain the transformation, but I have no doubt most reading this understand.
Thank you, XP, for continued patience toward novices like myself. We have a long way to go, but if you only knew how far some of us have come…
David Plume / BoudreauxT / Pastorbator
My two contributions didn’t get any comments, but I just wanted to put them out there in the universe.
I’m going through a particularly horny phase right now. I’ve had a recurring fantasy for some time now of masturbating stinky mentally impaired homeless men. The kind who sleep under bushes and smell or stale urine because they sometimes piss in their pants.
I live in a small town with no obvious homeless people, but the other day I drove through a city at midnight on a Saturday and could see homeless folk under old blankets and newspapers in shop entrances.
I stopped and got out, and strutted past a couple in my short dress overlaid with cropped tee shirt. I got some grunts and whistles, but they were right in full view of the street and in a well lit spot, so I didn’t try. Maybe one day, but ideally I would find one in a dark spot. Maybe under a bridge or something, and I’ll just reach into their pants and start masturbating them. If they complain, I’ll leave. If they respond positively I’ll continue. And if they are so willing, I would ask them to piss on me after I’ve finished them off. That would be the perfect ending for this gurl.