Feature Writer: RubyRoberts


Published: 24.07.2023

Story Codes: Demonic, Transgender

Synopsis: Rosie and Erin summon a buff, hung demoness using science

Author’s Notes: I’m still pretty new to writing so I wanted to try writing something different and standalone from stuff I’ve written before. I went through a few different drafts before this final version, so I hope it turned out alright! This one is about a pair of scientist wives summoning a buff demoness with a big dick using the power of science. And then giving her a bunch of sloppy blowjobs, of course! I hope you enjoy!

Applied Demonology

“Would you hurry up?!” Erin hissed. “A guard’s coming and if his patrol takes him left…” She peeked around the corner using a small pocket mirror as she touched up her purple lipstick.

“Those bastards! They locked my ID out and changed the code! Give me yours!”

“So that they can trace everything back to me too? I’m not going to-,” She cut herself off as the soldier walked into earshot. She stepped into the main corridor, as casually as she could manage.

“Afternoon, Doctor Yamaguchi. I hope the wife is handling the suspension well,” he called out as he approached, with a slight nod in her direction.

“O-oh, um… S-she, she… Uh… She’s going totally stir crazy at home, but apart from that…” Erin stammered, tilting her head rightwards in some sort of attempt to subconsciously steer the direction he was headed.

“Hey, take it easy. Sounds like she’s stressing you out just as much!” He chuckled, taking a turn down the right towards Experimental Chemicals. As he carried on down the sterile, grey corridor, she let out a deep sigh.

“Just take it!” She tossed her ID card to Rosie. Slamming the mirror shut and tucking it away in her lab coat pocket, she found herself being yanked by the hand into the room labelled ‘Demonology Lab 3B’. As the light flicked on, it revealed a large, glass containment tank, surrounded by boxy grey computer terminals that looked decades out of date and consoles with countless switches, buttons and lights.

Rosie pushed her glasses up onto her forehead and pulled out a notebook from her lab coat pocket. “See? I knew I could rely on you,” she beamed, flicking through the pages. “I don’t know what you were so worried about!” She turned a page with ‘Valda the Unsummonable’ scribbled at the top in messy handwriting before starting to flick a variety of switches on the console, consulting her notes as she did.

Erin kept on glancing back to the heavy metal door that had closed behind them, trying to listen out for anyone outside. “I was worried about being caught, obviously! God, I don’t know how you still manage to rope me into everything after all these years,” she sighed. “You know I always thought this project was dangerous, and I definitely didn’t want to get involved in… in this whole mess!” She waved her arms up, motioning at nothing in particular. Not that her better half was paying any attention.

“That’s why we make such a great team! I’m good at roping you into stuff, and you’re good at getting us both out of it.”

“And you’re not supposed to do any summoning alone.”

“Hey now, I’m not alone! That’s why I brought you along,” Rosie turned and flashed her a grin. Erin rolled her eyes in return.

“You know that’s not what I meant, smart-ass. They changed the protocol for this, it now states that any summoning requires an entire team to supervise-”

“Come on… I’m the one who wrote those protocols in the first place, and I know it doesn’t take a whole team to do this!” She pressed her face against the glass and peered at the ground. Inside was a large sheet of metal, with an elaborate pattern etched onto it. She tutted to herself, tapped in a code and the door to the tank slid open. She lifted it and dragged it out, albeit with some difficulty given her short stature. “See? I can do it myself!”

“It’s not about whether you’re able to or not. Sweetie, you know I’ve always supported your work, and I know you mean well, but… It’s not safe! People got hurt last time! Why not just… take the time off, let them fix up the problems, and come back in… maybe a supervisory role?” Erin could see the bags under Rosie’s eyes, though they weren’t enough to overshadow the way her eyes seemed to sparkle. It was a very particular sparkle, one she recognised well. It was the same look Rosie had had every time she was determined to prove everyone who doubted her wrong. And Erin knew from years of experience that she would have better luck trying to stop a runaway train than Rosalind Nova once that glint shone in her eye. She sighed as she accepted the inevitable, and started to help Rosie carry the metal plate before it squished her flat. “You’re sure you know what went wrong last time?”

Rosie dropped the plate against the wall and started dragging a blank one from the pile next to it back into the centre of the unit. “Absolutely. The demon somehow managed to get into the computer system. That’s how she let all the others out of their cages. So, I’ve cut off this room from the network, and I’ve beefed up the security so there shouldn’t be a problem this time. See?” The plate dropped to the floor with a deafening slam that made Erin glance at the door in a panic. Nobody seemed to be coming. Meanwhile, Rosie had produced a single floppy disk from her lab coat pocket, which she held aloft with a proud grin on her face.

“You’re kidding. That’s what you were up all night doing? That’s not going to make a difference.” The two stepped over to the console.

“Crappy old computers like these? Sure, it will!” She pushed the floppy disk into the computer and green text streamed across the screen. The metal door to the chamber closed and audibly locked with a loud clunk. “Look, if all else fails, I got it under control last time. I don’t know what all the fuss was about.”

Erin watched as two mechanical arms reached down from the chamber’s ceiling, each tipped with a laser, and began etching an intricate circular pattern on the metal sheet, spinning around at great speeds in an elaborate dance. She let her eyes follow the lights for a moment, before turning back to her spouse, placing an arm around her shoulder. “You know, you never told anyone how you solved the issue. Not even me.” The plate started to faintly glow, though it was unclear if it was from the heat or the magic being carved upon it.

Rosie tucked a strand of hair that had come loose from her messy bun behind her ear and averted her eyes, trying to make it look as if she were focusing on the monitor. “Well, I…” She cleared her throat. “I don’t think that matters… I solved the issue, and that’s what matters!” It was hard to tell from the glow of flashing red and orange lights across the console, but it looked like she was blushing. “The important thing is that if I can get the demon under control BEFORE it breaks everything, they’ll see it was just a teensy little mistake and I’ll be project lead again!”

“I don’t know if they’re goin-…” The computer let out a piercing beep as the lasers retracted, a finished summoning circle carved into the sheet of metal. Erin had grown familiar with such designs and had come to find an alien beauty in them from watching Rosie sketching them out each evening, telling her what kind of demon each pattern could summon.

Rosie waved Erin away from the console. “Probably best to stand back for this part. Last time was pretty intense…” She pressed a button with a dramatic flourish and a small needle filled with a crimson liquid emerged from the centre of the ceiling. “I bet that’s still my blood too. They won’t let me be the project lead anymore, but they’re more than happy to…”

As a single drip landed in the centre of the ring, a roar of flames muffled Rosie’s grumbling. The room erupted in a blast of heat that could be felt even outside of the glass chamber. Erin stepped back, covering her eyes as a whirlwind of cherry-red fire spun around the edge of the summoning circle. She peeked through her fingers to see the silhouette of a figure emerging from the inferno, tall enough that it barely fit in the room.

As the blaze slowly died down, she was finally able to get a look at the demon. Standing at least eight feet tall, Valda the Unsummonable shuddered, shaking a layer of ash off her scarlet body and flexing her limbs. The beast seemed to be built with pure muscle. Erin was certain that her abs must be as hard as iron, and there was no way she would be able to fit her hands around the fiend’s biceps. Protruding from her back were sharp spines, that looked more like they were made of some sort of shiny black stone, perhaps even obsidian, than anything organic. Some of them were tall enough to add another half foot to her height.

Despite all that, what caught Erin most off-guard was the fact that she was naked. Erin averted her gaze downwards, but not before getting a look at her ample chest, and between her legs, a gigantic cock that dwarfed any she had ever seen.

“This is the one that got into the system?” Erin asked as she hesitantly stepped towards the console once more. Glancing down at Rosie, she swore she could even see drool forming at the corner of her mouth.

“You wouldn’t think it, would you? I think there’s something about those spikes that interferes with computers, maybe? Still…” The corners of her mouth curled upwards with obvious excitement. “Isn’t she perfect?”

“She is?” Erin let her eyes wander over the demon’s body. “I suppose I can see the appeal…” Valda looked around at her surroundings, appearing rather unphased. She had a stern, unamused look across her face, although it was hard to discern human emotion from eyes that burnt with an intensity that made them uncomfortable to look at too long. Just as Erin caught a glimpse, the demon turned and stared directly back, causing her to quickly break eye contact. “But here I was thinking your type was lanky nerdy girls, not giant buff demons… Why were you summoning one like this?”

“I-I didn’t mean… I was just… When the rest of the team said they had translated a document that mentioned ‘Valda the Unsummonable’, I-I…” It was rare that Rosie was the one left flustered. Seeing her response, Erin smirked. She could take an educated guess at how exactly Rosie had resolved the situation last time. “She’s just a challenge, that’s all!” Rosie bit her lip and simply stared for several seconds.

As daunting as the demon was, Erin had to admit that the mental image of her wife finding a way to ‘appease’ her was more exciting than she had anticipated. “Of course, she is, sweetie. I’ll give you that. I suppose you’ve never been one to back down from a challenge, and she does look challenging…” she said in her most seductive tone as she bent down and kissed Rosie on the cheek.

“N-no, that’s not…”

“Hey, you know me. I’ve always supported your work. And if it was part of your work, I guess I’m fine with it.” By this point, Erin was having to suppress a laugh. “Well, you’ve proven you could summon her. Twice now, no less. Just hurry up and bind her with a contract before something goes wrong again.” She started flipping some switches while Rosie took a moment to compose herself.

After pulling herself together, Rosie gradually started typing. “I-I… Um… Okay… Well, usually computer-mediated contracting depends on information from the central server, but with this room cut off from the network, I’ve cooked up a bespoke…” The screen flickered and the lights across the console went out one by one, with the monitor turning off last. “No, no, no… This goddamn ancient piece of shit!” She whacked the top a few times, to no avail. She sighed. “Well, at least this time it looks like it’s electrical. Let me just…” She opened a panel and started fiddling with some wires.

The demoness watched with obvious interest. Approaching the window that looked over the computer, Erin could swear she was muttering something under her breath. “Careful. She looks like she’s doing something…”

“She’s probably just trying the same trick as last time. The idiot doesn’t even realise it’s not turned on now. I wonder if…” She yelped as a pair of wires gave off a spark. The door between the airlock and the demon’s chamber opened. Erin hardly had a chance to warn Rosie before Valda reached in and grabbed her by the scruff of her lab coat, dragging her over and lifting her off the ground. The brute ran her eyes up and down the scientist’s body… and all the while, the scientist did the same in turn. “O-oh, my god…” She murmured as she bit her lip. “I forgot how strong she was…”

“I knew something like this would happen! Just stay calm, I’ll go get help, I’ll…”

“Wait, hold on! If people think I screwed up again, they’ll never let me back on the project. I can handle this… Let me…” She pitifully flailed her arms at the demon to no avail, beyond provoking a low, gravelly chuckle. “I wonder… If I could make a contract the old-fashioned way… It’d be less safe, but…”

Rosie looked up and stared directly into the burning gaze that bored down upon her. The demoness dropped her to the floor and pinned her against the wall of the tank with her foot. The two stared at each other, perfectly silent and still. Glancing from one to the other, Erin could sense there was some unspoken communication occurring between them that she wasn’t privy to. She had seen it before, back when Rosie was first developing her applied scientific approach to demonology… A series of complex negotiations happening in silence while they both stood there in a trance.

Since Rosie had developed a system of using computers to negotiate with less risk to humans, this method had become strongly discouraged. “Rosie, this is dangerous… Making a contract like that always leaves a loophole or a…” It was too late. She winced as a small symbol singed itself onto the back of her hand.

Erin sighed. There was little she could do now besides help see things through. She rushed around to the same side of the tank as her and pressed her face up against the glass. “What did she want in exchange?” Her eyes widened as the demoness placed a firm grip on the scientist’s head. She gave a cruel laugh and smeared her cock over her face, leaving a trail of thick precum in its wake. It quickly became obvious what sort of deal Valda had been interested in.

Valda pressed the tip of her gigantic girldick against Rosie’s lips and forcefully pushed forward, the back of her head knocking against the glass. The mortal’s jaw was stretched achingly wide, but the demon clearly cared little for her comfort, pushing forward without mercy. Rosie’s eyes watered as the infernal cock slid deeper and deeper into her throat until there was an obvious bulge in her neck.

Before long, she found her head firmly pinned between the tank window and the demon’s crotch. Valda held her there, letting her cocksleeve adjust to the sensations. The feel of weighty, cum-filled balls against her chin. The lightheadedness of being deprived of oxygen in favour of something much more important. Erin’s eyes widened, transfixed. After what felt like an eternity, the demoness gradually pulled back in one torturously slow motion, her girldick coated in long strands of spit and saliva. Rosie panted for breath, drool dribbling down her chin in equal amounts before Valda slammed back into her throat once more.

Erin couldn’t help but gawk in awe at both the demon’s speed and stamina, as well as Rosie’s capacity for cock. Kneeling behind her from beyond the glass, she watched each thrust, pressing her thighs together and squirming slightly. A slight growl took her by surprise. Looking up, she saw Valda baring her teeth as she became slower but more forceful with each thrust. With a great roar, she slammed into Rosie’s throat one more time and started pumping her load into her stomach. Before long, excess cum was spilling down her chin. Once more, the demon pulled out, being sure to coat the scientist’s face in her seed.

Rosie slumped down, panting as the demon glared down impatiently. Erin rushed into the chamber and helped prop her up. “Oh my God, Rosie… How did you…? A-are you…?” She searched for so many things to say, but in the end, all she could blurt out was, “Holy fuck, that was hot! The way you… I didn’t know you could… Did that fulfil the contract?”

“Not even close. She has something of a… penchant for oral, I think… She agreed to be contracted in exchange for ten blowjobs…” Rosie just about mumbled between each pant, holding up her fingers. “God, I feel weaker… I bet she’s draining my energy or something… She probably planned this from the beginning… Expected I couldn’t manage that long…”

Erin tutted. “For such a smart woman, you really can be an idiot sometimes… This is the exact kind of thing you set up this whole system to avoid!”

“I thought ten didn’t seem TOO bad, but… I-I… I may have bit off more than I can chew here, Erin… Could you…?” She glanced her eyes upwards. Erin found Valda’s hard meat looming over her, still slick with drool.

Her cheeks turned bright red. “I…” She pressed her legs together and inhaled. The entire chamber was full of the heady scent of cum. “I’d love to, but I don’t know if I can manage…” She just about squeaked before the demoness grabbed her just as firmly as she had her wife and began prodding against her lips. The vice-like grip of her giant claws around her head made her position clear. It was the feeling of inevitability.

“Here…” Rosie sat up, pressing herself against Erin’s back. She slid her hand down the front of Erin’s trousers. “This might help…” Erin felt fingers running over her clit, she let out a little gasp. The demon took full advantage of the moment and started gradually pushing forward, further than she thought possible. The taste of cum still lingered on Valda’s cock, albeit watered down by her wife’s saliva.

As she felt her gag reflex kicking in, Rosie reached up, gently running her hand over Erin’s neck and whispered in her ear. “Just relax… Don’t overthink it… You’re doing so, so well… God, it’s so hot to see your throat bulging like this…” Valda seemed to appreciate the show the two were putting on for her. She especially enjoyed the feeling of her cock being stroked through Erin’s neck. Erin steadied herself by holding the demon’s powerful thighs, just as she started to facefuck her as furiously as she had with her wife.

Soon, she looked just as much of a mess as Rosie did, with eyeliner streaming down her cheeks, lipstick smudged all over her mouth, and her lab coat damp with her own slobber. She moaned onto the demonic cock as Rosie nibbled at her neck and slipped her fingers inside her, all the while whispering about how grateful she was for her help and, more importantly, how gorgeous she looked with a faceful of ruined makeup. The demon began to throb deep in Erin’s throat, and from her groans, it was clear she was close. Rosie whispered, wrapping Erin’s hair in her fingers and pushing her forward until her nose pressed against Velda’s crotch, leaving a perfect ring of purple lipstick.

The sight of the brute’s climax from outside the chamber didn’t do it justice. The taste of cum flooding her mouth, the heavy scent of sweat and musk, the feeling of hot jizz spilling from the corners of her lips, all combined with the sensation of Rosie’s hand between her legs. It was too much. She tossed her head back onto the scientist’s shoulder, her body writhing with waves of pleasure. As the demon pulled out, she splattered them both in her seed. She further smeared it around with her cock, a proud smirk on her face and muttered something to herself in the demonic tongue. She was evidently pleased to have not one, but two mortals serving her.

But the mortals paid little attention to her. As Erin felt her body growing weak, Rosie pulled her in and licked her face. She followed this with a deep, grateful kiss. “God, I really can rely on you for anything… I don’t know how I’m going to thank you for getting me out of this mess…” Erin smiled up at her as she lay against her.

“Oh, I’m sure I’ll think of something…” The demoness, seemingly growing impatient at the lack of attention, thrust her dick between the two. Rosie bit her lip, leaving her partner to rest against the glass window of the chamber as Valda took hold of her once more.

After several hours, the entire tank was virtually covered in a thick layer of the devil’s spunk. By this point, Erin sat in a puddle of the stuff. She had lost count of how many climaxes they had given Valda, but while Erin was exhausted, the demon’s stamina seemed like it had only gradually begun to decline.

She held Rosie’s hand in her own, fingers locked together, as she turned to her. By this point, equally drained of energy, Rosie simply let Valda toss her around like a ragdoll as she fucked her face. Erin looked up at the demon. She was close to the edge once again. She could tell by the way she bared her teeth as if trying to threaten prey. Gradually, her thrusts slowed to a torturously slow crawl that left Rosie’s body quivering each time she pulled out, and with each time, the demon let out a low groan. Erin grabbed her wife by the shoulders and shook her.

“H-hey! Rosie! I think this might be it!” With a murmur, Rosie glanced up. She suddenly seemed to pay more attention. Reaching up, she took hold of the demon’s shaft with both hands. After countless climaxes that hardly seemed to phase her, Valda seemed to be growing weak at the knees, her breath becoming shaky. That determined look flashed across Rosie’s face as she started stroking in time with each thrust.

As Rosie pulled the cock from her mouth, Valda groaned, her legs giving out as she dropped to her knees. As she spurted the last shots of cream onto the floor of the chamber, her wrists, ankles and neck began to glow. Shackles of searing hot metal emerged from her skin, engraved with the same symbol as on the back of Rosie’s hand. “Oh my god… Did we finally…?” Erin said. Valda almost drowned her out with attempts at demonic curses. It was no use at this point. A demon’s contract was absolute and impossible to renege on.

Rosie sat there stunned. She slowly lifted her branded hand and a chain shot forward from it, attaching to the demon’s collar. A gigantic grin crawled across her face. “YES! I knew I could do it!” she shouted triumphantly, already seeming reinvigorated. “…with your help, of course!” She added upon seeing Erin roll her eyes, giving her a quick peck on the cheek. As she clambered up, she yanked Valda after her with surprising ease. A demon’s strength was of little use without a mortal’s say-so once contracted. “They’ll have to make me the project lead again now!”

“I’m not so sure, sweetie… I mean, if anything, this has just proved this was even more dangero- Hey, hold on!” Before she could remind Rosie that she was less than presentable, she had already stormed out of the room, Valda in tow.

Erin could hear a couple of gasps from outside the door. It was unclear whether this was on account of the cum-coated scientist, the gigantic demon, or perhaps both. Either way, a shout echoed through the corridors, “Guess what, fuckers! Look who summoned the Unsummonable!” Erin shook her head and chuckled, wiping the cum from her face.


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