Writer: Malevolent Darkness 666
Subject: New Is An Offering
Link: LS666 Blog / 25.05.2024
Anger Is An Offering
Emotional energy will increase the power of the gift of anger. The emotional energy can be very strong. Just let it happen. Taken it all the way to the root. If you want to curse someone offer that rage and thoughts of revenge — so that the demons can use your energy — to bring your enemies to justice.
“Anger Is An Offering” — this was something that spoke to me — as I always looked at my past anger as something that came from a deep frustration with situations that seemed to be beyond my personal control.
However, I never thought about it — until now — that my anger was a trigger for making me who I am. In the face of adversity — the “gift of anger” has made me stronger, more determined, and work harder to change the outcome.
I was angry for many years. During that period, the “gift of anger”, made me awaken every day with a singular thought — that I would never allow myself to fail — that I would do whatever it took to win.
But where does anger come from? It’s certainly not a heavenly gift.
“Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” — Ephesians 4:31-32
I wasn’t without malice. Fuck being kind or tenderhearted. I was unforgiving. I embraced my bitterness, wrath, and malice, and used my anger. My indomitable spirit came from a very dark place.
Decades later, I am no longer angry. I am happier and content with my lot. But that’s because I never gave in — my anger helped me get over my obstacles — and my hatred of my enemies gave me the strength to carry on, to be undefeated … to be my very best.
Embrace your anger — for it can be an important force in your life — the “gift of anger” makes you stronger in the face of adversity and can bring your enemies to justice.
I am full of anger and rage and hate.
It stems from being molested as a child.
That molestation, however, turned out to be a gift.
It turned me into a masturbation and porn addict, and like so many others, it led me to Satan too, praise be.
These days though, I rarely masturbate to porn anymore.
Only to blasphemy.
Satan is transforming me.
Ave Satanas.