Writer: Lucy Az
Subject: Androgyny
Link: MeWe / 30.11.2021
The culmination of genders. A perfection that has unparalelled beauty. It dispenses with gender roles, and exemplifies the Divine. When you are through with playing your gender role that societal cultures dictate, you can ascend into your Divinity. Leaving behind ignorance and indoctrination for Apotheosis.
I hate to do this but “androgeny” means “male sex” while being generically ambiguous is “androgyny.”
Hail George — thanks for this … updated already … they are similar and can be easily confused
something that CAN be interpreted in more than one way!,,,so everyones IDEA..not necessarilly the rule…..general USE ofthe word..andro. ..in its ACCEPTED meaning..is enough evidence..of WHAT WE MEAN…and what Lucy professes is more than sufficient…my tastes have changed due probably to the infestation of porn…though having a mate..im more drawn to to trans…NOW!…its hard to xpress my feelings..sexually…but androgeny..IS SUFFICIENT…thankyou Lucy..for this wonderful treatise on the ACCEPTABILITY of this CHOICE..it overwelms me…
Hail Lucy Az
Direct Conduit to Lilith
Thank You My Brother Xpanther for sharing Her Wisdom
The true “God body” would be
-perfectly shape
-a nice cock
-a vagina
-a clit
-a hole in the penis, full of end-bulbs of Krause
-end-bulbs of Krause in the anus
-a capacity to stay near the orgasm for hours
-a capacity to ejaculate 12 time/night
-a giant secretion of sperm (1 dm3 each time)
-end-bulbs of Krause inside the nipples
-and, why not, holes in nipples which would allows the erected nipples of the partner to fuck the breast
-a long tongue (ubersexx), also full of end-bulbs of Krause
What is Krause?