Feature Writer: witch333s
Feature Title: And I questioned him, and said ‘who art thou?’
Link: TUMBLR / 12.11.2019 / https://witch333s.tumblr.com/post/177362121140/and-i-questioned-him-and-said-who-art-thou
And I questioned him, and said ‘who art thou?’
“And I questioned him, and said ‘who art thou?’ The demon replied: ‘I am Beelzebub, the monarch of the demons. And all the demons have their chief seats close to me. And I it is who make manifest the apparition of each demon.’ And he promised to bring me in bonds all the unclean spirits.”
HELL YEA BABY sweeties HAIL SATAN sweeties 💋
Hail KF386 – Hail Satan