Aloha by Hoku Lani

Writer: Hoku Lani

Subject: Aloha

Link: MEWE / 23.08.2024


In Ancient Egypt, Osiris was the “Judger of the Dead”, Lord of the Underworld, and is often portrayed as a full or partial mummy. Osiris was slain by his brother Set shortly after the world was created but then brought back to life by his wife and incestuous sister Isis.

This was before the founding of Judaism and Christianity and you know these entities as Lucifer and Lilith. Like all things, what is true today is not necessarily true tomorrow as there will always be change.

I share this as some of you reading this know I am on several platforms. There are times we are here and times we are not, although my departure is never my choice. For now, I research and continue to grow and if Lilith wants me to share her wisdom, then I shall return.

Know that I appreciate and value all who follow or read what Lilith inspires. This is not goodbye, simply Aloha. Since Aloha means Hello or Goodbye, I am pleased to share my Aloha!


2 thoughts on “Aloha by Hoku Lani”

  1. Hello Ms Hoku Lani my new can you please help me get on your link on MEWE and I don’t have the Direct link to your Amazing Stories and I hope you remember me when you told me to change my email and my username

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