Writer: Mary M Rylee
Subject: Acronyms of Satan
Link: Posted on LS666 / 13.02.2021 / Taste it!
Acronyms of Satan
Ave Ray, Ave Satanas! Very well posted, bravo! Also thought you might like some acronyms we use in converting the so called xtians, catlicks, etc. to the truth of Satan in all things!
Try these when dealing with them … “slap egg” –> an easy way to remember the so called “seven deadly sins” = sloth, lust, anger, pride + envy, gluttony, greed. Also, UIOGD, or to the xtians, “all for the greater honor and glory of God” becomes UIOGS, for us meaning “all for the greater honor and Glory of Satan” and BCPT –> denotes blasphemy, cursing, profanity, sacrilege and “sins” –> denotes sacraments, incest, novenas, stations of the cross …
You get the idea. These are very useful in helping us to convert (some say corrupt, but what do they know or care!) the new, young or older, seniors to the true Satanic wisdom that we enjoy. The more you understand about Satan, the more you understand about yourself for we are one WITH HIM!
Ironically or truthfully, as the “Jesuits”or “Society of Jesus” as they call themselves, will tell you, the more they understand about God or Jesus or The Holy Spirit, the more confused they become! We know better for “It is better to reign in Hell than to serve in heaven” is so true. Would YOU rather kneel to serve God or kneel to serve Yourself? It gets easier with the true bond between Satan and ourselves! UIOGS