A Struggling Horny Christian Asked by SSSatanic666

Writer: sssatanic666

Subject: A Struggling Horny Christian Asked

Link: Tumblr / 28.04.2024

A Struggling Horny Christian Asked

I’m a Christian struggling with my faith. Undoubtedly Satan’s lust and pull have been very strong in me. How did you overcome the guilt of the Holy Spirit?


Hail Satan! I found that when I committed to Satan my guilt went away completely. It had been diminishing before that, but once I committed there was a revelation of freedom and no guilt. Often the feeling of guilt is really about how we think others will see us. As I progressed into more and more pleasure indulgence the more the guilt did not affect me.


What do we learn here? That to be a horny Christian is to be under constant surveillance … do you believe that your all-seeing-all-knowing Abrahamic god has his watchdog aka “The Holy Ghost” spying on you while you masturbate? — as some 78% of people around the globe masturbate — that’s a lot of spying (even for allowing for all the non-Christians).

1 thought on “A Struggling Horny Christian Asked by SSSatanic666”

  1. There is absolutely nothing to feel guilty for…. I sometimes wonder if the trinity of gawd doesn’t enjoy seeing me as I play on my pussy…watching every single delicious stroke on my clit and the way I finger fuck myself I certainly hope he enjoys watching me be such a good girl for Satan. Love to see his face as I cum over and over. Mmmmm feels so good!

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