A Reading From The Book Of The Pig by Mike Hawk

Writer: Mike Hawk

Subject: A Reading From The Book Of The Pig

Link: ReligiousFetish.com / 12.07.2024

A Reading From The Book Of The Pig

And so it was that a man, seeking to sully and gratify his flesh, came upon moving images of a woman, and blasphemy flowed from Her lips like water, and the black fire burned in her eyes. And she did perform many sinful acts, and his flesh exhaled in her, and he knew true lust.

“Who is this?” he called out

“She is called the Serpent,” the Pig answered, “She is Lilith incarnate among us. She knows the black fire and serves Satan, in the old way. None is like her, for she is a witch, an acolyte of Lilith, and thoroughly unholy. She is the bringer of all inequity, a reveler in sin. Look upon her form and rejoice in your flesh. Many may blaspheme and corrupt but Lilith is with her such that the god of Abraham can never abide her, Her sin is pure, Her blasphemy an evocation of the Dark Lord. Blessed are you for reveling in her.”

“How do you know this?” he asked the Pig, “Have you lain with Her?’

“No, I am unworthy to lay with her,” the Pig replied, “But through her, I have known the corruption of my soul and seen the delights of hell. I tribute to her with my cum, piss, and blood, and Lilith is with me.”

And the man, believing these words, grew tumescent ten-fold, and power coursed through him and he gave her tribute, and to Queen Lilith, and Lord Satan, he gave the tribute, and his soul was forfeit to them, and he rejoiced. Ave Lilith, Ave Satanas.


Hail Mark — this is a wonderful piece. It leaves me wanting more — much more! Thanks, XP.

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