Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The story’s content does not represent the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. The author does not condone or promote unlawful activity as the story describes. By continuing to read this work, you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character they are depicting, but they remain at all times adults.
Feature Writer: Regis
Published: 25.03.2025
Story Codes: Young Ones, Abuse, Violence, Pregnancy, Snuff
Lami Pi Productions had humble beginnings, where bored housewives invited other young mothers over for a tea party at which their daughters would get naked and fight. It was mostly innocent hair-pulling and scratching, but the ladies found it stimulating, and the concept spread.
As the semi-organized fights between naked pre-teen girls spread, some of the youngsters became quite good at defeating their foes, and men caught on to what was happening in their homes while they were away at work or on business trips, fucking call girls provided by the better hotels in their rooms at night.
A founding member of D-Ring Inc. founded a new group, Lami Pi Productions, to present the fighting nude girls to his clients, and organize the house parties as a feeding source of youngsters for their gambling casinos and show lounges.
A Minor Adjustment
D-Ring Inc. made a huge leap forward in its operations when, after decades of lobbying and pressuring of both influential politicians and the courts, it finally began to break the highly restrictive age barrier for the females who entertained naked in its casinos.
At the time, only girls twelve and older, who had begun to produce breasts and were considered to be fertile, were permitted to work nude in their casinos, where the gamblers preferred to see bare cunts, and to gamble on sports where naked young cunts suffered, usually severely.
A series of breakthrough decisions, from County, State, to National Supreme Courts around the world came together in 2187 to swing the pendulum in their direction, and with astute legal work and the results of masses of research, much progress occurred.
The first hurdle was crossed with the most innocent of oversights. In most jurisdictions, children could not legally appear nude in their entertainment facilities, not even as provocative decoration or to supplement the sensuality of obscene productions.
The major exceptions were a few countries in the Far East, three in West Africa, and most in Central and South America. The rest of the world lagged far behind, where the legal department of D-Ring worked hard to bring the laws more up-to-date.
A junior lawyer noticed there was no clear definition of innocent minors. It was impossible to prove children were corrupted by participating in lewd sex performances when there was no accurate method of measuring or defining their degree of innocence.
Here, the participation of children was permitted, but they were required to be clothed, ingenious costume design created very narrow crotches in panties, which, worn very loosely, hid nothing. Virtually transparent sheer nylon net panties were also frequently used, usually wet to complete the view, as well as one-inch net panties, which also revealed everything.
For a special private event staged at a tropic resort, a dozen ten-year-old girls wrestled in a warm-up event, wearing costumes painted onto them with house paint. When no complaints were recorded, the children were painted with nearly transparent thinned oil colors.
The heat and perspiration of the struggling little girls soon washed the minimal paint off, leaving them as naked as they had appeared when the competition started, and still nobody complained. It turned out the producers were right, their audiences liked to see naked little cuntlets.
It was also noted that wherever there was mention in the laws of anything about painted-on costumes, there was no minimum standard for pigment in paint used to hide body parts. Painting a light film of vegetable oil with only a tiny pinch of pigment soon became the norm.
That form of ‘body cover’ was soon considered satisfactory. Within weeks D-Ring went the next step, and instead of oil, used a gallon of water base with half a teaspoon of talcum powder dissolved in it as pigment. This met the letter of the law and was hugely popular with the gamblers.
The children, excited at the chance to be so very naughty, were in every respect stark naked, their hairless and usually hidden sexually innocent charms now on full display, to the delight of audiences. Little cunts and penises were all the rage and featured in almost every act.
The second hurdle was crossed when a state school district sponsored a program of field trips that included a visit to a slaughterhouse, where pigs, sheep, lambs and goats were slaughtered. Several of the children vomited when they saw an animal being killed and cleaned, but they all survived.
Although some parents objected, it was successfully argued that viewing terminal violence to animals was very common in children’s cartoons and that seeing such violence was never proven to contribute to juvenile delinquency or the moral standards of an individual.
Further, regularly broadcast television sports such as ice hockey, downhill skiing, football and several other sports would document severe accidents that on occasion proved to be fatal, replaying them repeatedly without corrupting youngsters who viewed them.
Witnessing live sports in the D-Ring in which the outcome was certain death for one of the nude female competitors was judged to be no more corrupting to little girls who saw it, and new standards were established which allowed children to work naked in the American death fight casinos.
They were already permitted full participation in SE Asia Casinos. Vietnamese, Mongolians and Philippians were more modern and sophisticated than Americans. They had a true sense of the value of naked children being involved in sexual performances.
Soon counties around the world capitulated, and the market, totally dominated by the multinational D-Ring Inc, was now wide open, with rapid progress in the level of participation of minors, with no age restrictions. Death was argued to be a natural part of the life cycle.
The butchering and evisceration of a beautiful young naked woman while she was still alive and screaming just for its entertainment value simply advanced the maturing of young children who witnessed this type of extremely violent adult entertainment.
The line for ‘Adult’ in live sexually violent erotic entertainment was thereafter further blurred. It became allowed in video and film first, but took another two years before audiences could witness a live performance of children participating in live snuff performances.
The third hurdle, and likely the most valuable to the D-Ring organization, was when the law department opened the door to discipline and corrections. Young single mothers who allowed their little girls to become entertainers eagerly signed on for the elementary modeling lessons.
They were anxious for their children to bring in money, with little concern for how in might affect them. These lessons were quickly followed by the more specific posing and dance, then carriage and disposition training for young ladies, setting them up with useful skills, but also for more rigorous forms of correction when they misbehaved.
Anticipating lucrative modeling contracts, the mothers readily consented to regular photography and video sessions in which their little girls were frequently either partially or completely naked. Images and videos of naked little girls were in great demand.
While in the care of the trainers, it was necessary that the mothers also sign waivers permitting their training to include some discipline as well as attitude and behavior corrections, to make their little girls better, more disciplined models. The mothers readily agreed to this stipulation.
The modeling schools, owned and operated by D-Ring Inc., used punishment and discipline as the primary method of control of the little imps. Girls who even slightly stepped out of line had their panties pulled down, if they were wearing any, and were publicly spanked.
Canes were used on them when they were learning to stand on pointe, and when available, their little pubic slits also tasted the snap of a cane or whip. With their mother’s permission, these little ladies could receive harsh corporal punishment regularly.
Disciplining them in public shows did prove to accelerate both their learning and level of performance. Mothers were usually not present during lessons. Instead, they were given a pile of free chips and encouraged to fill their day gambling in the casino.
This was no accident, but was to prepare them to rapidly move on to addiction to gambling, followed by arranged huge losses, indebting the mothers to D-Ring. At the very least, this opened the door for very permissive mothers, allowing full use of their little girls in the D-Ring operations.
The Organization gained virtual ownership of these lovely children. Gambling soon replaced the mother’s little girl in her list of priorities, and before long, they would readily agree to permit whatever discipline was necessary for their children to get full access to the Casino.
Further, the eager young mothers, some of them as young as seventeen, single mothers who had conceived their little girls, as they reached puberty, were soon heavily addicted to gambling, which facilitated the acquisition of the more attractive and fit young mothers as combative nude fighters in the ring.
Participation in the naked female fights was the only way they could see they could be able to pay back their huge debts. It was a win-win situation for the international death-fight Casino organization, and because all of the money involved stayed in the Casino, cost them virtually nothing.
The young women’s winnings were immediately gambled away, and their mounting losses made it impossible for them to say no to whatever the Casino demanded of them. Little girls with interesting figures and potential to become sex performers were brought into the school as young as seven.
They were given rudimentary training in the arts of erotic dance, posture and posing. They were given practical experience serving naked as cuntail waitresses at cocktail parties before major events, wearing only colored collars and wristbands.
The scrumptious little darlings were given purpose-made perfectly fitted erotic spike-heeled shoes on their tiny feet, adding an astounding new shape to their tiny figures as they walked about, their pretty puffy pussies on full display. To enhance their look further, tails were stuck into their bums.
Skilled craftspeople from Argentina, a world leader in shoemaking, operated an in-house factory, creating all of the erotic spike-heeled shoes worn by females of all ages in nude service and performance. Even the mothers who fought nude in the ring wore spike heels.
One of the tools used to train the sweet innocents’ restraint was to require them to wait much longer than was natural to relieve themselves. They would spend the night in just their panties, and dressing in the morning meant only putting on their high heels.
They were not given potty breaks before noon, and were then required to defecate in their panties. The soiled panties were pulled off, and they were caned for dirtying the minimal garment. A hose was used to spray clean their soiled bums, and the dirtied panties were auctioned off.
They were bent over to take the nozzle into their rectums to receive a painful internal douche, more severe than an enema. They then had to hold the water in their intestine until permitted to release it, in front of an audience, for optimum humiliation of the sweethearts.
These novice entertainers were known as the Peepee Girls, because their performance began by being placed on a tall and very small round table, with a top no wider than a foot, and they would dance nude and strike obscene poses, then urinate, to the cheers of their audience.
Their pee would trickle down their bare legs to puddles, dripping off the small tabletop. The readily permissible punishment for any transgression by the little girls, including rules manufactured on the spot to allow for corrective physical reprimand, was to receive a public spanking.
The nude youngster would be draped over the lap of a member of the audience who would have his erection out of his pants, so that their rigid organ moved up against her naked groin. Soon her virgin vagina would be moistened with pre-ejaculation fluid.
The child would then have to deal with spurting jets of semen as the client enjoyed the sexual nuances of spanking a nude screaming child while the bloated head of his penis tickled her little vulva. He would have to be careful not to accidentally smack the head of his throbbing dong.
Precedence served the organization well as the elite shows slowly progressed from spankings to special defloration performances, which of themselves earned a great deal of money for the Corporation, then on to what was billed as child mini-lap dances.
In these, the male audience members openly copulated with well-trained little fornicators who bounced on their laps and witnessed the progression in the ring as rather innocent nude child-wrestling advanced from hair-pull, scratch, poke and punch competitions to more serious contests in which severe “accidents” were designed into the sport.
Entertainments involving naked minor performers became accessible, for a substantial price. Expensive tickets bought the right to witness individual and group hanging, drowning in a display tank, impalement and other usually fatal “accidents” for naked little girls.
These events became more common,and soon expected by the more jaded gamblers. The term “accident” was always used when a killing took place, for license purposes. When a petite girl’s youthful life was sacrificed for the amusement of the guests, a brief report had to be filed.
Doing this kept the legal department busy, describing the accident in a formal report. There were half a dozen writers who specialized in describing how a child could be killed by running herself through, the rectum or vagina to mouth, with an inch-thick steel shaft.
The young mothers were never present when “accidents” happened to their daughters, because it was conveniently arranged that they would be busy, missing their daughter’s action. They were usually at the time fully engaged in their own form of brutal action.
The mothers were entered into the Casino’s famous death fights for nude competition against much more experienced fighters, and it was further arranged, by this point, that the fight ring was all that was left in their brief future. It was their death that gave the fights their name.
Once the little ladies under the age of twelve were permitted legally to fully participate, the D-Ring Inc. recruiting division made a substantial shift in strategies. It introduced a “bottomless” age range, meaning even tiny infants were vulnerable, should a taste for such action develop.
A technology the staff research and development division had perfected in anticipation of the shift to the common use of younger performers was put into full effect. In 1939, a five-year-old Peruvian village girl, Lina Medina, gave birth, becoming the youngest human by far, to ever become a natural mother.
It was an astounding development and was later well-documented on Wikipedia. The D-Ring research department established that the girls who can conceive before the normal age of puberty had early growth of hair on their upper arms and lower legs.
These early developers also had several little hairs growing unobtrusively on their pubic mounds. The researchers had some success in testing female gonads on immature little girls and were able to identify other characteristics that gave them the picture.
When combined, the characteristics they identified showed distinct early maturing of the little ladies’ reproductive organs, with their period beginning as early as the age of three. For these prospective little mothers, the only ingredient missing was a dose of hot semen.
They started with hormone treatments for eleven-year-old girls, and when they were able to producefull-termm pregnancies completed with successful birthing, they moved the age back until within three years of the start of this reproduction research, they had perfected initiating pregnancy in seven-year-old girls.
Their other remarkable discovery was that with the very young girls, full term was reached in only six months, at which point they whelped, with a net saving of three months. With some analysis, they discovered how to perpetuate this shorter term as the girls aged.
Two months after delivering her baby a little girl could be impregnated again, allowing her to deliver three babies every two years. That was more than doubled when controlled multiple births were engineered, as was gender so that twin girls were produced for the first two pregnancies and then triplets from the age of nine onward.
Within three years twenty-five little test mothers were producing one hundred babies a year, and when their number was increased to a hundred in the “hatchery” of each casino, the four hundred infant production per year more than satisfied the need of that facility.
Breeding was combined with the more traditional abduction procurement, which not only provided fresh little ladies for training but also a supply of their beautiful young mothers. More mature girls in their teens were also regularly bred, keeping their milk production fresh, and they became the brood mares, nursing all of the infants produced.
The infants remained on mother’s milk until they were five, and were never house-broken, since it amused guests to have infants and small children peeing and pooping from time to time as they frolicked behind glass walls in the Casino’s viewing playrooms.
Offensive odor was never a factor, at least for the audience, thanks to the glass. For more public displays, Tums and Rolaids were fed to them like candies, to greatly reduce the production of methane in their intestines, almost eliminating the offensive smell of little girl logs and patties.
Now that little girls were in much more ready supply, a new sport was designed that handsomely funded the research as well as lined the coffers of the Casinos. It was a field sport, suitable for conducting on the Organization’s private retreat estates, exclusively for the entertainment of people who had demonstrated a taste for the violence of little girls.
With proper conditioning and upbringing, girls can willingly be very cruel to each other and taking advantage of their natural pack instinct, the trainers found they could readily have teams of little girls engage in nude warfare, the girls armed with clubs.
The objective was to break the arms and legs of everyone on the opposing team. The eager little girls quickly learned they could gain the advantage by cracking ribs first with their hardwood batons, and they did not let the risk of death stop them from cracking another girl’s skull.
When an entire team was on the ground, twisting, heaving and moaning from the battering they had taken, those still standing on the winning team then went at each other, so that the mayhem on the small field turned into a “last little pussy standing” sport.
The attrition rate was very high, but so was the growing supply of pretty little cuntlets. A variation of the game required the little girls to ram their batons into the cuntlets and rectums of their opponents so deeply they buried them. This made for quite a different struggle, but just as devastating for the participating imps.
The sport of sexual violence entertainment had grown into an incredibly profitable business for D-Ring, continually reaching to satisfy all tastes in naked females bent on the destruction of their opponents, to amuse and entertain those who paid so much to visit their island retreat.
This was how Lami Pi Productions grew from a few home tea parties by housewives, arranging for their little girls to fight each other naked, to the burgeoning organization that spanned the world, producing grossly obscene performances by naked children for the amusement of gamblers.
It also gave D-Ring Inc. a new lease on life in its production of naked female fights in its casinos around the world, where little girls as young as six could fight for the amusement of the gamblers, who became used to seeing little girls fight each other, often to the death, and often armed with vicious weapons that enabled a violent kill.
Interesting story start. I look forward to a chapter 2, if there is one planned.