Writer: Lycan Rex
Subject: A Litany To Lilith
Link: MEWE / 27.07.2023 / Lust Of Lilith
A Litany To Lilith
Hail Lilith, I offer up my orgasm unto thee, knowing that this humble offering is acceptable to thee. Oh, Patroness of Sacred Sex and Prostitution hear me! Oh Empress of Perversity and Obscene Queen, all sexual acts are sacred to thee – whether masturbation, oral, vaginal, anal, or sadomasochist.
When a Midwest farm girl arrives at a porn studio and lubes herself up for her first double anal, Lilith is there. She smiles with pleasure and her holy cunt pulses. When a naked prostitute licks the balls of a client, Lilith is there. She smiles with pleasure and her holy cunt pulses.
When a stripper spreads her legs and masturbates before her audience, Lilith is there. She smiles with pleasure and her holy cunt pulses. In earlier times, at the old Havana shows, When the sexual athlete ‘Superman’ mounted an endless series of women – of different shapes, sizes, races, ages, and colors – Lilith was there. She smiled with pleasure and her holy cunt pulsed.
Hail Queen of all Succubi! Hail Angel of Prostitution and Mother of Fornication! Renich viasa avage Lilith lirach. Ave Lilith.
Thank You my Brother Xpanther
I received this meditation from one of The Masters
Such as You!
This is so beautiful! Yess I do believe Mother Lilith is so happy when she’s watching us all as we are fucking, sucking, and enjoying our sexuality together. The more we indulge the better. She wants us to feel that delicious heat. As we watch porn the lust intensifies the beautiful temptation to be a part of the action. So by all means do whatever you can to please Lilith and Satan! Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Suck that cock, eat that sweet pussy and tongue fuck that ass!! Be a cumslut and whore! Put it out there! Put a smile on their lips! You’re gonna fucking love it!