Writer: Voice from the Shadows
Subject: A Double Message from the Dark Lord
Link: Tumblr / 26.09.2021 / Reposted by Coolsierraworld
A Double Message from the Dark Lord
If you have been reading my tumblr you will know that I don’t buy into the black cock dominance bullshit that prevails at all levels of porn today.
Why? Because I know for a fact that “it ain’t so” and sensible women i know avoid the so-called “black gods” like the plague when they come on strong and won’t take no for an answer. And when it comes to race and cock size, well, I’ve talked about that on this tumblr and black guys have been found wanting in that department for sure just like white and Asian guys … What you see in porn isn’t true in real life when you are searching for the man with the size. But this is not my focus here and isn’t the subject of this article. I’m just taking the topic off the table for damn sure because of the photo above and the rash of messages I’m going to get unless I nip it in the bud now. If a girl wants the mahogany experience, that is her choice. I have and women friends of mine have and “we ain’t impressed”. So be it and on to that “Double Message”.
Be full of inappropriate behavior and fun. That doesn’t mean you are to be an “ass” and act like some teenager full of testosterone who believes that, in some way, he is god’s gift when it comes to sex. Let’s define this saying and place the meaning in the realm of sex and sex play. That way, things come into perspective.
The first message the Dark Lord wants you, as a husband, to grasp is you should focus your mind on your wife fucking frequently even if she says she would never do so and you know in your heart of hearts she would never do so. Why? Because you can’t read your wife’s mind and you never know what can happen in the future. If you believe in the Dark Lord then give her over to him in your private worship time. Over and over let him know your true vision for her and encourage her … not with ideas about screwing around but in other ways.
Speak well of her when it comes to her looks and encourage her in the bedroom. Slowly encourage her to dress “sexier”. Be more affectionate with her and do it around your daughters and sons. Let them see you pat her on the ass, etc. Be open. Don’t be blatant. Make her feel “wicked” in those personal moments and in public also when its appropriate. Encourage more provocative fashions and let her go out with her girlfriends whenever she wants to do so. Show that you are concerned about her but always accept her reasons for why she may be late, etc. If you are truly serious about your wife fucking others, hint around friends and others about open marriages, etc.
Act quietly excited if someone mentions your wife or wives. Don’t walk away and even”agree” by your actions if not your words. Let guys know she is a “good fuck” by the way you respond … not with words but … well you know. A smile and silence can be just as effective because we women fantasize and it’s often better to let someone else “do the work”. They may put you down. They will “think about” another guy when he does it or insinuates. Another guy hitting on her is much more effective than you saying so at the beginning. Always be patient.
Read my blog articles so you will hopefully have a better understanding about what is going through your wife’s thoughts. Fuck her in every room of your house/apartment. Doing so with you creates a sense of wicked yet permissible sensuality. Think on these and act on these but never give her the impression you are looking to enjoy any other woman. And you have to truly ask yourself, are you? Focus on your wife fucking friends and family frequently and take those small steps that encourage fulfillment of your desire. Pray every day to the Dark Lord. Don’t, at any time, give the impression that you want to fuck other women. You don’t really, do you? Isn’t your focus having your wife becoming the whore you want her to be? (Isn’t that true?)
The second Message is this. The Dark Lord wants you to enjoy your fantasies as often as you wish and has given all of us the gift of masturbation to help you along the way as you push to achieve your goals for your wife. Think about it? I am not criticizing when I share that a man’s hand is the tightest cunt he will ever experience. A guy’s hand can help him on his way as he seeks the sexual fulfillment he seeks … There are those who put down people who enjoy masturbation.
Why? When they do it themselves and I wager to say we women, especially those of us who want people to believe we are “prim and proper” jill off more than men. I say so because I am a woman and I know so. And I’m not talking about me personally … I’m talking about what I have seen and heard at “hen parties” and other women only get togethers. We women see all the negative “gooning” porn and don’t put any stock it other than use it often to try to put down a guy or men in general just to be able to win a power play. Actually, we are grateful there isn’t a lot of porn out there calling us out for doing so because we do … and we have better reasons for focusing on jilling than men do. I won’t address that here and now but, if the need arises, I will.
Consider the above and the caption at the top. I’m jilling while I type this article. Why don’t you guys who want to jack off while you read it. And, for you ladies who are reading it, be true to yourselves and join me. Enjoy the pleasure. That is what the Dark Lord wants for you, isn’t it? Ave Dominum Tenebris.
Great story I’m gagging for cunt and balls I’m ready to do the dark lords bidding