Feature Writer: Golgotha Eternal et al & JT’s World

Feature Title: Penance

Copyright: 2007 Golgotha Eternal et al & JT’s World

Story Codes: Religious, Nuns, Ff, NC, Oral Rape, Giant Clitoris




Kai attended an all girls’ Catholic school several blocks from her home residing in a nondescript building situated on a fairly busy thoroughfare. The Catholic Church had toned down the teaching of religious doctrine over the last several years to accommodate and attract new students. The yearly attendance had dropped drastically in the wake of numerous child molestation charges. Even though in theory they toned down the focus of religion in their curriculum, there were still plenty of older nuns teaching there that slipped in Biblical teachings whenever they could.

One such nun was Sister Agnes Marie. She had been with the parish for over forty years and started teaching at the school in 1971. She was a stern taskmaster and thoroughly believed in the wickedness of everyday sin. Her imposing demeanor was matched only by her physical appearance.

She was fairly tall with jet-black hair and piercing blue eyes that seemed to bore holes into whatever had the audacity to be in front of them. The severe way she held her mouth and her ramrod straight posture gave her such a domineering presence. She also never missed an opportunity to get one of the girls aside to give them a fiery sermon on the effects of their venal sins. Most of the girls endured these lectures with boredom or with a feigned atonement.

Kai was the exception to this rule. She was a shy, frail girl both in stature and personality. She had many issues at home that the school was not prepared to deal with as well as an undiagnosed chemical imbalance. She believed everything she was told about the Bible and especially the definitions of sin and the incontrovertible punishments that accompanied each. Sister Agnes Marie frightened Kai so much she would dream of her almost every night. Kai’s dreams were realistically vivid and were usually disturbing to say the least. The most common dream about Sister Agnes Marie started out as most embarrassing dreams do, with some form of nudity.

Kai would be sitting at her desk when the teacher would call on her to answer an academic question. As Kai slid out of the chair to stand by her desk, Sister Agnes Marie shrieked in absolute horror as her eyes spied between Kai’s legs and found she wore no panties. The good sister rose up and screamed at Kai to come up to the front of the class. Kai walked the miles that seemed to be between her and the sister’s desk in that slow, bright movement that is the hallmark of all dreams.

She would be confused as to why the sister was so upset, but then she would overhear the other girls snickering and laughing behind their hands about what a slut Kai must be because she would show everyone her naughty place. Kai then became aware of spreading warmth from between her legs. She could feel her thighs press the lips of her swollen, naked pussy together, squeezing her swelling clit with every step.

She got closer to the front and one of the girls yells out “Whore”, and snatched Kai’s blackwatch skirt right off of her slim hips, exposing her now aching pussy and her firm posterior for the whole class to see. She tried to cover her nakedness with her hands as she approached Sister Agnes Marie’s desk, but the sister yanked her hands down in front of her with one hand and tore at Kai’s thin, white blouse with the other.

She managed to rip the whole front of the blouse open in one swipe, pulling Kai’s bra down in the process, snapping two of the plastic clasps, exposing her small, firm tits to the frigid air. The teacher still held her hands and finished stripping off the remaining tatters of what was once Kai’s school uniform. Sister Agnes Marie’s face contorted in an apoplexy of rage and righteousness. She spat venomous accusations as to her character and her apparent road to a fiery eternity.

She wheeled Kai around to face the front of her desk by her arms. Kai was standing about three feet from the pitted, oaken desk when Sister Agnes Marie slammed her hands down on the rough table top, forcing her to be bent over at an almost perfect right angle. The nun then kicked her legs apart so proficiently as to put any beat cop to shame. Kai was crying profusely in her dream. Tears of shame, embarrassment and humiliation coursed down her cheeks to drop on the pile of papers neatly stacked on the nun’s desk. She could feel all the eyes in the classroom caressing her exposed ass and dampening pussy.

The muscles of her coltish legs stood out from the tension in her body as well as the strained position she was forced to stand in. Gravity and the coolness of the room made her nipples turgid and sensitive. Kai gazed down at her chest through a welter of tears and saw her nipples had distended to almost half the length of her pinky finger, rigid and pointing directly at the ground.

She could vaguely perceive the cackling drone of Sister Agnes Marie as she lectured the other girls about how sex was the Devil’s sensual trap and how if you succumbed to its wiles, you would become a demon’s concubine. She then directed the students to leave for the day and to show Kai the puritanical purification that she deserved. The grating of the student’s desks against the cold floor was ominous. Kai heard their nervous giggles and heady breathing as they lined up behind her to exit the room single file.

The first solid slap on her ass was as startling as it was painful. One by one, the girls lined up to perform this perversion of a latter day stoning. Most used their bare hands, but some used textbooks, hairbrushes or rulers. Some seemed to relish the act of touching another’s burning flesh, while others seemed to take exceptional delight in causing as much pain as possible.

Kai bore all this with stoic resolve. She felt that Sister Agnes Marie was right and that she deserved this for tempting others with her exposed flesh. She knew that she was destined for hell, to have her body torn asunder by some lower demon’s unbridled passions. She knew, even now how traitorous the flesh could be. Amidst all this pain and degradation, her clitoris throbbed, her nipples ached, her thighs writhed and her pussy was a sweet torrent of passion. Her thighs streamed with rivulets of her warm nectar.

As the last girl proceeded to leave after subjecting Kai’s sweet ass to one last weltering slap, Sister Agnes Marie directed her to pull the shade and draw the door closed as she left. Kai heard the metallic snick of the door’s lock catching and then only the haughty breathing of Sister Agnes Marie and her own simpering sobs. The fine sister paced behind Kai, back and forth back and forth, speaking softly but vehemently to herself about the vile temptation that Kai’s nakedness provoked.

Kai could feel the nun’s habit lightly brushing against her burning posterior and the soft, cool touch was both soothing and sensual all at once. The sister then addressed Kai in a voice she wasn’t accustomed to hearing, a tone that was alien coming from the nun’s lips. She spoke in a trembling, husky timbre, asking Kai if she wanted to see why it was so dangerous to flaunt her desirable body about for all to see. Kai stammered a confused yes and the sister told her to stand up and turn around.

As Kai slowly turned to face the domineering nun, she expected to see a whip-crack of a hand slap her across her face for her lewdness and indolence. Instead, her eyes were met with the nun standing about three feet from her with her habit thrown open to reveal her nakedness. The sister’s body was beautiful, erotic and surreal. Her tits were incredibly firm, especially for someone who had to be at least sixty. They looked like they belonged to a teenager.

In fact her whole body looked as if it belonged to a girl entering a sorority and not one that would soon be entering a nursing home. Her nipples were incredibly dark and extended from her pale skin a full inch and were wrapped in a coil of fine silver, seemingly stretching them as some Africa tribes stretch their necks. Her stomach was flat and curved inward until it reached the nun’s shaven mons pubis.

Her labia was swollen and covered with a sheen of almost dew like moisture. The bizarre part, aside from her body’s youthful appearance, was the enormity of her clit. It was shaped almost like a tiny penis and jutted out from under its fleshy pink hood almost fully two inches. Kai could see the light from the afternoon sun that shone through the classroom windows reflected and glinting off a small droplet of clear liquid hanging from the end of this tiny appendage.

The good sister directed Kai to come forward and kneel before her so that she could begin her penance. Dreamlike, Kai found herself obeying, never taking her eyes off of the sisters licentious body and especially that throbbing clit. It pulsed and glistened and for some inextricable reason, Kai wanted it in her mouth, to feel the shimmering, velvety appendage to roll across her tongue.

She fell to her knees a mere six inches from the nuns slit, unable to tear her eyes away from this lubricious member, she found herself mesmerized and panting. The nun spoke to her in a stern voice about the sins of the flesh and where this diablerie would lead her. The words fell heavy and echoed and, try as she might, Kai was barely aware of anything else but her obsessive need to have her mouth firmly clamped onto the sister’s swollen clit. Suddenly, Kai lunged forward and wrapped her lips around the engorged tumescence.

The obscene protuberance jumped in her mouth and squirted a tiny stream of clear, sweet liquid. Sister Agnes Marie instinctively grabbed the teens head with both hands and propped her foot upon a chair so as to let the little girl have ample access to her desires. Kai was overcome with animalistic lust and sucked the engorged affair as far into her mouth as she could, swirling her tongue around and around the tip. She barely heard the nun say, in a deep throaty voice that she now saw what Kai’s choice was and she would soon experience the penance for her sin of lust.

The hands grasping the back of Kai’s head tightened, entwining her hair between the nun’s fingers. Kai felt the woman’s clit throb and seemingly get inflamed with an inner heat as it started to grow larger within her mouth. Part of Kai wanted the abnormally large clit to grow and swell, to suck this woman’s cock and lick her gushing slit at the same time. The thought sent tremors down her thighs, causing her own clit to swell. The nodule grew rapidly, quickly filling Kai’s mouth with hot flesh. As it grew, it jumped and spit steaming streams of clear cum down Kai’s throat, lubricating it for what was to occur.

It was almost as if she was waking from a dream into a demonic nightmare. Kai started to panic. She had never even touch a boy’s cock, or another woman’s pussy for that matter, yet here she was on her knees with the swelling appendage pushing towards her throat with this nun’s pussy juice streaming down her chin. The nun’s clit grew longer and thicker, forcing Kai’s jaws as far as they could stretch all the while pushing farther and farther into her throat.

Kai tried to pull away but was unable to escape the vise-like grip of the nun. She could feel streams of cum coursing down her trachea and the woman’s cock plunge down her throat. The hot member pulsed and writhed, scrunching back and then plunging deeper, like a snake striking out. As it fucked her throat, she actually felt it pass her stomach’s sphincter. Kai could not breathe at all and tears streamed down her face as she felt herself passing out. She looked up at Sister Agnes Marie, hoping for some leniency. The sister was looking down at her with lustful amusement.

The enormous cock was plunging up and down her throat like an accordion, while the nun steadfastly held her head in place. As Kai was graying out, she felt the rhythm of the raping invader change and it swelled in girth ever so slightly. Suddenly, the obscene ravager swelled and plunged deeper still into her stomach and she could feel it pulse and squirt what felt like gallon after gallon of cum directly into her belly.

Her stomach actually distended slightly with the copious amount of seed gushing into her. As she felt herself going numb and losing consciousness, her head was violently pushed backward, viciously pulling the still swollen cock violently out of her throat and sending her to limply land on the hard concrete floor.

As she lost consciousness, Kai saw the nun standing with her foot still propped upon the chair, rivulets of sweat dripping from her body, her nipples longer and more swollen than before. She saw the invader hanging from between the nuns legs, almost touching the floor. It was a monstrous affair. It was all of two feet long and at least seven inches in girth.

The head was a streamlined helmet that was still gushing cum from a slit as wide as Kai’s little cunt. As she blessedly closed her eyes, she heard the nun murmur, “Go to sleep child. You have an eternity to pay your penance.”



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