Feature Writer: unholymartyr666
Feature Title: Invocation of Satan
Link: TUMBLR / 14.08.2019 / Reposted by corium666.tumblr.com
Invocation of Satan
To the south I call, and into the flames of Hell:
Satan, I invoke thee.
Satan, I summon thee.
Satan, I conjure thee.
Come forth, Satan, and manifest thyself
Within this body, this temple which I have prepared and set apart to the Dark Lord.
Come forth, Satan, and manifest thyself.
Come forth, Satan, and manifest thyself.
Open wide the Gates of Hell that I may cross and become like you.
Open wide thy Gate that I may cross.
Come forth, Satan, and manifest thyself.
Come forth, Satan, and manifest thyself.
Consecrate me in thy name, Satan.
Sanctify me in thy name, Satan.
Bless me in thy name, Satan.
Come forth, Satan, and manifest thyself.
(drink from chalice)
HELL YEA BABY sweetie HAIL SATAN may he makes us all his bitches to worship SATAN and be RAPED by SATAN and his DEMONS sweetie as we pray and beg for SATANS HOTT SEED and be baptized in SATANS HOLY PISS sweetie