The Crooked Path by Lucy Az

Writer: Lucy Az

Subject: The Crooked Path

Link: MEWE / 09.03.2025

The Crooked Path

You were told this path was evil and to be abhorred. You were told those path was wrong for you and only darkened your souls. You were told that I was a wicked Demoness who led you to destruction. And I tell you that not one who explored this path, has turned away. And yet huge swathes of those on that so called “Righteous” path, have not been satisfied, becoming ardent pursuant of the Crooked Path. Bottom line — The crotch is where your worship should be. Not the cross.


5 thoughts on “The Crooked Path by Lucy Az”

  1. I wanted very much to take the opportunity to share how important this page has become to me. The confessions, stories, rituals and revelations have made a big difference in my life. I’ve been able to read new views on matters I’d often previously thought of as profane or immoral and I’ve come to the realisation that I’d given too much of self in worship and service to an uncaring god and church. All I’ve read and explored and fantasized about through this page has helped me find new, wonderful, dark magical truths and has helped me to liberate myself. I’ve been on my knees in ritual to the beloved dark mother Lilith, called on her and discovered its not only ok to admit to my fantasies but its even better to explore them. I have begun to realise how much of my passion and longing had been suppressed and how much more true to myself I have become in the months and even years now since coming across this amazing library. I have made new friends with similar understandings and explored the joy of cock, pussy, ass, feet and especially the joy of tasting other peoples cum and so much more. Lilith and, I think by extension, Lucifer have been the liberating forces in my life but this page and its amazing contributors have been the driving force. Thank you and may each of you find all the pleasures and freedoms you seek.

    1. Glenn, I feel the same way. As a gay man who clung to God and the false hope of Christ out of guilt for my entire life, this webpage has been the changing force I never knew I desperately needed in order to let go of shame and explore that which makes me a beautiful, sexual being… depravity, filth, perversion… all of it! Satan and the followers on His path have shown me true love, acceptance, and inspiration. I long for the day, when I can be free of the stain of Christ on my soul and live freely and unashamedly as Satan desires for us. The joy and pleasure I feel from smearing shit all over me, smelling it, eating it… jacking off to incest porn and fantasizing about the most perverse, evil fucking I can fathom is so much more soul-satisfying than receiving communion or praying ever was. This is how I know Satan loves me and works in my life. God was a waste of my life.

      1. Hail Asmodeus — there should be no shame, no guilt, no limits — Satan smiles at your self-actualization and realization of the truth … that you are free

    2. Thank you Glenn, this why LS666 exists — to bring darkness to the light, depravity to dispel reason, sin to consume guilt, and freedom to best shame, and evil to rule the world!

  2. I love the stories where pre teen boys and girls are seduced into Satan’s realm and give their bodies to men and women for Satan and Lilith’s glory and perverse sex i am glad i have found SATAN HAIL SATAN

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