Christians Love To Accuse by Numbers-31-Blog

Writer: Numbers-31-Blog

Subject: Christians Love To Accuse

Link: Tumblr / 08.03.2025

Christians Love To Accuse

Christians love to accuse Satanists of raping kids and sacrificing them because that is what they know they would do if they didn’t fear their god’s punishment. Unlike Satanists, Christians are without virtue, without ethics or morals. What virtue they have (if you can even call it “virtue”) rests entirely upon fear of God.

Satanists have no fear of God, but we do understand what virtue is. Satanic virtue is grounded in the potential of every human being for transcendence. We, all of us, were originally divine beings — fallen angels if you will — who were seduced and imprisoned by the demiurge (creator-god) into animal-bodies.

Rape is motivated by lust and lust is not who we are as divine beings, but merely a drive originating in the flesh that compels the weak in spirit to procreate more meat-prisons for the demiurge to confine us in. Human sacrifice is what Christians believe in, not Satanists; as they accept the sacrificial murder of an essentially innocent man (Jesus) to pay the price for their own sins.

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