Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The story’s content does not represent the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. The author does not condone or promote unlawful activity as the story describes. By continuing to read this work, you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character they are depicting, but they remain at all times adults.
Feature Writer: Regis
Published: 08.03.2025
Story Codes: Erotic Horror, Young One, Snuff
Synopsis: J Lami Pi Productions operated a remote island where there was no law beyond those of nature. Pretty little ladies who had yet to show any signs of maturity or capability of menstruation were brought here to entertain gamblers by dying extraordinarily sexy deaths, under extreme duress. Often young mothers were brought with their little girls to be part of the entertainment. One of these, a nineteen-year-old beauty named Francie watched her seven-year-old go into the ring naked and engage in a vicious knife fight the child did not survive. Francie was a survivor. She became an employee at the island. Her job was to created extraordinary lethal events for the entertainment of the island’s visitors, who came to witness and gamble on the outcome of the lethal sports. Her first was as spectacular as any she would ever devise. Ten tubes fed condoms placed in the trigger holders of pistols aimed at the heads of ten naked and spread little girls in a ring, each with a pistol aimed between her eyes. Together they produced, as expected, a perfect round fountain of fear piss.
Francie’s Killer New Game
Hi, my name’s. Francie, an’ I’m almost twenty. I came here as a mother who had proven myself useful in devising new exciting events for the stages at this Lami Pi Retreat. Like I had to do something important with myself after my seven-year-old daughter bought it in a special kiddie knife fight.
She was a cute little cuntlet, but not a winner, so who the fuck misses her? She was doin’ good in the fight at first, naked in the ring in front of more than two hundred screamin’ fans. Like the kiddies started naked, wearin’ only spike-heeled shoes an’ white socks with nice frills on the top.
I’d painted her danglin’ little cuntlips with lipstick to make them look real good on her, matchin’ the color of her lips an’ fuckin’ nails. Both naked kids looked real sexy with them extra-long black curved eyelashes we’d put on ‘em to make ‘em look like fuckin’ whores.
She slashed the face, chest an’ belly of the other girl, cuttin’ lines that leaked red all along them, but then that other little bitch got the tip of her knife inta my little girl’s cuntlet, an’ the folks watchin’ went wild when she thrust it up as hard as she could, drivin’ it right up her cunt ta the fuckin’ hilt!
My kid screamed an’ sat down hard, right on that handle stickin’ up outta her cuntlet, an’ then they give this other kid a guttin’ knife, to open up my little girl’s belly, which she did, an’ alla her guts come spillin’ out! She was fuckin’ wasted at that point, so I done had myself a fuckin’ kid for fuckin’ nothin’! It turned out to be great because the audience loved it!
So I took a job as a show designer, decidin’ on what kinda shit the folks should watch that’d get them masturbatin’, jackin’ off at the hot action they were seein’. It turned out I was pretty good at doin’ that, an’ I was given the job full time, as long as the people kept attendin’ the sex shows I put together.
Naked little girls had to die excitin’ deaths for me to do good. They did. I made sure of it, an’ came up with a few new ways to off the little cunts that had the guys in the audience spurtin’ their cum like it was the first kiddie killin’ they’d ever seen! My kid spillin’ her guts was the clue – they loved seein’ fuckin’ blood an’ gore! Bullet holes in the head worked good too.
I was called to Billy’s office yesterday. He told me one of the technicians had been workin’ on a way of evenly splittin’ the flow of water through a tube, and had come up with a line with a splitter with ten lines from it. He had designed it so he could control only the main flow, with a range of from four drops per minute to four ounces from each line.
Billy had decided to give me a shot at Jeanne’s job after she died in a horrible beautifully planned accident in the place’s downstairs playroom, vacating her position. She had somehow managed to get herself whipped to death by Billy and the retreat’s owner, with lethal flesh-strippin’ razor-wire whips. I was excited at the great and unexpected opportunity. I was in!
I’m a 4’ 9” super-slight brunette, with bangs and remarkably large breasts for such a petite woman of nineteen. I stand 5’ 2” in my 8-inch spike heels, with a voluptuous figure and an attitude to be reckoned with. I know enough to wear nothing else, with the exception of long black lashes and stage makeup on my face and cunt, to make both look fuckin’ special.
I know enough to look incredibly sexy in my spikes, which make my gorgeous fuckin’ slender feet arch beautifully, and my legs look extra-long. I also keep my beautiful cunt swelled out and the lips danglin’ from constant masturbation. I also got lots of metal rings piercin’ the lips, so they hang down great.
That makes a woman’s cunt look much more attractive, don’t you think? The weights of rings on cuntlips make them dangle a lot better, I think. I always feel sexier with my inner lips painted and danglin’, pulled down by thirty metal-weighed rings pullin’ ‘em on down.
The rings alone are great, but I find havin’ a three-inch nail stuck down inta the end of my clit holds it up and makes it show real good for everyone to see how sexy my cunt and cuntlips are when they’re naked. Folks seem to like that about overt vaginal display.
“I need you to come up with a use for these,” Billy told me, “You gotta come up with something as shocking as you can imagine, and something our gamblers can bet on. Like, tie them into naked little girls, about to die. What do you think?”
“If you can give me a couple of hours,” I promptly replied, “I’ll come up with a special game, somethin’ highly destructive for the naked little contestants that I’m sure the gamblers will love to bet on!”
“That’s a girl,” Billy said, “Have it ready for ten tomorrow morning, and we’ll do a noon special. There’s a new group arriving then, and we’ll get them going and the cash flowing out of their wallets right from the get-go. You look perfect the way you are. Nice cunt decoration! All you’ll need to add to complete your look is a whip. The gamblers always get their cocks stiff when they see some liberal whipping of naked female flesh. We’ll need you to prove you know how to stimulate in them instant erections, and probably make them produce some pecker tracks on their pants as well. Are you up for it?”
That was a stupid fuckin’ question to ask a cunt like me, like I was nearly twenty, an’ had been in the business for nearly a fuckin’ year, and had even given up my naked little girl in a kiddie knife-fight, but he knew that.
The two hours I’d asked for were more than enough for me to come up with what Billy needed. By then I had devised a neat cunt-killing game that would likely catch on at the retreat, and become very popular with the gamblers. But first, it needed a suitable introduction for the hoard of new arrivals.
I requisitioned some special stands, ten handguns, sixty feet of rope and a box of condoms. That last item was very rare at the Lami Pi Retreat, but one of the pilots brought a box in his case from the mainland when he flew in the guests, and when the morning flights arrived, I had them and was all set.
Ten little ten-year-old girls who were considered too passive to put in the fight ring as competitors were identified and brought to me, naked. They were all considered disposable, as most young cuntlets were. The pretty little cunts, the only kind ever brought to the island, were fortunately all about the same size. I lay them on the floor naked and face up in a circle, with their heads together.
I had my two assistants tie their arms bound behind their backs, to keep them out of the way, with their heads facing outward and their necks clamped into the first set of small stands. These kept their heads elevated and facing forward and didn’t allow the naked little bitches to move.
Their legs were spread wide with their knees up, and their hips were raised on wooden blocks, to properly present their genitalia to the audience of gamblers. The view of cunts was always important here. It was the appreciation of naked kiddie cunts that qualified the fuckin’ gamblers to be here jackin’ off in the first place.
One of the things I liked about this retreat was that there was no mercy, ever. My wonderful new game would illustrate the ideal of gross sadism. The naked children’s ankles and knees were firmly tied to those of the girls on either side of her, locking the ring of nude female children in place.
A second set of ten stands were put in place, their long, curved metal legs straddling the naked little girls’ chests. These held the handguns I had ordered, which were placed no more than a foot from each girl’s forehead and aimed between her eyes. That was, I understood the perfect distance for a kill shot to the brain.
The young girls were completely naked, except for excessive showgirl makeup on their faces and cunts, and they all wore long curving lashes. Each little girl wore only a pair of cork wedgies, causing their small feet to arch in a cock-raising sexy way as they lay, their lovely open little hairless cunts on full display, and a gun pointed between their fuckin’ eyes.
I moved around the circle and inserted a firm pink rubber spreader ring into each girl’s cuntlet, spreading her vestibule open to give a striking view of her bulging little urethra, which would enable them to produce an unhindered spray of their fresh warm urine from between their spread thighs when the time came.
My idea was that when all of these naked children were fear-pissing together, they would produce for the audience a beautiful round fear-piss fountain. Those were always so beautiful and looked to be spontaneous. Now a large three-gallon bottle full of freshly collected urine, contributed by the gamblers in the main washroom, was suspended from high over the circle.
From its cork hung the hose with the ten sub-cords fanning out from the flow control valve, the device the technicians had devised. On the end of each sub-hose was a condom. One was put through the finger-guard on each pistol, so that the gradual filling of the condoms would at last force the trigger back, firing the gun, shooting the little bitch in the head.
The theater’s doors were opened as the last of the condoms were placed, and the newly arrived gamblers flooded into the room, getting their introduction to the retreat. They were impressed at the display of young pre-pubescent girls with guns at their heads. Their cocks were rising in their pants as they realized this was going to be interesting.
Many of these guests had never been to the Lami Pi island retreat before, but even the veterans had never seen anything like this. My new idea was entirely novel. I put my whip to work to get the bound girls screaming, and the technician turned on the flow control, setting it to what he thought would be the perfect rate.
It was going to produce an ounce per minute for each condom. Half a dozen eight-year-old nude girls in heels entered, each with a long tail hanging from their little assholes between their sexy round bare bums, and sharply spiked dildos stuck in their spread little cuntlets, taking drink orders while I used a microphone to greet the guests and let them know what to expect.
“Welcome to Lami Pi Productions special island retreat,” I began.
With my astoundingly sexy costume, my large breasts and decorated cunt displayed, and the ten girls positioned in their remarkable ring, a gun at each girl’s forehead, I had their full attention. They all knew about this outstanding retreat, but this was more than they expected.
“Here you will be treated to witnessing things so outrageous, you will never find them in the cities where you live. To get you into the mood for your weekend, we’ll begin with a new event. We hope you like it. Feel free to pick the girl you think will be first or last to take a bullet.
“We call this new game our Fear Piss Fountain because we are certain the young ladies, their little bladders full, will all contribute, hopefully, all at once, to a major fountain of fear piss, sufficiently sustained for you to capture the whole thing as videos on your phones.
“I’m sure we are all aware that whenever there is to be an assassination, or perhaps when a dispute is settled by the killing of one of those involved, the person facing certain death will sometimes have a few moments to contemplate the inevitable, their killing.
“This is the kind of terror and the inevitable horror most of us will never have the pleasure of witnessing. Now is our chance. As the guns start to discharge, the fear-piss the girls awaiting their turn produce will become horror-piss! This is a new game, freshly devised, being played for the first time.
“There will be no mercy for these young cuntlets. They are all just ten years old, and they are new to being displayed like this, where you can enjoy all of their intimate charms. These young ladies held posed and fully displayed for you by the clamps holding them, are completely aware they are going to die by a bullet in the brain for your viewing pleasure.
“As you can see, they will all be shot between the eyes, when the condom on their handgun has swollen enough from the supply of gambler piss to squeeze the trigger.”
Several of the men, highly stimulated by what they saw, pulled out their stiff erections and began to pump them.
“We have conveniently painted a number on the girls’ bare tummies,” I continued, “From one to ten, and you can bet on which of these lovely youngsters will be the first to piss, the first to die and the last to die! Isn’t this exciting? You can judge from the look on their faces which you’ll bet on!
“It will take some time for the condoms to fill, which will give you some time to decide how you want to bet. The naked young serving girls will also take your bets, so feel free to gamble on this exciting sport. The lines were tested to be equal so that the game was entirely fair.
“Once the first gun goes off, putting a bullet in the head of the first innocent little beauty to die, the others should follow quite close together, so make your mind up promptly. When the first of these charming naked little girls take a bullet in the brain, the wagering stops, no more bets.”
It went precisely as I had planned it. Each of the little girls had the gun right in front of her eyes and had a perfect view of the condom pushed through the trigger guard slowly expanding as it filled with gamblers’ urine, coming down through the array of tubes from the overhead bottle.
Their pretty painted mouths were wide open, screaming, and their painted eyes with exaggerated extra-long curved black show lashes bulged in terror of what they expected would happen. Their painted little cunts, opened by the plastic rings, gaped as the darling children screamed, just for effect.
The screaming began immediately and continued until the lovely little ladies were hoarse and their tender little throats raw. There was growing excitement in the audience of newly arrived gamblers. I had devised a game of pure sadism, and it was clear they loved the concept!
The condoms were steadily growing, like long fat slugs, and were bent where they passed through the finger guard of each handgun. The hysterical terror in the ring of naked young girls was growing with every passing minute, and proved to be contagious, as the women as well as the men began to openly masturbate.
The men did not have to release their grip on their rigid erections to place a bet, as the system was cashless, and the young girls taking bets read the large client numbers on the badges each gambler wore. The naked eight-year-old waitresses in their sexy heels with their wagging anal tails and the merciless dildos scratching their cuntlets inside moved rapidly to register all bets, as the time for cutoff was likely fast approaching.
The fear fountain was now in full production, with each of the ten girls bound in the circle pissing in matching arches, just as I had imagined when I designed the layout for my nefarious, degenerate game of chance. It was magical. As the condoms continued to swell, the first gun blast occurred.
It put a small red hole in the middle of a pretty young girl’s forehead, the one with the number three on her chest, cutting off her flow of horror-piss. The girls taking bets retreated, two of them pissing freely as they scrambled, from the horror they had just witnessed.
At the same time, the men who had bet on that girl to die first began to uncontrollably ejaculate. This was the kind of exciting event they had come to witness and lay money on. Their semen flew onto the legs of the ring of girls still pissing, and the pitch of the screams intensified.
The pressure and arc of the fountain of urine from between the thighs of the bound naked girls increased, and within seconds a second gunshot occurred, accompanied by several more men ejaculating. Already Lami Pi Productions had exceeded their expectation for raw sexual and merciless violence. The bullets remained harmlessly inside the skulls of the naked little girls shot by them.
My amazing game ensured these men and women would become regular visitors to this island of evil. Now the shots frequently came within twenty seconds of each other, and one by one the urine flow disappeared. It was declining at any rate, as the girls had nearly emptied their bladders.
After the first girl took a bullet in her forehead, the others had found their voices, and the shrill screams from the naked girls incessantly increased. It was pure music to my ears, as it guaranteed me a long career at Lami Pi Productions. It was then that a curious phenomenon occurred that I had not anticipated.
When a girl took a bullet, the reaction of her body was so severe that she expelled the rubber ring holding her cuntlet open. Because the female organ was engorged with blood from the horrid excitement, the cunts of the dead girls remained open, so customers could see deep up inside their fuck chutes.
In less than twenty minutes from the first discharge of a gun, the last occurred, and the human ring now consisted of the slumped corpses of ten young girls. All of them had released a lump of fresh shit as they died, and instead of a stream of urine, there was only a trickle from their dead cunts.
The gamblers had been given a stunning introduction to the horrific sexual deviance available on the island retreat Jackson Avery had created for precisely this type of malicious purpose. I had done better than expected, guaranteeing a long run as a creator of death sports for the retreat.
The newly arrived gamblers, even the veterans, were now fully primed for the kind of action they would witness all weekend, and they were all anxious to get on with things. They had been provided with their first dose of erection-producing and semen-pumping stimulus and demonstrated they were capable of sustained sexual drive for the entire weekend.